The Scapegoats


Loosely organized with the party linking together many somewhat disparate groups. It has yet to become a true alliance, with no concrete roles or levels of command.


Reflective of Lunathrosian ideals and cultures as it is made up primarily of natives intent on driving out the empire. Members tend to be strongly anti authority and of a chaotic bend. Iron willed rebels and bleeding hearts alike comprise the organization dedicated to freeing their home and themselves at any means necessary. The group is small to start and most members are fiercely loyal to the party for both personal and ideological reasons.

Public Agenda

The exposure and ceasing of imperial corruption and hostilities: Ultimately to the hope of freedom for the oppressed and an independent nation.


  • Limited gold
  • Few safehouses (Moonlighter's secret room, Morbalar's, Hollah's)
  • Magic materials and knowledge through Taxes' village and Morbalar
  • Inside knowledge through Lumi
  • Horses and Gnomeish mounts
  • 58 bodies total: The party, the Moonwhispers, Xanliss' squad, Gnomeish villagers, Druids, Grove Lycans, Eldathyns, and Faena's Moonlighter allies.
  • Divine Service: In times of need, your group can appeal to the priests of the Twin Moon Conspirators for magical aid, a benefit of their patronage. An NPC cleric or druid of the faith who is of sufficiently high level casts any spell of up to 5th level on the group's behalf, without charge. The caster provides any costly material components needed for the spell, as long as the group demonstrate need and are in good standing with the faith.
  • Cloaked Arms: The group can employ the services of stealthy spies of the Twin Moon, who are ready and willing to back up the party in appropriate situations, such as guarding a public appearance from the crowd or adding bodies to an ambush mission.


You know.
Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species


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