Xanliss Neridiel

Xanliss Neridiel

Xanliss is a young adult Eladrin from the forests of the Feywild. Brash and excitable, he ran off to defend his home from invading Gnolls and became fast friends with the party after they helped him in this pursuit. After they departed he dedicated himself to protecting his home alongside a personally gathered militia, as he loathes the many who've been run off by the current dangers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wide shouldered and lithe, giving him a strong presence despite his smaller size.

Body Features

Leaves sprout from his hair and skin matching the coloration of the rest of his body, though they can also vary somewhat. They shift depending on his emotional state.

Facial Features

Triangular face with a sharp chin and large ears, along with eyes like pools of gold.

Special abilities

He utilizes his powerful emotions in the form of spellcasting, warping the world around him to his advantage in a variety of ways.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears well made leather armor, studded with gold bits and adorned with patterns of flowing water and woodland creatures. He also wears a flowing tunic and leggings that give variety in color.

Mental characteristics


Self employed as a militiaman.

Charismatic Eladrin youth with a powerful font of magic. Protects his forest home along with a militia formed of fellow fey. Now allies with the Scapegoats.

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Chaotic Good
Current Status
Setting up residence in Moonbright.
Yellow and deep like shining pools
Long and curly, going down to his shoulders. Colored a bit lighter than his skin
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A deep and shiny autumnal red
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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