The Hálfur, the High Elves of Høystein

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Hálfur reproduces sexually through the union of one male and one female Hálfur. The gestation period for a Hálfur pregnancy is relatively short, lasting approximately 4 to 5 months. The number of offspring and the frequency of reproduction is highly variable and influenced by environmental factors and the current status of the Hálfur population in a given location.  
Reproductive Strategy and Population Dynamics
The reproductive strategy of the Hálfur is deeply intertwined with the parasitic nature of the Álfr symbiote, which originally created the High Elf species. The primary objective of the Álfr symbiote is to sustain and propagate itself. During the early generations of Hálfur, following their initial emergence, reproduction was frequent and resulted in large numbers of offspring. This was a period of rapid population growth necessary to establish a stable and thriving Hálfur society.
Conversely, in well-established populations where the species is thriving, Hálfur tend to reproduce less frequently and have fewer offspring. This reproductive restraint appears to be an evolved response to avoid overpopulation and resource depletion. The Álfr symbiote, now an integral part of the Hálfur's biology, does not exert conscious control over this reproductive behavior. Instead, it functions more like an intrinsic biological clock, responsive to environmental cues and the current population's needs.
This reproductive clock is localized, meaning it can vary significantly between different Hálfur communities based on their specific circumstances. For instance, a colony of Hálfur engaged in the colonization of a new realm or environment will likely experience a higher reproductive rate to ensure the colony's successful establishment and expansion. In contrast, Hálfur residing in a stable, mature realm will have lower reproductive rates, focusing on maintaining a balanced and sustainable population.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Supernatural Senses: The power to possess transcendent senses. The user's sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely faraway places, and smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water. In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect.
  • Supernatural Longevity: The power to not age. Users of this ability never age, and as a result, they stay young forever or at least never suffer the ravages of aging. Because of this, the user will always be at their physical prime. The user will also be immune to aging abilities like Age Acceleration or Reversal.
  • Supernatural Immune System: The power to possess an immune system stronger than what is naturally possible. The user's immune system is glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more powerful than other beings of their universe, making them immune to all contaminants and diseases that would debilitate or kill normal people.
  • Zoolingualism: The power to talk to animal life forms and understand their reactions. The user can understand the speech or emotions of animal life forms. This ability is quite uncommon and multifaceted. Some variations are magic-based while others are natural talents or mental powers, similar to Telepathy (but limited to animals). Zoolingualism is sometimes imagined as imitating animal sounds, like the barking of a dog. Zoolinguists are normally shown using their abilities in their native language, in an animal language (like Parseltongue or Mangani), or even mentally without any spoken words.
  • Multidimensional Thought: The ability to sustain multiple lines of thought simultaneously. While most species are constrained to focusing on a single idea or task at a time, the High Elves can navigate the complexities of up to 5 different streams of consciousness concurrently.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
Male Hálfur names typically consist of a given name followed by a family or clan name. These names often have a melodic and grandiose quality, reflecting the Hálfur's majestic nature and cultural pride. Male given names often end in "-en," "-ol," or "-ar," creating a strong and resonant sound. Examples include Rolen, Araro, Heren, and Thevan. Family and Clan names often end in "-dur," "-kirthol," "-aer," or "-kyre," suggesting ancient lineages and significant family histories. Examples include Nodeldur, Maerkirthol, Liaraer, and Staciakyre.
  • Rolen Nodeldur
  • Araro Maerkirthol
  • Heren Liaraer
  • Auivol Staciakyre
  • Berric Staciailphel
  • Lue Alakirr
  • Theirynna Tsornyll
  • Vashanna Xilorauthi
  • Dwae Rauthidon
  • Thevan Amakirthol
Female Names
Female Hálfur names share similar structures but often incorporate softer, more flowing sounds. They maintain the same emphasis on heritage and lineage, with an added touch of elegance. Female given names frequently end in "-a," "-el," or "-iel," creating a lyrical and graceful tone. Examples include Vashanna, Myriell, Erlias, and Anaiel. As with male family names, these often end in "-dur," "-raer," "-kirthol," or "-gala," emphasizing their noble ancestry. Examples include Rumraer, Ilphelhond, Cryshaldur, and Meligala.
  • Vashanna Rumraer
  • Myriell Ilphelhond
  • Erlias Cryshaldur
  • Paemior Callorum
  • Carmo Rescient
  • Anaiel Meligala
  • Vallynn Mistaru
  • Theirynna Tsornyll
  • Raer Rumaegis
  • Paemior Durkiir
Naming Structure
Seven Seals Legendarium follows a unique naming scheme. Names are made up of five parts though only three parts are required for identification. The ism, nasab, and nisbah are necessary for any name while the laqab and kunya are optional and more formal additions.
  • Ism (Given Name): This is the personal name given to an individual shortly after birth, used to distinguish them from others. It is typically given several days after birth, marking the child’s nameday.
  • Nasab (Account of Lineage): This part of the name indicates the lineage, typically showing the individual's parentage. It uses "ibn" (son of) or "ibnat/bint" (daughter of) to show descent. Nasabs usually cover one to two generations but can extend to three or four for nobility.
  • Nisbah (Affiliation or Surname): The nisbah indicates a person’s affiliation through occupation, descent, or geographical location. It acts as a surname linking individuals to a tribe, clan, or place. It often follows the ism or nasab in a full name.
  • Laqab (Title of Honor): An optional part of the name, the laqab is a title or epithet granted based on an individual’s attributes or achievements. It serves as a principal title and reflects notable qualities or deeds.
  • Kunya: Also optional, the kunya is an honorific name referring to someone as the father or mother of someone else, usually their first son. It is used as a prefix for respect and can also be metaphorical, symbolizing attachment or a nickname.
Within Hálfur societies (generally) the ism is given to the child on the day the child is conceived, with the gender of the child being known via Hálfur magic, though some believe that giving a name this way can impact the gender of the child (this is superstition). The nasab goes back three generations (parent, grandparent, great-grandparent) following the female line. The nisbah is normally just a surname or Clan name that a person was born into. Laqabs are rare in Hálfur society and can only be formally given by nobility or statesmen. Kunya is almost always used to refer to the 1st born child that a Hálfur sired.
  • ISM: The Hálfur are only referred to by their ism by members within their immediate blood family. To use it otherwise is disrespectful.
  • NASAB: If a Hálfur is a part of a formal Clan or House, it is common to refer to them with their nasab.
  • NISBAH: The nisbah is only used in conjunction with the ism on formal documents or similar events or ceremonies.
  • LAQAB: To be used in place of a nasab both within a Clan or House and outside of it.
  • KUNYA: The kunya can be used in conjunction with any other part of the name.

Historical Figures

  • Umm Cyran Rubarae Mother of the Hálfur ibnat Seraphiel ibnat Lynara ibnat Orlina al-Inacan
  • Abu Ysellia Cyran ibn Rubarae ibnat Adamar ibn Ilphelhond al-Inacan min al-Bayt Høystein
Cyran of the Inacan Clan was the son of Rubarae, the very first Hálfur, who established the 1st Great Elven Empire and created the House of Høystein. While both the House and the Empire would later fail, the Inacanian lineage would remain to this day. Cyran is venerated for his courage and bravery in leading the Crusades that created his vast empire.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Kingdom: Animilia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Primates, Family: Hominidae, Genus: Alfarus, Species: Alfarus elevatus
Average Height
9 ft. 6 in. | 2.9 Meters
Average Weight
450 Lbs. | 204 Kg.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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