The Auðrians, the Spawn of Auðumbla

Basic Information


The Auðrians exhibit a unique blend of bovine and humanoid features, standing upright on two legs with hooves and possessing a bovine head. Their bodies are covered in fine fur, which can vary in color and pattern among individuals. The facial structure combines bovine muzzle elements with expressive humanoid eyes and ears. Auðrians have two arms and two legs. Their upper limbs are human-like, with hands possessing opposable thumbs and fingers capable of intricate tasks. Lower limbs are bovine, ending in cloven hooves that provide stability and support for their upright stance.
The skeletal structure of Auðrians is a unique adaptation to their bipedal stance. The spine is designed to support an upright posture, and the limbs combine bovine and humanoid bones to facilitate agility and strength. Muscles in Auðrians are well-developed to support their active lifestyle. Strong leg muscles aid in maintaining balance and swift movements, while the arms are muscular for various tasks and tool manipulation. Auðrians have a long, slender tail extending from the base of their spine. The tail assists in maintaining balance and can exhibit expressive movements to convey emotions or intentions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Auðrians reproduce sexually through the union of one male and one female. The reproductive process involves the exchange of genetic material during copulation, leading to the fertilization of the female's egg by the male's sperm. Auðrians possess dominant divine genes, which play a pivotal role in determining the traits and characteristics of their offspring. These divine genes, inherited from their sacred divine creature, Audhumla, carry the essence of their unique species. The divine genes are highly dominant, ensuring that any offspring of an Auðrian will be an Auðrian.
The dominance of divine genes means that any mating pair of Auðrian and another Alien, regardless of individual genetic variations, will produce offspring with the distinctive characteristics of the Auðrian species. The compatibility and strength of these divine genes ensure a high degree of uniformity within the species. In the rare occurrence where Auðrians with different divine gene strengths mate, the resulting offspring will inherit genes that reflect the cumulative divine power of both parents. In such cases, the divine genes of the parents may interact, potentially producing unique variations or enhancements in the offspring.
The gestation period of Auðrians is similar to that of bovines, 9 months, reflecting their bovine ancestry. The female carries the developing embryo in her womb during this period, providing the necessary environment for the growth and maturation of the offspring. Auðrians give birth to live young, and the offspring are cared for by both parents.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Infancy (0 - 500 years): Slow growth and maturation characterize the first few centuries of an Auðrian's life. During this time, they develop basic physical and cognitive abilities.
  • Childhood (500 - 2,000 years): Auðrians continue to grow at a deliberate pace, undergoing comprehensive learning and cultural assimilation. This stage allows for the acquisition of essential skills and knowledge.
  • Adolescence to Early Adulthood (2,000 - 5,000 years): The transition to adulthood involves the refinement of physical and mental capabilities. Auðrians become more actively involved in societal activities, contributing to their communities.
  • Prime Vitality (5,000 - 20,000 years): Around the equivalent of several thousand Earth years, Auðrians enter their prime vitality stage. This period is marked by peak physical and mental conditions, allowing for significant contributions to their civilization.
  • Extended Prime (20,000 - 70,000 years): Unlike many other species, Auðrians enjoy an extended prime vitality, maintaining peak conditions for tens of thousands of years. This phase facilitates the accumulation of vast experiences and the mastery of numerous skills.
  • Transition to Elder Age (70,000 - 80,000 years): The gradual transition to elder age begins after the extended prime. Signs of aging become noticeable, and Auðrians may choose to pass on their knowledge to younger generations.
  • Elder Age (80,000 - 100,000 years): Elder age is characterized by a decline in physical prowess, although mental acuity remains high. Auðrians in this phase play a crucial role in guiding society, leaving a lasting legacy through mentorship and cultural preservation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of the Auðrians are intricately tied to their bovine heritage, showcasing a specialized digestive system that maximizes nutrient extraction from plant-based sources. Auðrians are exclusively herbivores, relying on a diet composed of various plant-based materials. Their digestive system is finely tuned to extract energy and nutrients efficiently from vegetation.
The Auðrians possess more than one stomach, a characteristic inherited from their bovine lineage. This multi-compartmentalized digestive system facilitates the breakdown of fibrous plant materials and enhances the absorption of nutrients. A distinctive feature of Auðrian dietary habits is the utilization of rumination. This process involves the cyclical activity of swallowing, "un-swallowing," re-chewing, and re-swallowing their food. This meticulous process is commonly referred to as "chewing the cud." Rumination allows Auðrians to thoroughly break down plant fibers, aiding in the extraction of all possible energy and nutrients from the ingested vegetation. This efficient digestion process contributes to their overall health and well-being.
Auðrians adhere to a specific eating schedule, consuming only two meals a day. This deliberate eating pattern aligns with their digestive physiology, allowing for ample time for rumination and optimal nutrient absorption. Despite having only two meals daily, the actual process of eating for Auðrians is an extended activity. Via rumination, they spend anywhere from 6 to 8 hours consuming their meals. This prolonged duration ensures thorough digestion and nutrient extraction from the plant materials.
The Auðrian diet encompasses a diverse range of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, fruits, and other plant-based sources. Their sophisticated digestive system accommodates various types of plant materials, enabling them to extract a broad spectrum of nutrients. Auðrians have evolved to maintain a delicate nutritional balance through their herbivorous diet. Their digestive system allows for the extraction of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from plant-based sources, supporting their long and healthy lifespans. Consuming meat poses a significant health risk for Auðrians, leading to potential sickness and digestive issues. Their physiology lacks the enzymatic and digestive adaptations required for the efficient processing of animal proteins.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

  • Supernatural Intelligence: The power to possess transcendent levels of intelligence. These users can process and integrate new information at an incredible speed, effortlessly simplifying complex concepts and systems. They can reimagine past knowledge in their minds, coming up with fresh and innovative ideas and groundbreaking solutions. They can devise intricate plans and create groundbreaking technologies with ease. They can tackle problems with multiple dimensions that would leave ordinary folks scratching their heads. While most people see chaos and confusion, they see structure and potential. Their ability to predict and plan strategically is almost like having a sixth sense. They effortlessly navigate through the most complex topics, becoming experts with minimal effort. Their cognitive abilities go beyond what we think of as standard human intelligence. They can achieve mental feats and gain insights that challenge and expand our current understanding across various fields, from science to the arts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Supernatural Senses: The power to possess transcendent senses. Users's sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water. In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect.
  • Magic ResistanceThe power to be highly resistant to Magic. The user is highly resistant to most, if not all, forms of magic and magical power, possibly with the ability to select which types of magics they are resistant to while others may be restricted to a specific one.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
  1. Vurad
  2. Datir
  3. Kultruk
  4. Rozan
  5. Tyvas
  6. Zanparak
  7. Tubius
  8. Wripheus
  9. Ripeus
  10. Wupius
  Female Names
  1. Hinsira
  2. Wysvash
  3. Xagera
  4. Trihtris
  5. Rhekis
  6. Vrysira
  7. Kherae
  8. Rehtris
  9. Thepia
  10. Vezera

Major Organizations

  • The House of the MinotaurAsterius the Minotaur, son of Renbur the White, would establish the House of the Minotaur and come to rule a portion of the Emerald Maze under the Emerald King. The House of the Minotaur are protectors of the Habitable Cities within the Emerald Maze and Masters of the Emerald City Guard, answering directly to the King. Asterius journeyed to the Maze many ages ago after escaping Crete and won the favor and attention of the Maze's King.
  • The Renburian Lineage: A lineage of Auðrians who trace bloodlines back to one figure, Sir Renbur the White, Demigod son of Lord Poseidon, God of the Seas and Earthquakes. Renbur's mother was an avatar of Auðumbla, making him closer to Godhood than most demigods. Renbur was large, larger than most Auðrians, he was a bull as white as marble with sleek and clean ebony horns and piercing yellow eyes. His golden mane puffed out from his neck and gave him a distinguished appearance. Renbur is among the most powerful Auðrians ever recorded and one who ascended to Buddhahood. To be of the Renburian Lineage is to have greatness in your veins.

Gender Ideals

  • Similar to certain bovine species, Auðrian society leans towards a matriarchal structure. Females, known as Matronae, often hold central roles in decision-making, resource allocation, and community organization. Matronae are highly respected for their wisdom and nurturing qualities. Matronae serve as leaders and advisors, guiding their communities with a blend of maternal wisdom and strategic acumen. Their influence is not only familial but extends to broader societal matters, fostering unity and cooperation among the Auðrians.
  • Males, known as Patriarchs, assume the role of protectors and providers within Auðrian society. While they may not hold formal leadership positions, Patriarchs play a crucial role in safeguarding the community and ensuring the well-being of its members.
The gender ideals emphasize collaborative decision-making, with Matronae and Patriarchs working in harmony to address challenges and shape the future of their society. Both genders contribute unique perspectives, fostering a balanced and resilient community. The matriarchal influence emphasizes the importance of nurturing bonds within the community. Matronae are not only leaders but also caretakers, fostering a sense of familial connection among Auðrians. This emphasis on community cohesion ensures the well-being of individuals and strengthens collective resilience. Gender-specific roles are often highlighted in Auðrian rituals and ceremonies. Matronae lead ceremonies that celebrate life, fertility, and the harvest, while Patriarchs oversee events related to protection, communal defense, and the acknowledgment of ancestral spirits.


Auðumbla was the name of the divine Cow that belonged to the 1st Jötnar, Lord Ymir, and was also responsible for creating the 1st Allfather, Lord Búri. Auðumbla remained among the branches of Yggdrasil and created her last race, the Auðrians, the Bovine Men. Created without a World or Realm to call their own, the Auðrians would come to serve the Gilded Court within the great tree and be known as wandering sages and monks who were capable of walking along the branches of Yggdrasil itself. They can be found virtually anywhere in the infinite cosmos but a large population of them reside within the Gilded Court.  
The Crown of the Highlands
Høystein (Highrock or Highstone) was a Realm in the Mortal Multiverse, home of the Hálfur (High Elf). An Auðrian named Rozan Rhegdon, a demigod son of Thor would lay siege to the realm in the aftermath of The Fall of the 1st Álfuríki Empire circa 2230 FGA when the Hálfur were at their weakest. The Highlands War was largely successful and saw the Hálfur fall under the authority of the House of Høystein. The HoH was a newly founded noble house formed from the marriage of Princess Wysvash Rhegdon III (the Rhegdon Clan) and Prince Hagluin Inacan XII (the Inacan Clan). The House of Høystein would rule Høystein and its various subservient Realms, dubbed the Highlands Kingdom, and was supported by The Knights of the Round Table as it effectively prevented the risk of a second Álfuríki Empire.

Historical Figures

  • Asterius the Minotaur: In the Kingdom of Crete of Midgard, Emir Minos received Renbur, an Auðrian Demigod son of Lord Poseidon, God of the Seas and Earthquakes. Renbur was a great bull as white as marble with ebony horns and a golden mane, said to be the most beautiful Auðrian to have ever lived. Queen Pasiphaë, a Minor deity, was the wife of Minos but was entranced by Renbur and begat with his son, Asterius the Bull of Minos. Asterius was shunned by Emir Minos and imprisoned in an ever-changing magical maze on Crete Homeworld, forced to fight whatever victim Minos threw in as entertainment for the nobles. Asterius was raised as a monster and treated as a slave for his entire life until the day the hero Theseus was sent by Minos to face the Minotaur. Theseus slew the beast and dragged it before the Emir, now a man named Asgoreus, to make a trophy of his head. But when the Emir was within reach, Asterius grabbed him and ground him into a paste. Asterius and Theseus, back to back, fought their way out of the Crete Kingdom and back to the domain of Theseus's people, where the Minotaur was finally granted his freedom.
Sir Renbur the White, Demigod son of Lord Poseidon

Scientific Name
Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Bovinanthropus, Family: Audhridae, Genus: Auðrianus, Species: Auðrianus sapiens | Auðrianus sapiens
100,000 Standard Imperial Year (SIY)
Average Height
6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 meters)
Average Weight
500 to 800 pounds (227 to 363 kilograms)
Average Length
9 to 12 feet (2.7 to 3.7 meters)
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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