The Eight-Way Learning Technique

" Causality's dance, Minds bend to wielder's command, Choices shape their fate."

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford | Also known as The Hachi-Ei Shugyō no Jutsu
Inheritance, the Blood of the Nambiyar
The Hachi-Ei Shugyō no Jutsu is the second Jutsu found within the Haji Clan, the first being the Ganesha Drishti inherited from the Abbadier Clan of the Celestial Empire. However, this Jutsu originated from the Nambiyar Clan, a clan submissive to the Haji, so it ultimately shows up more frequently and reliably within their bloodline. Should the Nambiyar Clan be wiped out, then this technique would also eventually cease to exist as it is now. Within the Nambiyar themselves, this Jutsu has an inheritance factor of 46%, so only 8 out of 18 Heirs are likely to inherit their parent's Jutsu. It is a relatively rare technique and is incredibly difficult to truly master.


  • Causality Perception: The individual possesses an extraordinary capacity to perceive and comprehend intricate cause-and-effect relationships, enabling them to strategically plan, analyze, and execute actions with unparalleled efficiency. They possess the unique ability to perceive the cause-and-effect relationships inherent in their own thoughts, granting them the capability to navigate diverse situations simply by contemplating potential courses of action. By instantaneously discerning all current causes and effects, as well as the preceding ones that have led to a particular state, the individual can readily comprehend any subject matter. For instance, a mere glance at another individual would provide a comprehensive understanding of their nature, personality, history, expectations, strengths, weaknesses, and other relevant attributes. Furthermore, this perceptual ability extends to the future, encompassing a multitude of potential paths, probabilities, and ultimately, the one that will manifest.
  • Mental Manipulation: The individual possesses the extraordinary capability to manipulate the intricacies of the mind, encompassing the processes of information processing and the associated intangible faculties connected to it. They hold the power to create, control, customize, nullify, and otherwise shape various aspects and functions of the mind, including perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, attention, personality, behavior, and intelligence, among others. This versatile ability allows for a wide range of applications, such as unlocking one's untapped potential, bestowing talents and skills, and enhancing overall mental capacity. However, this power can also be utilized in a destructive manner, leading to the fragmentation of minds, the induction of a plethora of mental disorders, and even the usurping of control over others. Regardless of the intent behind its usage, individuals possessing this exceptional power wield an extraordinary force that demands recognition and caution from others. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
  • Rules For Thee and for Me: The Shugyō no Jutsu is a profound and enigmatic power that enables its wielder to instantaneously replicate any technique, jutsu, or spell with unparalleled precision and comprehension. This ability transcends the boundaries of ordinary mimicry, as it grants the user not only the capability to duplicate the observed technique flawlessly but also a profound understanding of its inner workings. Upon witnessing a jutsu or spell in action, the practitioner of the Shugyō no Jutsu taps into a wellspring of innate knowledge, absorbing the essence of the technique into their being. This process is as seamless as it is immediate, with the practitioner gaining an instinctive insight into the mechanics, principles, and intricacies of the newly acquired ability. This profound power does, however, come with a limitation—the finite capacity of the wielder's memory. As they accumulate a diverse repertoire of copied jutsu and spells, they must make room for new acquisitions by relinquishing some of their previous knowledge. The decision of which abilities to forget becomes a significant strategic aspect of mastering the Shugyō no Jutsu, as it necessitates careful consideration of the situation at hand and the value of each retained technique. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
Before one can proficiently wield the trifecta of powers—Causality Perception, Mental Manipulation, and Rules For Thee and for Me—they must embark on a journey of singular significance, mastering the Shugyō no Jutsu itself. This foundational step is essential because it lays the groundwork for the seamless integration of the three core abilities. It serves as the crucible in which the practitioner hones their skills, sharpens their intuition, and awakens the latent potential residing within. The journey toward Shugyō no Jutsu mastery begins with a profound understanding of the intricacies of replication—the ability to witness and absorb the essence of any technique, jutsu, or spell in existence.  
The Eight-Fold Path to Mortal Self-Preservation
The bearer of The Hachi-Ei Shugyō no Jutsu possesses 8 Forms bestowed on them from the Ganesha Path from which this jutsu descends. These 8 Forms are called the Paths to Mortal Self-Preservation and exist to deliver one from self-destruction. Each of the Forms, when evoked, exists to allow the user to overcome a weakness or fatal flaw within themselves. The true mark of a master of the 8 Forms is being able to seamlessly move between Forms without trouble.
  1. Vakratunda, The First Form: The user possesses the ability to purify their surroundings, removing negative energies and cleansing the area. They can also create barriers to protect against malevolent forces.
  2. Ekadanta, The Second Form: The user gains a heightened sense of perception, allowing them to see through illusions and discern the truth. They can also bestow knowledge and insight upon others, guiding them on their paths.
  3. Mahodar, The Third Form: The user becomes nearly invulnerable and can withstand even the most devastating attacks. They can also release waves of force that repel enemies and protect allies.
  4. Gajanana, The Fourth Form: The user can shape-shift into various animal forms, granting them unique abilities associated with each animal. They can also communicate with and command animals to aid in their endeavors.
  5. Lambodara, The Fifth Form: The user has the power to create bountiful harvests, heal people, places, or items, and generate resources.
  6. Vikata, The Sixth Form: The user can manipulate the elements, causing storms, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. They can also induce transformations in others, altering their appearances or abilities temporarily.
  7. Vighnaraj, The Seventh Form: The user can sense impending danger and provide guidance to navigate challenges successfully.
  8. Dhumravana, The Eighth Form: The User can use Shadows as a Medium for which their power and Magic can be expressed onto.
The 8 Forms cannot be used all at once and when in use they consume Magical Energy, but with mastery, a user of this jutsu will be able to effortlessly transform between them as the situation or task demands.



The Ganesha Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Insight, originated from the Abbadier Clan of the Miadharma Dynasty. The Abbadiers were once led by Louis the Glutton, a fat and greedy Lord who often entertained many concubines resulting in serval bastards. One of these concubines was Ka'ilinemo who was her Lord's favorite, except Ka'ilinemo was not a concubine. She was a Hand That Remains Hidden, a secret organization of deadly assassins, hired to kill Louis by his envious brother Prince Charles III. While Ka'ilinemo spilled Louis' blood, she nor Charles could account for the actions of the other four Clans. With the death of Louis, they moved in to restore order and the proper line of succession, which resulted in many deaths, including Charles, and many of the bastard-born heirs.
Ka'ilinemo escaped the madness with her newborn daughter, Kini-Elizabeth, and was ordered by the Hidden to dispose of the evidence. However, instead, Ka'ilinemo arranged a sale of the child to House Haji. Her daughter was born with the Abbadier technique, The Ganesha Drishti, which was worth serval fortunes to outsiders. House Haji agreed to pay for a large sum, she was raised by them and wed to their Heir-Apparent, Haji Megaduta, and together their line would eventually give birth to Haji Satoru, The 5th Blade, the Sword that Learns, the man who would bear Shugyō No Jutsu.

Haji Satoru-Kensei
Gestures & Ritual
Formal Activation Of The Shiva Drishti
  • Incantation: Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha. Bodhi Dharma Vidya Sambhava. Prabodha Chaitanya Aksharaya.
"I bow to the Auspicious Lord Ganesha." bears the (ᚷ) - This rune signifies gifts, partnerships, and the exchange of energy and blessings. It aligns with the idea of invoking Ganesha's auspicious qualities. "The Birth of Knowledge through Bodhi Dharma." bears the Ansuz (ᚬ) - This rune represents divine inspiration, wisdom, and communication. It reflects the concept of knowledge and wisdom associated with Bodhi Dharma. "The Eternal Consciousness of Awakening." bears the Dagaz (ᛞ) - This rune signifies enlightenment, breakthrough, and a new day. It aligns with the idea of awakening and consciousness.
  • Gesture: The user begins by forming a specific hand gesture known as "Vidya Mudra." In this gesture, the user touches the tip of their index finger to the tip of their thumb while keeping the other fingers extended. This mudra symbolizes the union of individual consciousness (index finger) and universal wisdom (thumb).
  • Ritual: The ritual involves the user sitting in a meditative posture, preferably in a quiet and serene location. They draw a sacred circle on the ground using powdered symbols of Ganesha and the Dharma Wheel, representing both Hindu and Buddhist elements of knowledge. The user then lights an incense stick and places it at the center of the circle, allowing the fragrant smoke to fill the air.
Applied Restriction
  1. Mental Strain: The constant use of Causality Perception and Mental Manipulation can take a toll on the user's mental state. Prolonged use could lead to exhaustion, confusion, or even mental disorders. Overusing these powers could have long-term consequences on the user's sanity.
  2. Limited Precognition: While Causality Perception allows glimpses into the future, it should come with limitations. The future should remain uncertain, and the user may only see probabilities, not certainties. This can add an element of risk and suspense to their actions.
  3. Environmental Constraints: The powers associated with the 8 Forms should have limitations tied to the environment. For example, if the user is in a barren desert, the ability to generate bountiful harvests might be severely limited.
Mon of The Sugawara Clan
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

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