Valdas Nykomin

Nykomin is a half-sea-elf from Valdas, an ancient Maveren family, but she’s new to Malfa; about a year ago she arrived and took up her household’s inherited holdings and responsibilities, which until then were just chugging along being vaguely overseen by the household’s hereditary thralls in Malfa. Nykomin isn’t well liked, at least by non-Maveren; she’s arrogant and very sure of what she’s owed. She also seems very dangerous on an individual level, an old- school Maver who’s done nothing but go a-viking for years.   Nykomin plans to rebuild her household’s position in Malfa. So far she’s been lying low, observing.

Maveren recently come to Malfa to rebuild her House's holdings. Elegant, arrogant, secretive.

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