Virik's backstory: mean streets

Virik is the only PC in either campaign who was born in Malfa, which means he doesn't need much worldbuilding to explain him. Being the child of a prostitute takes some thought, though, because a) prostitution isn't illegal and b) in a world in which magic is common, surely magical contraception is also pretty common. (See "Vice" in Malfa.) So here's a suggestion:   Virik's mother was young and foolish, and also possibly not a great person. She was a pretty low-end prostitute on the docks. When a Maver came slumming and started paying her visits, she saw an opportunity to have a child, who would be adopted by a Maveren house, and thus she would be the mother of a Maver. But the father just ignored her after she got pregnant, and no Maver house would acknowledge her or Virik. This made her bitter and resentful, including towards Virik. She never told him about his parentage.   I have an idea that maybe she later married a solid respectable dockworker and made a good life with her new family, by which time Virik was already running wild and his mother basically wrote him off.   Is VIrik connected with the Gentlepersons/Gentles at all, or is he a lone operator?