Session 45

Rewards Granted

Treasure: 5,400 gold, 25 gp embroidered silk handkerchief, 750 go silver necklace with a gemstone pendant, 750 gp painted gold war mask, 2,500 gp gold music box, Frostbrand Rapier, Bracers of Archery, Pipes of the Sewers, Dimensional Shackles, +1 Wand of The War Mage, Chime of Opening, Trident of Fish Command, Eyes of The Eagle.   Juniper received the Blessing of The Gloaming Son from Aeric upon becoming his champion.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party managed to fight off Melodia, the singeing Copper Dragon charged with protecting the hidden archive. They plundered what was left of the stored tomes and artifacts, hoping to use them as proof of imperial conspiracy afoot.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Aeric and Juniper had a conversation at length, known only to them.


  • Akordia notes her distaste for the God's, referring to them as "Just powerful but selfish people", which Vabral scoffs at.


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