The Muses, Goddesses of the Arts and Proclaimers of Heroes

The Muses, therefore, were both the embodiments and sponsors of performed metrical speech. Others included science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, and especially art, drama, and inspiration.

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford
The Muses are Proclaimers of Heroes, they weave songs and sagas that sing their glory for the whole of creation to hear and celebrate to. There are 9 Major Muses, the most powerful Muses who are favored by their father ZEUS. They Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania. They all inspire mortals, gods, and demons alike, but to be championed and honored by all nine Muses is one of the highest honors any being can acheive.

Basic Information


The Muses, divine embodiments of inspiration and creativity, exhibit a majestic and ethereal anatomy befitting their celestial nature. Standing tall and regal, they boast a humanoid form that gracefully merges with bovine legs, lending an otherworldly elegance to their stature. These celestial beings are adorned with a crown of small and intricately designed horns atop their heads, reminiscent of the celestial realms from which they originated. The horns, a symbol of their divine lineage and connection to the heavens emanate an aura of grace and wisdom. Their physical composition suggests a blend of celestial and terrestrial elements, emphasizing their role as intermediaries between the mortal and divine realms. This unique combination of humanoid and bovine features contributes to their distinctive presence, underscoring the harmonious fusion of artistry and divinity embodied by the Muses in their sacred abode on Mt. Olympus within the Holy Multiverse.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Muses, as an all-female celestial race, possess a unique method of reproduction that reflects their divine nature and connection to the heavenly realms. Unlike conventional mortal species, the Muses do not engage in traditional sexual reproduction for the expansion of their population. Instead, the creation of new Muses is an exclusive prerogative of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the Skyfather and Titaness of Memory.
While the Muses can engage in sexual relationships with other celestial or divine beings, the offspring from such unions do not belong to the Muse race. Instead, they inherit the divine qualities of the father's lineage, showcasing the Muse genes as a conduit for the expression and enhancement of the paternal divine essence. Muses, being the bearers of creativity and inspiration, act as divine superconductors for the father's genes, resulting in the birth of powerful individuals who reflect the celestial heritage of their paternal lineage.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The killing, attacking, or wounding of a Muse carries a severe punishment from the Skyfather ZEUS. They are already so few in number and difficult to create, thus the loss of one is invaluable to the Skyfather. The Muses are protected by the Korybantes, a race of dancing giants armed with celestial weapons and holy armaments, empowered by Olympus itself with immortality and nigh-invincibility. They are also capable of wielding the Lighting and Thunderbolts of ZEUS, capable of shaking entire planets with their might, a boon from Seafather Poseidon, and are deathless, a gift from Hades of the Underworld. They can move at the speed of the Bifröst and are resistant to physical, mental, and spiritual attacks. They bear 10 heads and 50 arms, each head has 7 eyes and something as small as a strand of hair can be observed by them. The Korybantes reside within the shadows or null space around their Muse, you will never see or hear them coming and they are expected to DESTROY any and all threats, real or otherwise, to their Muse without exception, anything short of utter decimation is a failure and the Skyfather does not tolerate failure.
The Korybantes are only loyal to the will of the Muse they are sworn to and only Zeus can override their commands. They are known as the Dancing Knights as many of their muses have commanded them to dance and perform with or for them. There has only ever been one incident when Muses were wounded, and killed. The triplets Melete, Aoede, and Mneme were slain by a group of unnamed demons from the Unholy Multiverse. Zeus' wrath was swift and fatal. He, Poseidon, and Hades DESTROYED the demons and wiped out their species so thoroughly that to this day, that to even mention the name of the race causes storms to manifest, the earth the shake, and the dead to rise. However, if one could defeat the Korybantes and evade the Olympians, the soul of a Muses is priceless and can be used to create metaphysical music. However, none have ever since been bold enough to try it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Muses, as celestial conduits of inspiration, possess extraordinary perceptual and sensory capabilities that transcend the limitations of mortal senses. Gifted with clairvoyance, they can acquire information beyond the ordinary range of detection, enabling them to perceive objects, persons, locations, and events outside the scope of conventional vision. This ability extends to the detection of spiritual and psychic beings, rendering the unseen visible to their discerning eyes. The Muses, attuned to the fabric of time and space, can also behold sights and visual sensations from alternate dimensions, past and future events, and locations beyond the realm of normal human senses. Their optical prowess allows them to receive sensations such as itchy eyes, tears, rolling eyes, enhanced vision, rapid blinking, blurriness, and even temporary blindness, all in response to stimuli from the extraordinary tapestry of existence.
Furthermore, the Muses are imbued with empathic insight, enabling them to fully interpret the intricate tapestry of emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without relying on apparent symptoms. This empathic mastery allows them to comprehend the complexities of introverted individuals and discern hidden emotions beneath surface expressions. Their ability to attack on a personal and emotional level is unparalleled, as they can exploit the knowledge of emotions flowing through others. Over time, the Muses' empathic powers evolve to the point where they can manipulate the emotions of those around them, using this profound understanding to play upon the feelings of others. This empathic reach extends over vast numbers of sentient beings and even transcends dimensional boundaries, providing the Muses with a unique and potent tool to navigate the intricacies of the Holy Multiverse and influence the fates of those within it.

Civilization and Culture


Mnemosyne, Tittaness of Memory, once laid with the Skyfather, Lord Zeus, King of Olympus, and through her, Zeus fathered the race of celestials that would come to be known as the Muses, inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. The Muses reside primarily within Mt. Olympus, a Realm within the Holy Multiverse, under the leadership of their half-brother, Lord Apollo (Apollon Mousēgetēs), God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, light, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young. The Muses were embodiments of art, science, knowledge, music, literature, and performance, they gave all beings in Creation inspiration and sang songs about the legendary heroes of old so that their tales would never be forgotten.

Historical Figures

  • Erato the Desired, Goddess of Erotic And Lyrical Poetry
Erato is a Muse of lyric poetry, particularly erotic poetry, and mimics imitation. Erato is the wife to the minor deity and Holy Knight Sir Malus, and with him, she bore a goddess of war, Lady Cleophema, who wed the Lapithsian King Phlegyas, and they bore Princess Coronis who gave birth to a god of medicine by Lord Apollo, Lord Asclepius, God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation, and physicians.
  • Euterpe the Delightful, Goddess of Lyric Poetry
Euterpe is an explorer and bard who can often be found in the halls of Vingólf, Ásgardr, entertaining the Allmother and her maiden goddesses but is known to wander through all the halls of gods and goddesses of the Holy Multiverse. She is joined by her lord husband, Thracian King Strymon, and their legendary children, Princes Rhesus the RulerOlynthus the Lion-Eater, and Brangas the King-Slayer.
  • Melpomene the One that is Melodious, Goddess of Tragedy and Chorus
Melpomene is described as singing songs of mourning for people of note after they die, particularly for poets. She is known to collect the Death Songs of well-learned and artistic beings and her cult sings them as they are carried through the 50 Dead Worlds in the Kingdom of the Dead. By the god Achelous she is the mother of the various Siren races.
  • Polyhymnia One of Many such Hymns, Goddess of Hymns
Polyhymnia is the Muse most well-known to Mortals as she walks among them most of her kin. She favors the Jötnar of Jötunheimr and has composed many hymns and song pieces for them. By the Demigod son of Lord Ares, Sir Cheimarrhoos, Polyhymnia bore twin sons Triptolemus and Buzyges. They both shared one soul and were legendary heroes.
  • Terpsichore the Delightful Dancer, Goddess of Dancing and Chorus
Terpsichore is a muse of chorus and dancing, taking special interest in ritual and ceremonial dances and movements, credited as the Mother of Ceremonies by many Mortal societies. She primarily resides in Olympus, favored by Lord Ares, God of war and courage. By Ares, Terpsichore is the mother of the Thracian King Biston, Founder of Bistonia, and Father of the Bistonites.
  • Urania of the Heavens, Goddess of Astronomy
The first muse of astronomy and astrology, Urania inherited Zeus' majesty and power and the beauty and grace of her mother Mnemosyne. Her robes are made up of a million small stars and she keeps her attention and eyes on the heavens. She is able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars and can re-arrange the stars to change the future of Mortals and Gods alike. Urania is a favorite child of Zeus and is never far from his side or his thoughts.
  • Clio the One Who Remembers, Goddess of History and Lyre Playing
Lady Clio is known as the proclaimer, glorifier, and celebrator of history, great deeds, and accomplishments. Clio built the Kleiodraium, an infinite library that recounts her vast knowledge of history, past deeds, and actions taken by all beings of the cosmos. The Skyfather has taken an interest in her works and made it so that none may enter without his permission. By Pierus of Magnesia, she is the mother of the hero Hyacinth and the god of unions, Hymenaeus.
  • Thalia the Joyous One, Goddess of Comedy
Thalia was a Muse of comedy whose face had never been seen, always covered by a comic mask. Thalia resides within her own pocket dimension, referred to as the House of Joy. She entertains a never-ending show of comics, plays, and performative arts. By Lord Apollo, she is the mother of the Korybantes, a race of giants who danced and worshiped the goddess Cybele. They are also responsible for protecting the Muses when not on Olympus.
  • Calliope of the Beautiful Voice, Goddess of Epic Poetry
Calliope is a Muse of Epic poetry and eloquence and one of the most well-known among the celestials for her voice and writing ability. She is also known for her famous children, Orpheus and Linus by King Oeagrus of the Thrace Kingdom, both revered for their musical talents that could enchant gods and lull them to sleep.

Scientific Name
Class: Divinacea, Phylum: Celestialis, Order: Museiformes, Family: Museidae, Genus: Musea, Species: inspiratus (Trinomial Name: Musea inspiratus celestialis)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Muses, as divine embodiments of inspiration and creativity, exhibit a captivating array of body tints and colors that reflect the boundless diversity of their celestial essence. Their skin tones, which serve as a testament to their divine lineage, can be described as a mesmerizing spectrum that transcends the conventional boundaries of mortal pigmentation. These celestial beings possess skin tones that radiate with an otherworldly glow, captivating observers with the ethereal beauty that defines their existence.
  • Vibrant Hues of the Heavens: The Muses' skin tones span a breathtaking range, including vibrant reds that evoke the fiery brilliance of distant stars, enchanting greens reminiscent of celestial landscapes, and captivating blues mirroring the expanse of the heavens. Each Muse may have a unique primary skin tone, but they all share the ability to blend and shift hues as expressions of their emotions or as manifestations of the inspiration they channel.
  • Luminescent Patterns: Intricate and ever-changing luminescent patterns grace the Muses' bodies, responding to the ebb and flow of their creative energies. These patterns, resembling celestial constellations, may emerge in moments of heightened inspiration, creating a living canvas that narrates the story of their artistic endeavors. The patterns can shift and evolve, much like the verses of a song or the acts of a play.
  • Cloud-Like Hair: The Muses' hair is a celestial manifestation, resembling clouds that defy gravity with their airy curls and fluffy textures. The color of their hair harmonizes with their primary skin tones, creating an ensemble of celestial beauty. As they move and express themselves, their cloud-like hair undulates in a graceful dance, echoing the fluidity and dynamism of their artistic inspiration.
  • Celestial Symbols: Markings on their skin may take the form of divine symbols that represent the arts and realms they govern. These symbols, whether intricate runes or cosmic glyphs, may appear during moments of intense inspiration or when the Muses channel-specific creative energies. Each Muse bears unique symbols that serve as a visual signature of her influence on the arts.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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