The Three Unwholesome Roots Technique

"Buddhist roots run deep, Gestures weave their cosmic dance, Karma's balance kept."

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford


  • Moha (Confusion / Stagnation): This power grants the user the ability to induce a state of stagnation and confusion in any target they choose. Whether the target is a naturally occurring phenomenon or something they have initiated, the user can halt its progress or regress it to a state of unchanging inertia. In practical terms, this means the user can freeze the development, movement, or evolution of virtually anything within their influence. This power allows for the imposition of a state of stasis, preventing change, growth, or regression in the targeted object, person, or concept. It's a formidable ability for maintaining the status quo, disrupting adversaries, or preserving crucial moments in time.
  • Dvesha (Aversion / Repulsion): With this power, the user gains mastery over the forces of repulsion. They can manipulate various forms of repulsive forces, such as mental resistance, gravitational repulsion, or magnetic repulsion, among others. This ability allows the user to create, shape, and control these repulsive forces to their advantage. Whether they are defending against mental intrusion, defying gravity, or repelling objects with magnetic fields, the user can employ the power of repulsion to both protect themselves and disrupt their surroundings. This versatile power can be used strategically in various contexts, from repelling physical threats to resisting mental manipulation.
  • Raga (Desire / Attraction): The user of this power wields the ability to harness the forces of attraction. They can create, shape, and manipulate various attractive forces, including mental attraction, gravitational attraction, and magnetic attraction, among others. With this power, the user can exert control over the attraction between objects, people, or ideas. This means they can draw things together, intensify bonds, or increase the allure of their chosen target. Whether it's fostering emotional connections, manipulating gravitational fields, or guiding magnetic forces, the user can employ the power of attraction to influence and shape their environment, making it a potent tool for a wide range of purposes, from forming alliances to controlling the movement of objects.

Side/Secondary Effects

When a user of The Three Unwholesome Roots employs one of their powers—Moha (Confusion/Stagnation), Dvesha (Aversion/Repulsion), or Raga (Desire/Attraction)—they set in motion a delicate cosmic balance. For every action they take, an equal and opposite reaction, rooted in Karma, is initiated. This Karma manifests as an energy counterpart to the power they have just wielded.
  • Stagnation's Price (Karmic Movement): If a user utilizes Moha to induce stagnation in a target, Karma responds with an immediate backlash of Karmic Movement. This energy demands equilibrium, and the user is forced into constant motion. If they cease moving, the accumulated Karmic Movement energy strikes them, causing physical and mental distress. The longer they employ Stagnation, the more intense the Karmic Movement's force becomes, compelling the user to maintain a continuous state of activity to avoid harm.
  • Repulsion's Toll (Karmic Attraction): For those who harness Dvesha to repel or defend against external forces, Karma enforces balance with Karmic Attraction. Whenever they activate Repulsion, an equal force of Karmic Attraction is directed at them. This energy seeks to draw the user closer to other objects or entities, making it challenging to maintain a safe distance. If they resist Karmic Attraction, they may experience physical strain or even injuries as the opposing forces clash.
  • Attraction's Backlash (Karmic Repulsion): When a user invokes Raga to attract or manipulate connections between things, Karma responds with Karmic Repulsion. This energy repels the user from their surroundings, potentially leading to involuntary separation from allies or vital resources. If they attempt to resist Karmic Repulsion, it intensifies, making it increasingly difficult for them to remain in close proximity to anything they desire.
The Karma-inflicted consequences of using The Three Unwholesome Roots add depth to the powers' dynamics. Users must carefully weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks and consider the timing and duration of their power usage.


Malik Ambar, the renowned military strategist and Master of War, stands as an exceptional historical figure whose life journey encapsulates the embodiment of resilience, strategy, and ambition. Born as a slave, he defied the odds, not only securing his freedom but also ascending to the pinnacle of power within the Nizam Shahi dynasty of the Ahmednagar Sultanate.
Ambar's rise to prominence within the Nizam Shahi dynasty was a testament to his unwavering loyalty and strategic prowess. As the Sultanate faced imminent threats from multiple smaller sultanates vying for the riches of the Nizam Shahi dynasty, Ambar recognized the opportunity amidst the chaos. Rather than immediately deploying his forces, he astutely withheld his intervention, allowing the internal power struggles and external pressures to weaken the dynasty further.
Only when the situation reached a critical juncture did Ambar decide to act. He dispatched his sons, Fateh Khan and Changiz Khan, on a mission to secure one of the dynasty's heirs, Nizam Shahi Murtaza II. By supporting Murtaza II's claim to the throne, Ambar solidified his family's position within the dynasty. To seal this alliance, he strategically married his daughter, Ibtisaama, to Murtaza II, ensuring the continued influence of his lineage in the future of the Nizam Shahi dynasty.
With the political landscape favorably aligned, Ambar's ambitions extended beyond securing the dynasty's survival. He orchestrated a series of bold counterattacks against foreign powers encroaching on the dynasty's territory. It was during these military campaigns that Ambar unveiled his formidable "Three Unwholesome Roots Jutsu." This mystical and strategic skill enabled him to exert unparalleled dominance over his adversaries, compelling them to surrender unconditionally. These victories not only safeguarded the Nizam Shahi dynasty but also expanded its influence on neighboring star systems  
The Iphratyde Rebellion
Sultan Rhykard XII, Lord of Order
The Iphratyde Rebellion unfolds as a significant historical chapter, marked by tumultuous events and power struggles within the Nizam Shahi dynasty. It all began during the period of peace following the Nizam Shahi victory when Sultan Murtaza II entered into a marriage alliance with Ibtisaama, the daughter of Malik Ambar. However, the tranquility was short-lived as the Sultan, seeking additional companionship, took a second wife and began to favor his offspring from this union over the children he had with Ibtisaama. This mistreatment of Ambar's daughter ultimately proved to be a grave offense, one that led Malik Ambar to orchestrate the assassination of Sultan Murtaza II.
In the wake of Murtaza II's demise, Ambar placed Murtaza II's son Ibtisaama, Nizam Shahi Burhan III, on the throne. However, Burhan III was but a young boy, leaving the governance of the Sultanate in the hands of his Small Council. Over time, these council members transformed into warlords, each striving to carve out their own dominions within the fragmented Sultanate, all while manipulating the young king to serve their individual ambitions.
Amidst this chaotic backdrop, Fateh Khan, the son of Malik Ambar, emerged as a central figure in a nascent insurrection led by the Iphratyde Sultanate, which had been previously defeated by Malik Ambar during his prime. To prove his loyalty to the growing rebellion, Fateh Khan was tasked with the grim mission of assassinating the sitting Sultan. He executed this mission using poison, mirroring the method employed by his father to eliminate the previous Sultan. The public execution of Burhan III followed, paving the way for Fateh Khan to place his own son, Prince Husain, on the throne, effectively usurping the Nizam Shahi Clan's rule.
Within this tumultuous environment, a pivotal figure, Nizam Shahi Rhykard XII, emerged, destined to become one of the most influential practitioners of the 3 Roots Jutsu. Rhykard XII's lineage is traced back to Anastasia, one of the many concubines entertained by Sultan Burhan III during his short-lived reign. In stark contrast to Malik Ambar, who wielded the jutsu effectively despite limited magical ability, Rhykard possessed an immense reservoir of Magical Energy. His magical prowess was so substantial that he seemed to exude magic effortlessly—a valuable trait for a technique demanding significant energy reserves. Lord Rhykard XII rose to prominence as he led the Rhykardharm Yuddha, a monumental crusade marked by the systematic dismantling of his own Sultanate. He pursued a relentless campaign to identify and eliminate potential traitors and deceivers, resorting to lethal measures if loyalty to him and his Clan wasn't absolute.
Rhykard XII's mastery of the Three Unwholesome Roots Jutsu went beyond that of his predecessors. He not only refined the techniques pioneered by Malik Ambar but also advanced and expanded upon them. During his reign, Rhykard XII remained unchallenged, elevating the Nizam Shahi Clan to the status of an interstellar power. His rule ushered in an enduring era of stability and security for the Sultanate, cementing his legacy as a transformative figure in the annals of history.

Known Applications

Teleportation with "The Three Unwholesome Roots" jutsu is an intricate and demanding skill, requiring mastery of the power of Raga, the ability to manipulate forces of attraction. To teleport using this power, a user must follow a precise sequence of steps, each requiring intense concentration and energy. Here's how one might achieve teleportation
  1. Preparation: Before attempting teleportation, the user must be well-prepared mentally and physically. They need to ensure they have sufficient energy and focus for the task ahead, as teleportation is one of the most mentally taxing applications of Raga.
  2. Target Selection: The user must choose a specific destination for teleportation. This could be a location they have been to before or one they can visualize clearly in their mind. The clearer the mental image of the destination, the more accurate the teleportation.
  3. Activation of Raga: The user initiates the power of Raga, tapping into their ability to manipulate attraction forces. They create a strong mental connection between themselves and the chosen destination, intensifying the attraction.
  4. Energy Accumulation: As the attraction force builds, the user must concentrate on drawing themselves toward the destination. This requires a profound mental effort as they overcome the resistance to staying in their current location.
  5. Release of Attraction: Once the mental image is firmly established, the user abruptly releases the attraction force between themselves and their current location. This is a critical moment, as the sudden release propels them toward the destination.
Teleportation is not without risks. If the user's concentration falters at any point during the process, they may end up in an unintended location or fail to teleport altogether. Additionally, the range of teleportation is limited by the user's mastery of Raga, their energy reserves, and their familiarity with the destination. Using teleportation through Raga also invokes the Karmic balance of attraction and repulsion. As they draw themselves toward the destination, there is an equal and opposite force pushing them away from their starting point. This delicate balance must be maintained to avoid physical strain or injury.  
Physical Barrier
To achieve this effect and create a protective barrier that repels physical contact, a user must follow a series of steps:
  1. Mental Centering: Before attempting to repel physical contact, the user must achieve a state of mental focus and concentration. This is essential as Dvesha requires intense mental control to manipulate repulsive forces effectively.
  2. Identification of Threat: The user must identify the specific threat or object they want to repel. Whether it's a person, a weapon, or an object, they need to visualize it clearly in their mind and establish a mental connection with it.
  3. Activation of Dvesha: With a clear mental image of the threat, the user activates the power of Dvesha. This involves creating a repulsive force that extends outward from their body, forming an invisible barrier.
  4. Intensity Control: The user must control the intensity of the repulsive force. If the force is too weak, it may not deter the threat effectively. If it's too strong, it could cause unintended consequences, such as repelling nearby objects or individuals.
  5. Barrier Maintenance: To maintain the barrier against physical contact, the user needs to continuously channel their energy and focus on the repulsion force. This requires a significant amount of mental and physical effort, especially when facing determined adversaries.
Utilizing Dvesha to repel physical contact initiates a Karmic balance, with an equal force of Karmic Attraction directed at the user. This counterforce seeks to draw the user closer to the threat they are repelling. The user must maintain a delicate balance between repulsion and attraction to avoid being forcefully drawn into the danger. Stopping physical contact with Dvesha has limitations. The effectiveness of the repulsion force may vary based on the user's mastery of the power, their energy reserves, and the strength of the threat. Extremely powerful or determined adversaries may still find ways to breach the barrier.  
Perpetual Collapsing Star
Creating a perpetual collapsing star using The Three Unwholesome Roots and their Karma counterparts, Dvesha and Raga, to form a controllable mini-black hole is a complex and highly advanced application of these powers. It is one of the pinnacles of this Jutsu and mastery of this application is paramount to mastering the jutsu.
  1. Activation of Dvesha: To begin the process, the user activates the power of Dvesha, manipulating repulsive forces. They create an intense repulsion force centered on the chosen space, effectively pushing away anything in that area. This initial repulsion creates a void or empty space, which is the first step in forming the collapsing star.
  2. Activation of Raga: Simultaneously, the user activates the power of Raga, harnessing attractive forces. They create a strong attraction force directed towards the same region of space where they initiated Dvesha. This attractive force will pull surrounding objects, energy, and matter towards the void created by Dvesha.
  3. Balancing Act: The user must carefully balance the intensity of both Dvesha and Raga. If one force becomes significantly stronger than the other, it could disrupt the equilibrium and lead to unintended consequences. This delicate balance is crucial for the controlled formation of the collapsing star.
  4. Karmic Manipulation: As the user combines Dvesha and Raga, they must redirect the Karma counterparts of these powers. The repulsive Karmic Attraction and attractive Karmic Repulsion forces should be channeled back into the collapsing star itself. This serves to amplify the effects of both forces, making the collapsing star more potent with time.
  5. Sustaining the Collapse: To maintain the perpetual collapsing star, the user must continuously supply energy and concentration. The forces of attraction and repulsion, along with their Karmic counterparts, must be managed to ensure that the collapse doesn't destabilize or expand uncontrollably.
  6. Increasing Strength: Over time, as the user sustains the collapse, the forces of attraction and repulsion intensify due to the redirected Karma. This makes the collapsing star grow stronger and more potent. The user must be vigilant in maintaining the balance and ensuring that the forces do not become uncontrollable.
  7. Speed and Release: As the user maintains the perpetual collapsing star, it gains momentum and speed, potentially reaching near-light speeds. When the user decides to release the technique, they abruptly cease both Dvesha and Raga, allowing the forces to collapse in on themselves. The intense energies generated by the collapsing star result in a cataclysmic event, erasing everything within its grasp.
This technique represents the pinnacle of a user's mastery over The Three Unwholesome Roots and requires an extraordinary level of skill and control. The risks involved are substantial, and the consequences of mishandling such power could be catastrophic.  
Blessings Rain
  1. Clarify Intent: The user needs to define and visualize what good fortune and blessings mean to them. This could include specific outcomes, such as success in endeavors, prosperity, happiness, or positive relationships. The clearer the intent, the more effectively they can work with Raga.
  2. Activation of Raga: The user initiates the power of Raga, tapping into their ability to manipulate attractive forces. They create a strong mental connection between themselves and the desired outcomes. This connection represents the attraction they seek to manifest in their life.
  3. Amplify Attraction: The user focuses on intensifying the attraction force, making it stronger and more compelling. This can be done by continually visualizing and affirming their intent, reinforcing the attraction between themselves and the desired positive outcomes.
  4. Karmic Manipulation - Attraction: As the user actively attracts good fortune and blessings, they also work with the Karmic counterpart of Raga, which is Karmic Repulsion. Instead of allowing this energy to push them away from their surroundings, they redirect it toward negative events or misfortunes. This serves to repel and create a protective barrier against undesirable experiences.
  5. Sustain the Effects: To maintain the metaphysical attraction of good fortune and blessings, the user needs to consistently channel their energy and focus on their intent. This isn't a one-time act but an ongoing process.
It's important to note that while this metaphysical manipulation of Raga can be a powerful tool for enhancing one's life, it's not foolproof. There are limitations, and external factors beyond the user's control may still influence events. Additionally, the user must be mindful of the potential consequences of repelling negative events, as some challenges can offer valuable lessons or opportunities for growth.

Peshwa Chapu of the Ahmednagar Sultanate
Applied Restriction
  1. Limited Range: The user's ability to influence targets is not unlimited. It is tied to their proximity and focus. The farther the target is from the user, the harder it becomes to maintain control. Additionally, the user may only affect one target at a time, and the range of influence decreases in effectiveness the more distant the target is.
  2. Mental Strain: Utilizing these powers requires intense mental concentration and energy. The more complex the task or the longer the user maintains control, the more mentally taxing it becomes. Prolonged use can lead to exhaustion or even loss of consciousness, making it imperative to use these abilities wisely.
  3. Resistance and Immunity: Not all targets are equally susceptible to The Three Unwholesome Roots. Some individuals or entities may possess natural resistance or even immunity to these powers. This resistance could be due to strong willpower, unique characteristics, or specific countermeasures developed.
  4. Physical and Metaphysical Limits: The abilities' effectiveness may be limited by the laws of physics and metaphysics in the cosmos. For instance, the user might struggle to halt or reverse the natural progression of certain cosmic phenomena, like the aging of stars or the flow of time.
  5. Environmental Considerations: The user's powers may interact with the environment in unexpected ways. For example, manipulating gravitational forces with Dvesha could unintentionally disrupt ecosystems or weather patterns. The user must exercise caution to prevent unintended consequences.
  6. Learning Curve: Mastery of these abilities is not immediate. The user must invest time and effort to understand the intricacies of each power. Their effectiveness and control will improve with practice and experience.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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