The Fall of the 1st Álfuríki Empire

Disaster / Destruction


The Álfuríki, founded by the Inacan Dynasty, was the First Great Elf Empire based in Høystein. They dominated numerous Mortal Realms and exerted control over Midgard. Their primary goal was to spread the Álfr, shaping genetic diversity across the cosmos. The rise of the House of the Dragon posed a challenge, leading to the Highrock Crusade. The Dragon Lords ultimately defeated the Álfuríki, causing its collapse and leading to civil war within its ranks.

The Álfuríki (Elf Kingdom) was established by the Inacan Dynasty, and was the First Great Elf Empire, with its capital in Høystein (Highrock or HIghstone) in the Mortal Multiverse. They controlled thousands of Mortal Realms and had substantial influence and control over Midgard. The Álfuríki primarily existed to spread the Álfr throughout the Realms, and was the main reason for the lack of genetic diversity across the Mortal cosmos, using the Álfr to make more elves or their mastery over genetic science to alter species they deemed unworthy. The Inacan Dynasty was unchallenged by any serious force until the House of the Dragon issued an official cease to them. The House was of the Draco Imperium, dragon cultist, who demanded the Inacan dissolve their empire and consign themselves to Høystein. They refused, and the Draco Imperium declared its first-ever Crusade, the Highrock Crusade, which saw them launch three Campaigns, one to push the Álfuríki out of Midgard, another to weaken key strongholds in the Mortal multiverse and disrupt supply lines, and a final campaign to lay siege to Høystein itself. It was the Dragon Lords who pushed the Álfuríki back and extinguished the Inacan Dynasty, allowing the Álfuríki to fall into civil war and eventually collapse.

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