The Sirens, the Singers of Death Songs and Allure of Misfortune

Basic Information


The Sirens exhibit a captivating and eerie blend of humanoid and avian features, a testament to their origin as creations of the Muse Melpomene and the influence of the Morning Star's demonic energies. Their bodies are endowed with both grace and lethality, embodying the duality of their purpose as Death-Singers. The Sirens possess a humanoid frame, standing upright on hindlimbs that culminate in sharp, talon-like appendages. These legs are powerful and designed for agility, allowing the Sirens to navigate varied terrains swiftly. The skeletal structure is lightweight yet durable, providing the necessary support for their avian and humanoid features.
Two sets of feathered wings adorn their backs, enabling them to take flight with an otherworldly grace. The feathers are sleek and iridescent, reflecting a mesmerizing array of colors in the ambient light. These wings are not only crucial for aerial mobility but also serve as a visual representation of their connection to the divine, a reminder of their intended purpose as heralds of Death Songs. The Sirens' arms are adorned with razor-sharp claws, reminiscent of predatory talons. These appendages serve a dual purpose — both for delicate manipulation, such as when crafting haunting melodies and as formidable weapons when engaging in acts of predation. The claws are retractable, allowing the Sirens to switch seamlessly between tasks requiring finesse and those demanding a more aggressive approach.
The most striking feature of the Sirens is their feathered heads, where one might expect to find the head of an avian creature, complete with beak, they find the face of a beautiful woman with eyes that seem to reflect the very stars themselves.

Genetics and Reproduction

  1. Sexual Reproduction with Virtually Any Species: The Sirens, embodying the essence of both the divine Muse Melpomene and the demonic Morning Star, have a singular ability to engage in sexual reproduction with virtually any species. This mystical proclivity ensures a diverse genetic pool, with the offspring always being female and inheriting the distinctive traits of the Siren mother. This exceptional trait allows them to adapt to various environments and circumstances.
  2. Rare Occurrence of Male Offspring: While the norm is the birth of female Sirens, rare instances occur where a male Siren is born. In these exceptional cases, the male offspring inherits the genetic makeup of the Siren's partner, introducing a degree of variability into the Siren population. These rare males, although a deviation from the usual, play a crucial role in maintaining the genetic diversity within the Siren lineage.
  3. Egg-based Gestation: The Sirens' reproductive process centers around the formation of eggs. Following a period of courtship and copulation with a chosen partner, the Siren lays one to two eggs every year or so. The eggs, crafted with an ethereal shell that resonates with the energies of life and death, serve as the vessels for the next generation. Each egg is a repository of potential, carrying the genetic legacy of the Siren mother and, in rare cases, the traits of the father.
Siren genetics are pre-disposed to survive, and as such, drastic mutations in their gene pool are common and result in a wide variety of Siren races. When they reproduce with a being of a drastically different type than themselves, their genes adopt the best traits of the male into their own structure to improve themselves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The physiological composition of the Sirens is such that their bodies are exclusively adapted to a carnivorous diet. Their digestive systems are incapable of processing plant matter, necessitating the consumption of meat to fulfill their nutritional requirements. This carnivorous nature is a testament to their predatory origins and the predatory legacy bestowed upon them by the Muse Melpomene.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Sirens, as creations forged in the confluence of divine inspiration and demonic energy, possess extraordinary sensory and extrasensory capabilities that transcend the limits of ordinary perception. Their supernatural senses, a testament to their dual nature as Death-Singers and predators, grant them unparalleled awareness of the world around them.
  • Enhanced Vision: The Sirens' eyes, reflecting the stars themselves, bestow upon them an otherworldly vision. They can see across vast distances with unparalleled resolution, allowing them to discern intricate details thousands of miles away. Their eyes pierce through the darkness with ease, and they can track the swiftest movements imperceptible to others.
  • Heightened Hearing: Gifted with ears attuned to the subtlest vibrations, the Sirens can hear through dense walls and perceive the faintest noises from extraordinary distances. Their auditory prowess enables them to navigate their surroundings with precision and detect the nuanced tones and rhythms essential for crafting their haunting Death Songs.
  • Echolocation Mastery: The Sirens, blending avian and humanoid features, possess an innate mastery of echolocation. While their visual and auditory senses are already exceptional, echolocation further enhances their ability to navigate three-dimensional spaces, whether in flight or on land. This skill is especially useful in the dark realms of the Kingdom of the Dead.
  • Supernatural Olfaction: The feathered heads of the Sirens house a sense of smell that surpasses the boundaries of conventional perception. They can detect scents over vast distances, distinguishing individual molecules and atoms. This olfactory acuity aids them in tracking prey, identifying the unique scents of beings whose Death Songs they are destined to sing.
  • Taste for Detail: The Sirens' ability to taste extends to molecular levels, allowing them to discern the smallest nuances in their environment. This heightened sense of taste not only aids in locating the most harmonious notes for their Death Songs but also helps them navigate through the diverse realms of the Kingdom of the Dead.
  • Sixth Sense and ESP Abilities: Infused with divine and demonic energies, the Sirens have developed a sixth sense and various extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities. This enables them to perceive and sense things that transcend the boundaries of ordinary senses. They can tap into the ethereal currents of the Kingdom of the Dead, detecting disturbances and presences that elude mundane perception.

Civilization and Culture


The Sirens are a race of predatory beings created by the Muse Melpomene the One that is Melodious, Goddess of Tragedy and Chorus, and the minor Olympian deity Achelous on the planet Sirenum. Melpomene is described as singing songs of mourning for people of note after they die, particularly for poets. She is known to collect the Death Songs of well-learned and artistic beings and her cult sings them as they are carried through the 50 Dead Worlds in the Kingdom of the Dead. The Sirens were a creation of hers meant to be the Death-Singers, beings who sing the Death Songs of great thinkers and bards in the Kingdom of the Dead. To this end, she enlisted the power of the Morning Star for his demonic energies, but his power corrupted her creations and birthed the Sirens that are known today. Melpomene saw them as failures but Achelous took pity on them and gifted them sentience and intelligence so that they might make something of themselves.

Scientific Name
Class: Divinacea, Phylum: Celestialis, Order: Museiformes, Family: Museidae, Genus: Musea, Species: Melodiosa (Trinomial Name: Musea Melodiosa celestialis)
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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