Zel Tsuska

Zel Tsuska is the patron deity of fighting—not war, but the act of fighting—venerated by the Valni, the Orcish people of the Forges Zel Tsuska's symbol is a snake, a type of burrowing asp with fangs that protrude sideways from its mouth, so that it can stab its prey and inject venom with its mouth closed. The actual snake is also called zel tsuska. Zel Tsuska's priests are druids; the god is considered a powerful animal spirit, not a celestial or other being.   To Valni, Zel Tsuska represents individual courage, endurance, and watchfulness. Valni at war identify heavily with Zel Tsuska; underground, Valni war strategy makes heavy use of raids and ambushes, which they associate with a hunting snake's strike. The surprise of the ambush is Zel Tsuska's ability to stab with its mouth closed. Even if they're fighting in someone else's army Valni will often wear a prominent snake badge or token.   In Valni stories, and maybe in fact, Zel Tsuska tends to be encountered first in the form of a snake, and then assume orcish form after his first strike at the enemy. He is a loner but cheerful, a sort of trickster figure but more violent than many.   Image: a burrowing asp, also called a stiletto snake