The 10 Fables Technique


The 10 Fables Jutsu allows the user to summon and control the 10 Great Magical Beats. The ten great beasts are the 10 pieces of Hecate's power, leftover from when she created Magic. With this jutsu, the user summons a sort of copy or alternate version of the 10 Beasts, unique to each user. Each beast offers a unique Boon to the user that can be used with or without summoning the specific Beast. And unlike traditional Boons, the user can accept all 10 Boons without a conflict of interest.
  1. Isengrim, the One-Tailed Wolf: Grants the user the ability to summon 12 Perfect Clones of themselves, each Clone is just as much the user as the User is a Clone to the point that if the User dies, but one of their clones survives, the Clone becomes the User, with the same memories and feelings and power. A carbon copy.
  2. MAB, the Two-Tailed Fae: Grants the user the ability to call upon and manipulate the Light of Alfheim itself, the brightest and fastest thing in existence.
  3. Bruin, the Three-Tailed Bear: The power to place objects/beings in suspended animation. The user can place objects/beings into suspended animation, the temporary (short- or long-term) slowing or stopping of biological function so that physiological capabilities are preserved.
  4. Tybalt, the Four-Tailed Cat: Grants the user 9 lives. The ability to live more than one lifetime, according to the details of the user's native species. The user can come back to life after being killed or fatally wounded, giving them multiple chances to live, and can review and avoid the mistakes that led to their death.
  5. Amadeus, the Five-Tailed Hare: Grants the user immense speed and increases the speed of all bodily functions to a magnitude of 10, healing fatal wounds in minutes and instantly restoring Magical Energy.
  6. Splinter, the Six-Tailed Tortoise: Grants the user significant durability that increases exponentially the threat they face. The user also emits a passive aura around themselves that slows down everything, even time, from affecting or making contact with the User.
  7. Midas, the Seven-Tailed Goose: Grants the user passive probability favorability, manipulating the threads of reality in such a way that it will best benefit the user.
  8. Yamata no Orochi, the Eight-Tailed Serpent: The ability to control the attributes of regeneration. The user can control the various attributes of the regeneration process, such as the rate and parts to regenerate, and whether the regeneration would even take place. They can control the speed of healing factor of themselves or others, to help close off wounds and regrow limbs without leaving any scars. Conversely, they can slow down the process to increase bleeding and risk of infection. By controlling the precise location to regenerate, one can prevent unwanted side effects (i.e. tumors and other disease-infected cells) from increasing, and in fact, cause them to die out by preventing cell division. This can also be applied to any matter blocking the wound, allowing one to regenerate around the blockage or eject the obstruction. Applying the negation on an enemy prevents regeneration and even reverses it, causing their cells to enter necrosis when they die without creating new ones. At high powers, one can even negate regeneration of the metaphysical levels.
  9. Reynard, the Nine-Tailed Fox: Mages who have a contract with Reynard can use some of his Tricks to deceive reality and disrupt Cause and Effect.
  10. Noble, the Ten-Tailed Lion: Grants the User the ability to instantly banish a Familiar back to the 5th Dimension, this is the Law of the Jungle, and Noble is King.
The Magical Beasts also possess the ability to function like Mantles, with the amount of Mantles a Magical Beasts has dependent on the number of tails they have. The 10-Tails has 10 Mantles while the 1-Tail only has 1.  
The Auspicious Tailed-Beasts Transformation
The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form (ATB) is a Transformation that can be achieved by Mages who have a Contract with one of the 10 Tailed Beasts and gained the Form as a boon from the Tailed Beast in question. There are 10 Magical Beasts, and each ATB form is unique to the Tailed-Beast it came from. The unique abilities of the ATB Form for the 10 Beasts are the 10 Boons that this Jutsu grants to the user, only that the user does not need to appease the actual mythical Familiars themselves, a costly endeavor. As a result, as the user of the 10 Fables Jutsu masters their jutsu, with each beast they tame, they gain both the boon and the associated ATB form.
Apart from the uniqueness of each ATB form, all Forms share some common base powers. All ATB forms allow the User to instantly summon and command any other Familiars they have contracts with. While in base, just by unlocking this form, Mages can safely survive in the 5th Dimension (something Mortals otherwise cannot do) and all ATB forms all Mages to use a Limitbreaker Form without any drawbacks. ATB Form also allows Mages to create Fabled Sword Arm, Sword Arms that are capable of wounding or interacting with Familiars from the 5th Dimension, something that normal Sword Arms and conventional weaponry cannot do unless heavily imbued with Raw Magical Energy. Fabled Arms are great for not only conducting but also amplifying Magical Energy and Power. Unlike regular Sword Arms, these weapons can be completely absorbed by other Mages to compound their own Magical Power.

Side/Secondary Effects

The user must individually tame each of the 10 Beasts of a User's Jutsu. In practice, this means the user must be capable of summoning, defeating, and taming each of their 10 Familiars. This process invokes the Fable associated with each beast, usually presenting some challenging, game, or other content that the user must overcome and defeat the beast in. Once a Fable starts, it cannot end until the user dies or the game ends, whichever comes first. All the Fables are conducted individually, except for the 5th and 6th Fable which must be completed together. Additionally, the user can initiate multiple Fables at once to create unique challenges with more difficult qualifiers. By raising the stakes, they improve their reward.
  • Fable 1: To tame Isengrim, the User faces themselves in a game of Xiangqi where the clone of themselves knows the user's next immediate move. The clone will only speak lies and think the truth, but on the other hand, it could only speak truth and think lies. The user can peer into the clone's mind just before it makes a move or ask it one question. Defeat the clone, appease the old cunning wolf, and victory is yours.
  • Fable 2: To tame MAB, the user must perform a dance that surpasses the elegant and graceful dances of her countless daughters. MAB is a fickle judge with a bias toward her kin and has seen all the cosmos has to offer twice over. Truly original and unique Choreography will prevail to impress the Fae Queen.
  • Fable 3: To tame Bruin, the user must enter the familiar's dreamscape and steal three Bruin stone icons. The dreams of a being such as Bruin are unknowable, and if the user is not careful, they will be digested by his great mind. That is if his subconscious does not find and kill them first.
  • Fable 4: Tybalt Ha Ha! is a liar (no he is not ((Yes, he is, do not believe anything he says)) and a king of Tall Tales. To tame this miscreant, the user must tell tales taller than his own, more elaborate, and far more complex (with plenty of gags, I like gags). Tybalt hates the truth, so do not invoke it in his presence, or else you will die.
  • Fable 5 & 6: To tame Amadeus, they must outrun obstacles and adversaries, showcasing physical speed and the ability to think and react at an accelerated pace. Success requires merging body and mind into a harmonious, high-speed existence. At the same time, the user must maintain their pace, ability, and performance throughout the ordeal to tame Splinter. Too slow for the Hare or too fast for the Tortoise will result in death.
  • Fable 7: Midas the Golden Egg Laying Goose is a hard beast to tame, but deceptively simple. The user simply needs to weave a tapestry in the manner she instructs. If it is just like hers, she will end the Fable and the user will never be able to tame her ever again. If it is better than hers, she will trap them in the tapestry for all of time, and if it is worse than hers, she will kill the user. The tapestry is a deception, made to distract and confuse, a game that cannot be won. What the user actually needs to do is sneak away and steal one of her golden eggs guarded by her babies. Failure is death.
  • Fable 8: Yamata no Orochi will bite the user and inject them with a venom that continues to degrade their body while also regenerating it. This regeneration will move throughout the body with the degrading venom, the user must use a blunt blade to sever the degrading body parts while not damaging the regenerative part. Move too slow and the venom will deliver death, remove the regenerative portion, and the great serpent will kill the user.
  • Fable 9: Reynard the Nine-Tailed Fox loves his lies and games even more than Tybalt. To tame Reynard, the user simply needs to trick him in some manner or some function. Unlike with other beasts, failure to trick Reynard does not result in death, allowing the user to try the Fable again after 9 years.
  • Fable 10: King Noble is the icon of authority, to tame him the user must defeat him in combat. There are no games and there are no tricks, failure is death or banishment to the 5th Dimension itself.
Once a Fable is won and the beast is tamed, the user can call on these Fables again at will to use offensively or defensively, akin to a Barrier Technique. Victims trapped within the Fables are subject to the same rules and restrictions as the user, but if they do survive the challenge, they do not gain a tamed beast. This facet of the jutsu is especially dangerous  when the user invokes multiple Fables at once against an enemy, easily overwhelming them.


The 10 Magical Beasts are manifestation copies of the true 10 Great Magical Beasts, as such they share visual similarities, but ultimately, each user's 10 Fables will be unique to them. When summoned, the 10 Magical Beasts vary in size and power based on a Formal or Informal activation of the Jutsu. Informal summoning will typically be smaller, weaker, and less effective overall but consume far less magical energy. Inversely, Formal summoning will be much larger and far more powerful. When the 10 Fables are pulled into Realspace, they do not need to siphon off the user's Natural Energy nor do they lose Mana to the user. The 10 Great Beasts compensate for reality by passively absorbing the Natural Energy of the cosmos, sustaining themselves. The only limit to how long the user can maintain them is based on the user's endurance.


Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period of time within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.


Fable, the 5th Dimension, Home of Mana and Domain of the Familiars, is a space beyond Mortal reach and their understanding. They cannot survive there, not for long at least, and must dilute their Mana with Natural Energy to even use Magic. But Holy and Unholy beings can use Mana directly without issue. On the edges of Fable, lies a small Realm, Colchis, inhabited by Lesser Gods who were once favored by Hecate herself. The ruling power here is the Colchidopoulos Clan, who had been given the 10 Fables Inherited Magical Jutsu by Hecate.
The 10 Fables Jutsu remained in the Colchidopoulos Clan of Colchis until the arrival of the Demigod hero Prince Jason and the Argonauts. Jason stole a magical artifact from the Realm and was aided by Lady Medea Colchidopoulos, the current bearer of the jutsu, and lover of Jason. She turned on her kin and slew her brother Lord Absyrtus during their escape. Medea's actions split the bloodline and ruined her Clan. The notable member to possess the 10 Fables was Metiochus, son of Medus, grandson of Emperor Ageus of the Athenian Royal Family in Midgard. Metiochus inherited the Throne of Athens and mastered the 10 Fables Jutsu to a degree that had not yet been seen.

Gestures & Ritual
Formal Activation Of The Fablecaller's Jutsu
  • Incantation: Each of the 10 Magical Beasts has their own unique summoning incantation that must be learned through meditation and insight.
  • Gesture: Each of the 10 Magical Beasts has a certain set of hand gestures associated with them that must be performed to formally summon them.
  • Ritual: N/a
Applied Restriction
  1. Physical and Mental Strain: Summoning and controlling these powerful beings should come with a significant physical and mental toll on the user. The more Tailed Beasts summoned simultaneously, the greater the strain. Overexertion could lead to exhaustion, loss of consciousness, or even severe injuries.
  2. Energy Consumption: Each summoned Tailed Beast should consume a significant amount of the user's Mana or Magic Energy to maintain their presence in the 3rd Dimension. This could limit the duration of their summoning or the number of Tailed Beasts summoned at once.
  3. Cooldown Period: After summoning one or more Tailed Beasts, there should be a cooldown period before they can be summoned again. This prevents users from constantly relying on their power and encourages strategic planning.
  4. Countermeasures: The cosmos could include specific countermeasures or anti-summoning techniques that can be used by skilled opponents or organizations to neutralize or banish the Tailed Beasts. This adds an element of risk to summon them.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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