Vattn House

One of the founding Houses of Malfa. During the Malfa War it split into two factions: those Vattn who defended Malfa, and those who attacked it. The Malfa Vattn left the House and founded Valdas House. Vattn no longer has any presence in Malfa, or claim on it.   Seventy years ago, some Vattn Maveren came to Malfa and set themselves up as a semi-holding, hoping to make good on Malfa's wealth. The plan was in part to take advantage of Valdas' absence by claiming to be representatives of the true founding House. This didn't pan out for them, so after a decade or two they left again—abandoning the thralls they'd taken in Malfa in the meantime. Some of these thralls were Virik's maternal ancestors, leading to the poverty of his childhood.
