Valdas House

Valdas is one of the founding households of Malfa , and until recently, the only holding that had no living Maveren members in the city.   After some setbacks decades ago—maybe more than a century—the remaining Valdas drifted away from the city, abandoning their holding and purviews. Technically some of their rights and responsibilities are being overseen by Valdas thralls still in Malfa (a hereditary group) but the other Houses have taken over all of the Valdas' actual territory (except for the Liberty, which noone controls). By now, even their Manor itself has disappeared—possibly destroyed by eerie storm winds from the east, but other Maveren disdain the thought of checking up on it.   About a year ago, a Valdas named Nykomin came to Malfa, intent on rebuilding the holding. Thus far she is mostly watching and waiting, and the other Maveren are watching her. It is widely rumoured that there are only a handful of Valdas left in the world; in fact, before Nykomin emerged, some thought the House was entirely dead.

Some members of Valdas House

split by which party encountered them

Maveren thralls
Both campaigns: Love & Death:
  • The weird person from the party with the too-long arms and the odd smile – Nykomin’s personal thrall
Fun Bunch:
  • The water mephit – works for Nykomin personally, might not be a thrall
  • The nanny you rescued from the mirror in Valdas Manor
  • Hirokki Fisk, exposed embezzler – probably no longer a thrall, might be dead

Valdas was formed out of a schism in an older House, Vattn, during the Malfa War. Those members of Vattn who decided to defend Malfa from the invading Maveren—including other members of Vattn House—split away and founded Valdas.   Valdas was always a small House, and had a reputation as being the most proudest, cruelest, most arrogant of the Maveren (a high bar). They took the largest risks; either they died the most dramatic deaths, or they won the most treasure, and spent it on the most ridiculous follies. For instance, Valdas Manor was built directly into the hills that shelter Malfa from the harsh, sometimes magical storms that come down from the Ottiskil Straits. When Valdas Manor disappeared some decades later, no one was much surprised.