Lunathros Elves

Basic Information


Wood Elven anatomy with prominent animalistic features even in Elven form, due to generations being born with Lycanthropy.

Ecology and Habitats

Many elves take to the terrain most suited to their bestial side. Some take permanent residences while others wander from place to place.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Lycan can be a vegetarian, though this will invariably result in an imbalance with their beast form. Most satiate it's hunger with either raw or cooked meat. Because of this the elves are primarily hunter gatherers. Food can be preserved naturally though many prefer not to.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A clan based society where everyone has a role to play. The Elder of the clan is looked to as a figure of authority and guidance, though they are not necessarily in charge as decisions are made as a collective group. Freedom and self expression is valued and encouraged, though much stifled in recent times. Most clans have fallen, leaving those left to either join together with other survivors, go it alone, or integrate into other societies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Advanced scent capabilities in their hybrid or beast forms, as well as the keen hearing of an elf.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A combination of Elvish, Gnomish and Sylvan names, with different clans often having themes based on their beast forms or other aspects of their history.

Major Organizations

  • Fangs of Malar: A violent cult dedicated to spreading blood in the name of their lord.
  • Grove Children: The Elves that came to temper their wild urges, living with their Lycanthropy in unique ways.

Beauty Ideals

Lunathrosian Elves generally believe the world is ever changing and the things within it impermanent, seeing art forms such as poetry and singing with particular value as they did not need to be written down and reduced to what they saw as a sterile state. The joy of art comes from spontaneous creation, after all, so this should be reflected. Beauty is impermeant, to be viewed in the self and the world around you in all it's variety.

Gender Ideals

The genders are seen as equal and not held to any sort of unfair standards, with many Elves being quite androgenous, this lifted from the earliest ancestral traditions of the elves from which they descended.

Average Technological Level

Mainly tools of wood, bone, and leather made to be disassembled quickly for the sake of travel and easy carrability. These were still incredibly effective however despite their looks, often enchanted as well. Most communities employed a type of rune magic which would infuse their homes (often great trees, caves, or glades) with defenses and enmities while retaining it's impermeant form. Druid's Grove spells were also often used to this end.   Herbalism was also greatly excised for the use of common potions, rituals, the study of magic, and assistance in combat scenarios. A particular potion developed with native plants combined with the Elves' inherent Trance was the key to controlling Lycanthropy, allowing their society to flourish for a time.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elvish, Gnomeish, and Sylvan are used most frequently.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect the natural world, not wasting materials from hunted animals or gathered plants. Always practice self restraint, remaining aware of the power of your emotions and your beasteal counterpart. . This is key to mastering yourself and living a good life. Don't act recklessly and endanger the clan.

Common Dress Code

Most Lycans wore tight undergarments, enchanted to grow along with their transformations. Overwear was often flowing dresses, shawls, cloaks, and other items which could be pulled away without damaging them. These were often made from magical plants, worked leather, or animal parts, the latter as well making up much or their jewellery. They typically wore footwraps to allow for transformation, though those that completely mastered their Lycanthropy could afford to go shoeless. Some Lycans, especially those with more robust beast forms, forwent clothing all together when they could.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Lycan clans initially descended from the mainland Elves of their forest homeland, though years of separation have made them quite different. Art and history are expressed verbally and visually, with a focus on poems, song, and interpretive dance. Particular worship of The Arch-Heart and other Gods has been largely abandoned, some owing it to the God's refusal to aid them in their greatest need. Instead all Gods are revered in some way, not as titanic individuals, but simply aspects of the world as we know it. As such there's not much prayer, reverence instead shown through deed, making their practice much more fluid in nature. They hold a general affinity to The First Circle pantheon and some even revere Archfey in the same way. Many Elves held Eldath with particular respect due to the Grove's significance, which transferred to her clergy as well.   Notions of appealing to Corellon through perfection of their lives and trance were largely abandoned. Instead Trance was exercised primarily to connect with one's beastial side, believing that balance to be the one to strive for. While restraint was stressed these communities were often more freehearted than their cousins, enjoying grand expressions of emotion and rejecting the melancholy pursuits of their older ways.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Beastial Within is believed to be a sentient soul that enters one's body as part of the "curse" of Lycanthropy. When embraced foolheartedly it overcomes the person, warping their body and mind, turning them into their worst self. When successfully resisted the person can retain themselves, though they will change in the light of a full moon, often suffering extreme consequences. Lunathros' Lycan clans believe in finding a middle ground, striking a balance between animalistic nature and Elven sapience. This is the core of their philosophy. A ritual involving specific herbs ground into a potion or specially crafted trinkets is usually used in communing in this way, inducing what's called a "Deep Trance". This is often more difficult on non Elven Lycanthropes as their bodies cannot trance without use of the potion.   The clans typically held festivals for holidays and would join neighboring communities in theirs when they could. Every Elven birth was cause for a grand celebration. Additionally ritual hunts were often held for special occasions, the most important being a young Lycan's First Hunt, where they would transform for the first time and begin to navigate their new abilities.

Common Taboos

Transformation before one's First Hunt was disallowed in most clans as it was viewed as much too dangerous. Additionally different clans had conflicting views on where exactly the line between beast and humanoid laid, which lead to occasional conflict. In the modern day survivors are left to carry their clans particular beliefs and customs.


The Elves of Lunathros arrived many generations ago. The Drifting clans soon found themselves on the small island continent soon dubbed Erna Lunathros. Here, in events lost by bloodshed, they came under the terrible influence of Malar, The Beast Lord. He "blessed" them with Lycanthropy and they in turn struggled. Conflict among the early elves was great and terrible, and soon almost all of them had lost themselves to the beast within. An entire generation passed like this, ensuring all those born in the next generation were to be born Lycanthropes. However, one Elf came across a grand spring and when bathing in it was cleared of mind, able to fight the urges within them. They had stumbled upon a spring blessed by Eldath, and they were not one to dawdle. This champion fought and led as many of their people to the grove as could be done, giving them too the opportunity to become more than a beast. Many joined them after this and began lives anew, working to temper their cursed forms into something advantageous, perhaps even enlightening. They worked to please the angered Fey spirits of the continent, forging bonds and finding new ways to live. Thus ushered the age of the Grove Children, named for the place that saved them.   But not all Elves could be saved. Many stayed monstrous, roaming the continent with little but want for destruction and the approval of their bestial master. They would go on to menace the other communities of Lunathros, making them wary of all Lycanthropes in turn. The clans would avoid conflict with the Fangs of Malar most times, but all burned when the Flame arrived.

Historical Figures

The First Lycan, who's name was lost to time, is revered as a hero in most Lycan's eyes, as the one responsible for freeing them generations ago.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hold a particular hatred for Drathians after the events of the war 100 years ago, both wanting revenge and to completely remove themselves from them. Avoid Hare and Forest Gnomes for their actions during the war, though Rock Gnomes were viewed favorably before the war, in which they stopped communicating. When outsiders are brought in they're treated with suspicion, though it's possible to earn their favor and be accepted.   Drathian colonists are held with particular disdain due to the past, seen as active and unruly enemies who would slaughter them given the chance. While accepting non Elves into their clans was common practice in the past, now many are fearful of accepting outsiders into their midst.   The Gnomes are seen in a mixed light. Differing clans had positive relations in the past, with the Werepanther clans of the highlands often living among the Gnomish communities. Many clans had members of mixed Gnomish and Elvish heritage, with many being wiped out in the war. Now the Hill clans are regarded with disdain by many due to their abstinence from the violence, while a positive yet strained bond with the Rock clans is maintained.   Lycan and Hare have always had a tenuous standing due to their past. Many Hare see Lycans as pure monsters, not looking past the Fangs actions. The Lycans avoided them in turn, making interaction between the two quite rare. Lycanthrope Hare are also a rarity.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
700 Years
Conservation Status
Very few left after the Silver Flame's genocide.
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elves skin are highly receptive to their environment. An elf born by the seaside may have hues of blue or white, while one born in the woods may be brown or green skinned. The most common skin tones are brown and green due to the region and the elves proximity to the woods.   Ones Lycanthropy can manifest in unique markings and coloration. Panthers and Wolves often have darkened noses and patches around their eyes or cheeks, sometimes giving the impression of whiskers in a panther's case.
Geographic Distribution


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