The Fiery Golden Eyes

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford | Also known as the Golden-gaze Fire Sight or Huo Yan Jin Jing
Inheritance, the Sons of Wukong
This Jutsu was born in Wukong of the Sun Clan and is thusly loyal to his blood. While it can be "shared" with other bloodlines through marriage and heirs, these bloodlines will eventually breed the jutsu out or it will mutate into something else. It was sanctified with the blood of Wukong, and it will remain loyal to his blood, thus if his bloodline was ever truly extinguished, this Jutsu would also eventually fail to exist. This Jutsu has a high inheritance factor, 16 out of 18 heris are likely to inherit this Jutsu, making it relatively common within the Sun Clan.


  1. Illusion Detection: Fiery Golden Eyes can see through all forms of illusions, including holographic projections, optical camouflage, and virtual reality simulations. The user is completely aware at all times of the true reality around them, potentially seeing through environmental, sensory, and/or mental illusions that others attempt to deceive them with. Alternatively, this can also allow a user to perceive and potentially interact with the illusions experienced by others, including ones they’ve created, and even enter and experience the illusions themselves without losing touch with reality.
  2. Lie Detection: These eyes can detect subtle physiological and psychological cues associated with deception, making it possible to identify when someone is lying or being dishonest. Users can sense when they are lied to by various means. Unlike regular humans who can also discern when they are lied to with limited accuracy and consistency, the user can detect any and all lies being told at any moment, even if the one spewing lies is doing so through supernatural or abnormal means.
  3. Emotion Reading: Fiery Golden Eyes can read and interpret a person's emotional state by analyzing microexpressions, heart rate, and other physiological indicators. This can be useful for assessing someone's intentions or mental state.
  4. Energy Detection: The eyes can perceive various forms of energy, including electromagnetic radiation, radiation from power sources, and even psychic energy. This can help in locating hidden energy sources or detecting energy-based threats.
  5. Invisibility Detection: They can reveal hidden or cloaked objects and individuals, making it nearly impossible for anyone to remain invisible or hidden from the user.
  6. Environmental Analysis: Fiery Golden Eyes can analyze and assess environmental conditions, such as air quality, temperature, and radiation levels, providing valuable information for survival in hostile environments.
  7. Biological Scanning: These eyes can scan living organisms to identify health conditions, diseases, or anomalies within a person's body. This could be invaluable for medical purposes.
  8. Forensic Analysis: The user can perform detailed forensic analysis by examining surfaces for traces of DNA, chemicals, or other substances.
  9. Enhanced Vision: In addition to their analytical abilities, Fiery Golden Eyes can provide enhanced vision, including the ability to see in various spectra (infrared, ultraviolet, etc.) and zoom in on distant objects.
  10. Data Encryption Breaker: These eyes could potentially decipher encrypted data or codes by analyzing patterns and information in a way that's beyond conventional decryption methods.
  11. Truth Inducement: The user can force/induce others to tell the truth, guaranteeing that the person is telling the truth to the best of their ability.

Side/Secondary Effects

The Four Astra of the Golden Eyes
  1. Four Heavenly Beasts Astra: This Astra combines the attributes of the four celestial creatures: the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise. It allows the user to transform into or summon these beasts individually, each with its own unique powers and elemental abilities.
  2. Terracotta Army Astra: This Astra summons an army of small, animated terracotta warriors to fight alongside the user. Each warrior possesses unique combat skills, and they can coordinate their attacks to overwhelm enemies. The Astra requires a command to activate and control the army effectively.
  3. Phoenix Feather Fan: Modeled after the mythical phoenix, this Astra is a fan adorned with phoenix feathers. When waved or opened, it releases a powerful burst of energy resembling the fiery plumage of the phoenix. This burst of energy can disintegrate obstacles and enemies in its path, leaving behind a trail of ashes.
  4. Lotus Blossom Umbrella: Resembling an elegant umbrella with lotus flower patterns, this Astra can be unfurled to create a protective barrier that repels attacks. The barrier's appearance is deceivingly serene, as it conceals a powerful counterattack mechanism that releases energy blasts upon contact with hostile forces.
The Four Astra of the Fiery Golden Eyes are powerful weapons received by users of this Jutsu. The Astra can be used at any time but is incredibly powerful and difficult to control. Improper use of them can wound the user or unintentionally wound others. Additionally, the user must have gained mastery over this Jutsu before they can use the Astra.


Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period of time within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.


The Nambiyar Clan developed The Eight-Way Learning Technique from The Ganesha Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Insight which belonged to the Abbadier Clan of the Celestial Empire. The Firery Golden Eyes is a further mutation from the Eight Way Learning Jutsu, this time developing in the Sun Clan, a Clan subservient to House Haji just like the Nambiyars are. It was inherited by Sun Wukong, the blood of Sun Rengoku, and with them he lived a life of tricks and pranks, becoming powerful enough to leap from planets and bully divine Gods. The Eyes have since been a staple of his Clan even after he became a Buddha.

Gestures & Ritual
Formal Activation Of the Firery Golden Eyes
  • Incantation: Om Jyotirdrishti. Om So Hum. Om Agni Devaya Vidmahe, Vayu Putraya Dhimahi, Tanno Agnih Prachodayat.
"Om, the light of perception." bears the Algiz (ᚨ), The Algiz rune symbol represents protection and the divine connection between the individual and the divine. "Om, I am that." bears the Ansuz (ᚨ), Ansuz represents communication, divine inspiration, and wisdom. In the context of "Om So Hum," it can symbolize the recognition of the self as part of the greater divine consciousness, emphasizing the concept "I am that." "Om, let us meditate on Agni, the god of fire, the son of the wind. May Agni guide us." bears the Kenaz (ᚲ), Kenaz symbolizes the torch or beacon of knowledge and enlightenment. This incantation, represents the worship and meditation on Agni (the god of fire) and Vayu (the wind), seeking enlightenment and guidance, which is associated with the illumination provided by a torch.
  • Gesture: The user stands with their feet shoulder-width apart and their back straight. They raise their dominant hand to eye level. With deliberate precision, they form a circle by gently touching their thumb and index finger together, creating a perfect ring shape. The remaining three fingers are extended outward, closely aligned to resemble the shape of an open eye. Holding this gesture steadfastly in front of their own eyes, the user intently focuses on the target or illusion they intend to see through. While maintaining the gesture, the user chants the incantation or mantra specific to their Fiery Golden Eyes ability.
  • Ritual: N/a
Effect Casting Time
Constant / Instant
Applied Restriction
  1. Energy Drain: Using the Fiery Golden Eyes extensively consumes the user's own mana and natural energy. Overuse can lead to exhaustion or even temporarily losing the ability until they recover.
  2. Concentration Requirement: Maintaining the various analytical and detection abilities requires intense focus and concentration. In combat or stressful situations, the user might not be able to utilize all aspects of their power simultaneously.
  3. Limited Range: Some of the abilities, such as Invisibility Detection or Energy Detection, may have a limited range. The user can only detect things within a certain radius, making long-range detection difficult.
  4. Emotional Toll: Reading emotions and lies constantly can be emotionally draining for the user. They may become emotionally detached or struggle with the constant exposure to the emotions of others.
  5. Truth Inducement Limitations: Forcing others to tell the truth may not always work on individuals with strong mental fortitude or magical protection against mind control. Additionally, overusing this power could have ethical consequences.
  6. Astra Mastery: The use of the Four Astra of the Golden Eyes is tied to the user's mastery of the Fiery Golden Eyes ability. They may need to achieve a certain level of proficiency before they can safely and effectively wield these powerful artifacts.
  7. Risk of Injury: Mishandling the Astra or failing to control them properly can result in physical or magical injuries to the user or innocent bystanders.
  8. Limited Interactions: While the user can see through illusions, they may not always be able to interact with the illusions in a meaningful way. Some illusions might still affect them physically or mentally.
  9. Vulnerability to Anti-Magic: Powerful anti-magic or magic-nullifying effects could temporarily disable or weaken the Fiery Golden Eyes abilities.
  10. Learning Curve: The user may not immediately be proficient in all aspects of their abilities. They might need time and practice to fully understand and control each facet of their power.
  11. Physical Strain: Continuously using the abilities, especially during combat, can put a significant physical strain on the user's body. This can lead to fatigue, muscle soreness, or even temporary blindness if overused.
  12. Countermeasures: Skilled opponents or creatures with their own magical abilities may be able to create countermeasures or illusions specifically designed to deceive the Fiery Golden Eyes.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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