The Ganesha Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Insight

The Occular Jutsu of profound insight and perception, the Ganesha Drishti is one that is unrivaled in terms of mental processing power and psionic facilities, turning the user's brain into a supercomputer capable of handling immense amounts of data

Created & Written by K. A. Crawford
Inheritance, the Sons of Farhad
The Ganesha Jutsu started and drew itself back to Prince Krasimir Farhad II, son of Samrat Miad, who founded the Abbadier Clan and fostered this technique. While it can be "shared" with other bloodlines through marriage and heirs, these bloodlines will eventually breed the jutsu out or it will mutate into something else. It was sanctified with the blood of Chhatrapati Farhad II, and it will remain loyal to his blood, thus if his bloodline was ever truly extinguished, this Jutsu would also eventually fail to exist. Within the bloodline itself, it has an Inheritance Factor of 64%, so 11 out of 18 heirs are likely to inherit the Ganesha Jutsu.


  1. Detection: The individual possesses an extraordinary faculty to discern the presence of all entities, encompassing physical substances, energetic manifestations, potent forces, abstract ideas, and beyond. Moreover, they may acquire an intricate comprehension of the nature they perceive, encompassing its extent, magnitude, concealment, and potential safeguarding measures. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
  2. Magical Energy Sight: The individual's ocular faculties possess the remarkable capacity to perceive the intricate currents of Magical Energy, not solely within their own being and the corporeal vessels of others, but also throughout the vast expanse of the cosmos. When honed to perfection, this extraordinary aptitude grants the ability to apprehend all manner of energy manifestations, irrespective of their origin. By discerning the dynamic ebb and flow of energy, a Mage can astutely discern its origins and destinations. Such a formidable capability holds great worth in predicting adversary maneuvers and the formulation of intricate spells. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
  3. Divine Insight: The individual inherently possesses an extraordinary faculty to perceive beyond the veils of spells, techniques, and diverse manifestations. Illusions hold no sway over their discerning gaze, rendering optical deceits futile. Merely by witnessing an action or performance, the user can effortlessly penetrate its surface, unraveling its inner workings, functionalities, constraints, and practical applications. Their perceptive eyes become all-encompassing, leaving no room for secrets to hide when engaged. Furthermore, when this proficiency is honed to perfection, it extends its influence to encompass all other senses, rendering the user a paragon of comprehensive perception.
  4. Cosmic Awareness: The user possesses an innate awareness that spans the expanse of the universe, granting them insights into significant occurrences such as the obliteration of planets, imminent threats, or any event that bears relevance to their own existence. The extent of their perceptual capabilities varies in accordance with the magnitude of their power, ranging from perceiving individual planets to encompassing entire galaxies or even the entirety of the cosmos. This adaptable perception allows the user to adapt their awareness to different scales, enabling them to gain comprehensive insights into the cosmic tapestry.
  5. Information Processing: The user is capable of processing immense amounts of information. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
The Avatar Of Ganesha
The Avatar of Ganesha is an avatar composed of Magical Energy that, when summoned, primarily acts as a massive boost to the user's Cosmic Awareness, turning it into Hyper-Cosmic Awareness, described as the user possessing an unparalleled state of awareness that transcends the boundaries of the omniverse, enabling them to perceive realities beyond the constraints of time and space. Their perceptive faculties extend to distant realms, allowing them to gaze into worlds far removed from their own. They possess an unmatched ability to detect and comprehend every aspect across the vast expanse of the multiverse, including perceiving imminent perils, even those that pose a threat to their own realm. Moreover, their vast knowledge encompasses the entirety of every universe existing throughout the multiverse, making them an unparalleled repository of cosmic wisdom.

Side/Secondary Effects

The 6 Astra of Bhagavan Ganesha
  1. Vighnaharta Astra (Obstacle-Clearing Weapon): When invoked, this Astra creates a protective barrier that repels all obstacles and negative energies. It can clear paths, shield against attacks, and ensure a safe journey for its wielder.
  2. Gajanana Astra (Elephant Power Weapon): This Astra bestows the user with immense physical strength and durability. It allows the wielder to effortlessly lift heavy objects, withstand attacks, and perform feats of great strength.
  3. Mangalmurti Astra (Auspicious Form Weapon): When activated, this Astra transforms the wielder into a divine and radiant form, radiating positivity and auspiciousness. It has the power to dispel negative energies, heal wounds, and bring blessings to those around.
  4. Ekadanta Astra (Single-Tusk Weapon): This Astra can create a single, powerful energy tusk that can pierce through any obstacle or enemy. It can be used both defensively and offensively, making it a versatile weapon.
  5. Modakavarna Astra (Sweet Reward Weapon): Upon invocation, this Astra showers the area with celestial modak sweets, symbolizing the sweetness of life and wisdom. These sweets grant temporary invigoration and clarity of thought to all who consume them.
  6. Vakratunda Astra (Curved Trunk Weapon): When deployed, this Astra grants the user the ability to manipulate space and time with their thoughts. They can bend reality around them, creating temporary shortcuts, slowing down time, or even reversing events in a limited area. This Astra can only be used once.
The Six Astra of Bhagavan Ganesha are powerful weapons received by users of this Path. The Astra can be used at any time but is incredibly powerful and difficult to control. Improper use of them can wound the user or unintentionally wound others. Additionally, the user must have gained mastery over this Path before they can use the Astra.



The origin of the Eyes Over Heaven technique can be traced back to the power vested within six deities, all of whom met their demise at the hands of Miad in his original Multiverse. The initial deity consumed by Miad was Lord Brahma, the esteemed Creator of the Heavens and the revered progenitor of the celestial beings. Through the act of devouring Lord Brahma's divine essence, Miad acquired a unique capability possessed by only a select few mortals— the ability to wield the powers of various deities once they have been assimilated.
In the course of his mortal existence, Miad proceeded to vanquish and consume the powers of five additional gods: Vishnu, Ganesha, Maya, Shakti, and Shiva. Each of these deities succumbed to Miad's relentless onslaught, and their powers seamlessly merged with his own, guided by the command of Lord Brahma himself. These divine energies, harnessed and incorporated into Miad's being, endure as the eternal power source that fuels Eyes Over Heaven.


  1. In realms divine, a battle brews, 'Miad Dogar,' they name the muse. A man who waged a war untold, on the gods above, his wrath unfolds. His heart consumed, his purpose dire, he'd forge ahead through heaven's fire, For even he, forgot the cause, of waging war against divine laws.
  2. In heavens vast, where deities reside, 'gainst Lord Ganesha, his might was tried, With thunderous trident and wisdom vast, the god of obstacles stood steadfast. Yet Miad Dogar, relentless and bold, in battle fierce, his spirit enfold, He fought with fervor, a burning flame, to vanquish gods, and stake his claim.
  3. The cosmic dance of war commenced, as worlds around in awe, suspended, With each strike fierce and godly might, Dogar battled on, fueled by spite. Till Ganesha, weary but composed, spoke words of wisdom, none opposed, "Miad Dogar, what seeks your soul? In an endless rage, you've lost control."
  4. But Miad Dogar, in his wrathful trance, paid no heed to Ganesha's dance, He struck the god with a final blow and brought the deity to a final low. With triumph tasted, a victory sweet, Dogar approached the godly seat, He feasted on divine flesh and bone, and in the heavens, he claimed the godly throne.
  5. A tale of war, of gods and men, in verses written with a cosmic pen, Miad Dogar's rage, a fate unswerved, in the heavens, his fury observed. But as he sat on the throne so high, Miad Dogar questioned the endless sky, For in his conquest, he found no peace, only turmoil, his anger would not cease.

The Ganesha Jutsu was stolen by Kill the Gods and Devour Them Whole when they slew Lord Ganesha, but it was first inherited by Krasimir Farhad II, son of Fairfield-Dogar Miad, who later went on to be the founder of the Abbadier Clan. Farhad II wed Godeliève and with his jutsu founded their Clan, established their Seat of Power on the planet Sha-Colruatune, in the Colruatune Star System, and created the Vijaya Farhadid Dynasty, one of the six arms of the Celestial Empire. Chhatrapati Farhad II is considered one of the most proficient users of the Ganesha Jutsu and his body lies frozen in time on the planet Sha-Colruatune.

Prince Krasimir Farhad II
Related Deity/Higher Power
Gestures & Ritual
Formal Activation Of The Ganesha Drishti
  • Incantation: Om Ganesha. Vidya Prakasha. Sarva Vighna Vinashaya.
"I bow to Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles." bears the Jera (ᛃ) - This rune symbolizes cycles, harvest, and the passage of time, signifying the eventual removal of obstacles through patience and persistence. "The Light of Knowledge." bears the Kenaz (ᚲ) - This rune represents knowledge, creativity, and the transformative power of fire, which can bring light to darkness. "The Destroyer of All Obstacles." bears the Wunjo (ᚹ) - This rune signifies joy, harmony, and the resolution of conflicts, including the removal of obstacles that hinder progress.
  • Gesture: To activate The Ganesha Drishti, the user must stand or sit in a grounded and stable posture. They bring their hands together in front of their chest, fingers interlaced, forming a symbolic representation of Lord Ganesha's trunk.
  • Ritual: The ritual for activating The Ganesha Drishti involves a series of contemplative steps. The user begins by closing their eyes and focusing inward, acknowledging any mental obstacles or "vighnas" (hindrances) that may be blocking their insight. They then mentally recite a mantra or phrase related to insight and wisdom while maintaining a calm and open mindset. This ritual is about clearing the path to inner wisdom and insight.
Effect Casting Time
The Magical Energy Sight and Detection aspects of this Jutsu are a Constant Jutsu, they are active 100% of the time, the other effects must be manually turned on.
Applied Restriction
  1. Energy Consumption: Using the Avatar of Ganesha or maintaining Hyper-Cosmic Awareness should consume a significant amount of the user's magical energy. This energy drain can leave them fatigued or even incapacitated if used excessively.
  2. Mental Strain: Constant awareness of the entire multiverse and perceiving beyond the constraints of time and space can take a toll on the user's mental well-being. They might suffer from information overload, leading to confusion or mental instability.
  3. Limited Focus: While the user can perceive an immense amount of information, they may struggle to focus on specific details or events within the vast expanse of the multiverse. This could make it challenging to act on the insights they gain.
  4. Vulnerability: The user's physical body remains vulnerable while their consciousness is focused on Hyper-Cosmic Awareness. Enemies could exploit this vulnerability, making the user an easy target in the physical realm.
  5. Alignment Restrictions: The ability could have limitations based on the user's alignment or moral compass. It might not work as effectively if the user's intentions are impure or selfish.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

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