something extra: people you've met

Erling Sattr (“Saturday”) is charming, self-centred, and high-handed. He might or might not be up to politics.   Erling Jasper is an elder of Erling House, sour and disapproving. None of you interacted with him except to be scowled at by him.   Madhu is Oska’s…servant? Maveren assume he’s her personal thrall, but Lorenzo and Orian at least will have seen him be oddly casual and egalitarian with her.   Brea Steward is an older, senior thrall of Erling House, now retired from whatever she used to do. She seems to know everything about everybody, and came off as quite nice but also loyal to her household.   There was another Erling thrall, who looked more like a labourer. He was around at the beginning of the party, and not at the end.   Sjolfri Heron is part-elf, part-dwarf, and was Oska’s date to the party. She thought he was boring but he did NOT get handsy, thank you very much. Heron would never do that. If anything he’s too courteous to be interesting (and not super bright).   Valdas Nykomin is a part-elf, part-human Maveren, in early middle age (given her elven heritage, this might mean she’s a couple hundred years old, but she looks like the equivalent of a fit 40something). She was aloof and has a great poker face, but she became, if not charmed, then at least amused by Oska. She’s only been in Malfa for about a year but seems to know the politics, if only by observation.   Nykomin’s personal thrall is a non-descript, tough-looking human—at least, he looks human, but every once in a while his mouth seems too wide, or his arms a bit too long, or something. Nykomin apparently sent him off to poke around the baths and see what happened, but only to step in if things got sketchy.   Finch is a young part-elf sex worker who also lives and works in the Furthermore. She introduced herself to Oska, clearly wanting to trade information/gossip. Oska stiffarmed her.   The two Maveren kids are from another House, part-elf but mostly human. They’re both adolescents, and both clearly look up to Saturday and are having a great time. Lorenzo and Orian will know from their sea trip that Saturday is genuinely kind to them and watches out for them, at least when he remembers to. He’s like a fun uncle. They are about seventeen and sixteen, one female, one male. They might or might not pop up again later.   Oska won big against various gamblers in both dice-playing (naughty!) and the hunt game, and then ran off before offering a rematch. They too might pop up again later.