Session 45.5

Rewards Granted

  • Dimensional Shackles
  • Frostbrand Rapier
  • Chime of Opening

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Juniper established her business, purchasing a shop and employing many of Taxes' villagers to begin setting up.
  • Akordia spent downtime researching, discovering that she was once a high ranking soldier who fought for the noble house Vandrea based in the City of Spiders deep in the Underdark. It seems violence between Underdark communities in 826 caused migrations of many subterranean folk, somehow leading Akordia to Lunathros. 

Character(s) interacted with

  • Juniper and Hollah spoke over the events of the last night, predictably freaking Hollah out. June decides to teach him some self defense skills if he shows her how to cook.
  • Updated wanted posters are put up, Akordia noted by name and Vabral listed as unknown, both charged with trespassing, assault, and murder of holymen. Tears in Akordia's poster possibly point to Melodia's involvement.
  • Juniper spends time drifting around Moonbright and dropping off most of the recovered artifacts. She additionally makes contact with the Twin Moon Conspirators, who pledge their support and the promise of future activity.
  • Vabral urges Akordia to embrace the uncertainty of her life and choose her own path for herself, regardless of what she's done in the past. While supportive, his feelings are complicated given his own situation. He also says he has no issue with her looking into her past further, but warns that he won't abide it if it interferes with the rebellion or brings harm to the party.
  • Akordia remembers her wife Inding, the voice in her dreams, the one who's always just out of reach. The revelation sends her spiraling.
Report Date
18 Feb 2023


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