the continents: Findere and Chadun

The Sealands border two continents. The southern is Findere (FINN-dereh), also called Gidra in some languages; this is where the bulk of large-scale societies are, including the wealthy cities of Vacena and Salero. Malfa and the Forges are on the edge of the northern continent; in this area that continent is called Sadoune or Chadun, depending on whether the dominant culture in the immediate area is elvish or dwarven, respectively.   Malfa is just feyward (downward on the map) of the Ottiskil Straits, which separates the two continents. The Ottiskils are famous for the howling storms and strong currents that come through from noonward, making sea traffic a difficult proposition until the Maveren decided to take a interest in protecting trade. Malfa is protected from the weather by the hills on one side of the peninsula; the Maveren help to protect sea traffic through magic (some of them are powerful wizards) and sheer seamanship.   Malfa is on one end, the country end, of the Hallic Seas, named for a now-defunct empire. To feyward, the Hallic Seas open out into the Aldean Ocean, which stretches down to the Feywild border (see Cosmology. Things get weird the further you sail in that direction.   There are a number of islands feyward of Malfa; the largest, nearly continent-sized, is Adjumar. It has a reputation of being highly fey-touched, but few people in Malfa have ever been there.  
the world
not the entire world, but as much of it as our PCs will have heard of, let alone visited