Finethiel Maltanthir

Finethiel Haelond Maltanthir (a.k.a. Finny)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Frail and bony with talonlike hands, feather patterns, and deep black eyes.

Body Features

His fingers are long and end in sharply pointed nails, as do his feet, which transform into talons in his beast forms. His skin is speckled with faint white feather patterns which grow out into feathers upon transformation.

Facial Features

A face that resembles an owl's: An elongated round face with a long pointed nose tilted sharply downward, large round eyes with black pupils encompassing them, and pale white lips made of the hard material of a beak. He has no teeth.   His hybrid form sports white feathers on his face, larger black eyes with an eery red glow, and a viciously sharp beak.

Special abilities

Flight, advanced perception abilities, resistance to silvered attacks, and druidic spellcasting.

Apparel & Accessories

He tends to go naked or very close to it. In winter months he wears an easily discard black cloak and the form fitting undergarments of the Grove Clans.

Specialized Equipment

Weilds a gnarled wooden staff with an owl figurehead mounted on top.

Personality Characteristics


To ensure that the clans live on and bring a semblance of order to his home.

Virtues & Personality perks

Finethiel is incredibly driven, almost single mindedly so, which makes him very effective. He has a strong sense of justice and appreciation for time honored traditions. His appreciation for nature goes beyond a cultural value and he utilizes this mindset in his druidic duties, a tough task in post war Lunathros.

Vices & Personality flaws

His anger causes him to lash out and friend and foe alike. While driven, he can go to dire lengths to do what he thinks is best, such as his temporary alliance with the Fangs of Malar. He has a difficult time dealing with his grief and still seems to be in a form of denial over his circumstances, asserting that the old world can be brought back with enough force.

Personality Quirks

Moves oddly smoothly, with unnatural neck movements such as 180 degree head rotation. He gesticulates often and very clearly when speaking.


Keeps as clean as he can, though he often ends up dirty due to his state of dress.


Family Ties

Lived amongst his family and clan before they were all murdered by the Seekers. He was taken in by Arliea shortly after, who raised him like her own.

Religious Views

Sees the world through a naturalistic lense, as do many Grove Children and Druids. He cares little for Gods or similar forces.

Social Aptitude

When speaking he is clear and concise even when angered. He gets his point across well and while he seems rusty, he's a skilled conversationalist.

Hobbies & Pets

Keeps many owls close who act as familiars and companions.


Speaks with a whispy and rough voice which almost seems to echo.

A miserable and angry Elf shouldering the weight of being the last of clan and of species. Saved Taxes through a partnership, losing any trust in her after she failed to uphold her end of the agreement.

Current Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Fighting colonization efforts
Date of Birth
23rd of The Rotting, 1051
Parents (Adopting)
Black eyes, large and owl like
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth pale green skin with featherlike markings all about
Grove Child faith
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype

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