Valni - Orcs

The orcs in the Forges call themselves Valni. They tend to live in small, relatively isolated communities without much intercommunication—unlike dwarves, whose communities form interconnected networks. Individual Valni communities are as likely to have ties with individual communities of goblins, dwarves, or deep gnomes as with orcs. Valni settlements are mostly underground, but close to the surface; like dwarves, they don’t mind spending time above ground.   Valni culture favours warlike virtues; they are often fighting, either on their own account or in other people’s armies.   Religion is the fabric that ties Valni society together. Valni priests—always druids—are the most likely to move from one community to another. A single priest might be well known as a visitor in multiple communities, even if the communities have no trading or other connections.   Valni refer to The Stone Mother as Zemas ma’. They’re aware of her but she doesn’t have a central place, as in dwarven culture; they have several goddesses all called ma’, mother (male gods are called tev, father). The Valni’s two main gods are Mother Luck (female) and Father Life (male). These gods are not talked about much outside of Valni communities; instead the more famous Valni god is [Zel Tsuska], the patron of battle.   Valni also venerate gari sunsi, "dog-saints," that can be any kind of animal—dog, goat, snake, lizard. Household spirits are often gari sunsi.   The Hewellen attitude towards the Valni is maybe something like that of the Romans towards the Gauls, pre-Julius Caesar.