Akordia Akavish

Akordia Akavish

A former drow warrior lost and mutated in the Feywild, who has only recently stumbled onto the continent of Lunathros. Saved by Taxes and Juniper, she travels with them as she tries to unravel the mystery of her past, while also discovering her purpose on Lunathros. Torn between her new-found friends and bloodlust, she struggles to fit into the Scapegoats. Beneath her fierce exterior lies someone who is deeply insecure and scared.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Made almost entirely of lean muscle.

Body Features

Spider-like eyes, retracable claws on hands.

Identifying Characteristics

Bandage almost always on face covering two spider eyes on right side of face, spider-web cloak, mithral armor.

Physical quirks

Body covered in various scars from battle and the feywild.

Special abilities

Wall-Climbing, Darkvision, Retracable Claws, Venomous Fangs.

Apparel & Accessories

Big-ass sword on her back, practically a walking armory with all the weapons on her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akordia knows little of her history: her time in the feywild caused her to be an amnesiac, but dream sequence revealed to her that she used to be a warrior, with a wife to boot. Unsure how long ago this was.

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Fought back a Deathlok, Helmed Horror, and Ghost singlehandedly to protect the party.
Saved June in the Tall Pines.

Failures & Embarrassments

PTSD outburst on Taxes in the Feywild, essentially blaming Taxesfor everything that's happened to her. Strain on her relationship.

Mental Trauma

Amnesiac. She remembers little of her past.
Intense PTSD relating to the feywild.
Bloodlust as result of spider-mutation/curse. Causes her to extremely violent and reckless during battle at times.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes survival is important above all else. This clouds her judgement, as well as straining her relationship with Vabral due to her need to drink spinal fluid.

Personality Characteristics


To recover her memory and to find out what exactly has cursed her.
Pay back June and Taxes for what they've done for her.
Find a purpose on Lunathros.

Mutated spider-like drow with a severe case of memory loss and thirst for blood and spinal fluid. She searches for purpose on Lunathros while struggling to fit in with the Scapegoats.

View Character Profile
Exact Age Unknown, in the 300s.
Date of Birth
Underdark, exact location unknown.
Cis Woman
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey/Purple
5 ft 8 Inches
140 lb
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