The Snjóálfur, the Snow Elves of Jötunheimr

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Elf Physiology: The user with this ability can either transform into an elf (also known as an alfar, alp, ellefolk, etc.). Elves are humanoid beings who are either fairies, close relatives of the fairies, or humanoids with exceptional lifespans and magical inclinations, depending on the lore. In general, elves resemble slender, beautiful, youthful/ageless, graceful humans. Some versions of elves are close to human size, others are diminutive, and still others are taller than humans. Though some human-sized elves could pass as beautiful humans, most have one or more distinctly elven traits. Pointed ears are the most common, but some elves have large eyes, skin/hair/eyes of an unusual color, and (rarely in modern fiction, but not uncommonly in folklore) hollowed-out backs.
  • Supernatural Senses: The power to possess transcendent senses. The user's sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water. In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
  1. Balyaris Urekelor
  2. Ryngriath Vrankrath
  3. Lyrzius Uretan
  4. Jedkaris Shanparis
  5. Kidafaris Berelmyn
  6. Redpiroth Denlen
  7. Irefiath Ordras
  8. Parelebor Harnaris
  9. Cenhur Wanmyn
  10. Teretil Agrenoth
Female Names
  1. Kirvhis Nararawyn
  2. Lesgreah Loregoth
  3. Lesfeah Emewenoth
  4. Celegreah Oremyn
  5. Kineneris Norgoth
  6. Zidayis Berellen
  7. Rinedenyse Orefaroth
  8. Nythegeth Unarborin
  9. Waeselin Harbath
  10. Unhelyis Bereltan


During the early ages of Creation, Princes Odin, Vili, and Vé, on the command of their Lord Father Allfather Bör, slew Ymir, the First Jötnar, and used the corpse to create Midgard. The firstborn of Ymir was Þrúðgelmir the Strength Yeller who erupted from Ymir's legs with unknowable strength. His son was Bergelmir the Mountain Yeller, and he alone survived the Æsir Warparty. Bergelmir would re-settle a new Realm in the Mortal Multiverse, Jötunheimr, and with his wife Drýlgjeivlý, would re-populate the Jötnar race.
Unknown to the Jötnar at the time, the Realm had already been visited by the Álfr Symbiote. The Álfr is not a species, not at first anyway. They were a Symbiote that emerged from the Crucible long ago after Talos, the 1st Name of God, established Yggdrasil. A spore had long since landed in the Realm that became Jötunheimr, but the blistering supernatural cold here had frozen it over. Hundreds of years later, it had finally adapted and survived long enough to find a new host, the Jötnar. The Álfr Symbiote is one that can diametrically alter the very genetic structure of the victim, it makes them stronger, smarter, faster, and more durable. They possess superior minds and extended lives. With the corruption of the Jötnar, the Alfr had created the fourth race of Elves, the Snjóálfur (Snow Elf).

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Interbreeding Relations Matrix
The Interspecies and Extraspecies Reproduction Matrix (IERM) provides a quantitative framework to assess the likelihood of reproductive success between different races, ranging from internal to external reproduction.
  1. Genetic Compatibility: Genetic similarity between species significantly impacts reproductive success. Species with closely related genetic makeup are more likely to produce viable offspring. Conversely, significant genetic disparities can hinder successful reproduction.
  2. Environmental Adaptation: The ability of species to adapt to their environment influences reproductive strategies. Species adapted to similar environmental conditions may exhibit greater compatibility due to shared ecological requirements.
  3. Behavioral Factors: Behavioral traits, including mating rituals, courtship behaviors, and social structures, can either facilitate or impede interspecies reproduction. Compatibility in behavior enhances reproductive success by promoting mate recognition and mating behaviors.
  4. Reproductive Physiology: Variations in reproductive anatomy and physiology can affect the mechanics of mating and fertilization. Compatibility in reproductive systems increases the likelihood of successful mating and conception.
The IERM categorizes species based on their propensity for interspecies and extraspecies reproduction, ranging from 0 (exclusive internal reproduction) to 1 (exclusive external reproduction). While no species can achieve a full 0 or 1 score due to the dynamic nature of reproductive interactions, the matrix provides a continuum to assess reproductive compatibility.
The Snjóálfur, born from the symbiotic influence of the Alfr, exhibit unique characteristics in the context of reproductive compatibility. While their genetic lineage traces back to the Jötnar and Alfr symbiote, the Snjóálfur display a tendency towards internal reproduction, albeit with some degree of interspecies compatibility. Despite being associated with the Alfr symbiote, which typically drives client races towards external reproduction to expand its influence, the Snjóálfur deviates from this pattern. Their closer alignment towards internal reproduction suggests a divergence in reproductive strategies, possibly influenced by genetic factors or ecological dynamics specific to Jötunheimr.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Primates, Family: Hominidae, Genus: Alfrus, Species: Alfrus Nivalis
1,500 Years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Snjóálfur have extremely pale or even translucent skin tones with a subtle Iridescent glow to them, shimmering hues of blue or silver when exposed to certain light conditions.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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