Church of The Silver Flame


The Vessel, or the Keeper of the Flame, is charged with leading the church once they come of age and master their power. As they receive visions from the Flame itself it is believed they are the only ones truly qualified to lead. In times when the Vessel is too young the Archbishops of different churches lead their flock in preparation of the days ahead.    The Church of the Silver Flame is broadly divided into three orders - the Order of Ministers, the Order of Templars, and the Order of Friars. The church is led by the Keeper of the Flame, or the Vessel, and the Council of Cardinals. The Keeper ultimately leads the Church, but delegates most authority to the Cardinals.    he Order of Ministers is the largest and broadest of the three orders. Outside of Drathia, the order of ministers is only charged with administering to the matters church, although many ministers still find themselves involved in local politics. Inside of Drathia, the Order of Ministers also act as the government - performing not only local governance but judicial functions. While ministers are on balance better educated and more invested directly in the people's needs than the local rulers of other nations, they still sometimes find themselves caught between the duties of faith and the duties of governance. This has only increased over the years, as the order was constructed years later as the Church gained political power.   Structurally, the Order of Ministers makes up the majority of the top levels of the church's hierarchy, privileged with purely bureaucratic duties.   The Order of Templars is the militant arm of the church, historically charged with protecting the innocent from evil. Whether a vampire, witch, or fiend, the Knights Templar have destroyed or imprisoned countless threats. Templars are supposed to protect all innocents regardless of whether a local town pays many tithes to the church, although corrupt opportunists sometimes extort communities. Seekers is the name given to Templars who journey into foreign lands to protect their own or establish colonies and relations with other territories.    Recent years have fused the the Imperial army with the Templars causing issues for the order's legitimacy. Even today, a regiment of knights may have issues pursuing supernatural threats across borders as local authorities question if they're serving the mission of the church or the state. This has also created a conflict in giving the church much power which often goes unchecked or unmanaged. While the templars broadly have no higher titles than "Prefect", the Seeker army does include higher ranks such as Sacrosanct (Major) and Argent (Colonel). Outside of Drathia's capital, Prefects fall under the command and control of their archbishop and work in tandem with the local bishop.   Charged with wandering the world and spreading the light of faith, the Order of Friars is the least hierarchical of the Church's three orders. While Friars never lead cities or regions, some rare few friars have made the jump to the Council of Cardinals.   Pilgrims are the initiate rank of the order and below all other ranks in the church. While not required to perform missionary work, pilgrims do lead by example and represent the faith. Friars travel the world, attempting to convert new followers to the Silver Flame. Furthermore, Friars are typically trained in investigation, acting as the eyes of the church to report instances of supernatural evil such as cults or possessions.   The Council of Cardinals stands above the other orders in the church, administering to the broad concerns of the faith. Cardinals primarily attend to bureaucratic concerns, with many of them having spent years running a nation. Cardinals are nominated and elected by existing cardinals, leading to the majority coming from the Order of Ministers.    The Diet of Cardinals are chosen by the Keeper of the Flame, although new Keepers rarely remove cardinals from the diet. The true governing body of both the Church and Drathia, the Diet collectively makes decisions on behalf of both. It is currently lead by High Cardinal Reginald Hiam.


Pure and strict, obssesed with tradition. One must always do everything they can to serve the flame and not succumb to evil.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Church is to destroy all evil in the world. These evils range from lycans and undead to corruption and greed. The Church does not expect every member to go out and kill fiends, but rather ask that they live a pure life and try to get others around them to do the same.


Gold, horses, weapons, ships. Soldiers are beginning to run a bit low, though.

Mythology & Lore

The Silver Flame has existed since the dawn of time. When the main continent was overrun by darkness and the demon spawn of Khyber, the Flame arose to bring light to the world and to bind the fiends in the depths of the Dragon Below. But the Flame was too pure for flawed humanity, and the people of The Kingdom of Drathia could not hear its call -- until Tira Miron set upon her righteous path. This noble warrior had devoted her life to the cause of honor and sacrifice, and in her the Flame found a worthy vessel. Guided by a glorious feathered serpent, Tira gave her life to end the reign of a demon lord that had escaped its bond. Though she fell in battle, Tira's soul joined with the Silver Flame, and in so doing, she became a conduit -- a voice that humanity could hear. Across Drathia, the pure of heart heard her call; and ever since then, the Church of the Silver Flame has stood against evil, whatever form it might take.

Divine Origins

The traditions of the Flame were birthed from a dark time, as the years after Kyber's defeat were all but easy. Surrounded by evil ina worked ripped apart the Purified did everything they could to ensure their survival. This attitude is still reflected to this day in their practices.   Per its name, the most common representation of the faith is the image of a flame inlaid with silver. Arrowheads are also associated with the religion. Symbolically, arrowheads represent shafts of light piercing the darkness. Practically, ranged weapons provide safety against the claws and fangs of supernatural threats while providing flexibility. Furthermore, a quiver of arrows can feature many special arrowheads at a much cheaper cost than a bag of swords. Many Purified learn the bow, relying on the wisdom of ancient techniques and fighting styles.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Silver Flame is force of light that holds fiends at bay. Those who seek to defend the innocent from evil can draw on the power of the Flame.
  • Every mortal soul can find the light. Inspire and guide others to virtuous behavior; force is a last resort. Though leave no mercy for those who don't heed the light.
  • Listen to the Voice of the Flame; beware the deceiving whispers of the Shadow in the Flame.


The Purified believe in a concept called The Hierarchy of Evil, divided into five categories.  
  • Entities of alien evil. Fiends and aberrations fall into this category, as both malevolent and foreign. While Bloodhunters and other organizations are more primarily concerned with aberrations, a templar of the silver flame would absolutely recognize the threat as important.
  • Entities of unnatural evil. Undead and lycanthropes are originally of the lands, but believed to be fundamentally corrupted by malevolent forces.
  • Entities of innate evil. A controversial category, this covers "monsters" like medusas, yuan-ti, and hags. These beliefs have long led to conflict between the church and the other groups, and has been debated many times in the past.
  • Those who choose evil. Evil humanoids are covered by this. Only the most zealous followers believe all evil humanoids must be put to the sword - the church broadly espouses ideals of mercy and repentance for those who choose evil.
  • The evil within. Times of strife have highlighted the importance of staying vigilant for the whispers of the Shadow in the Flame, which seek to mislead and corrupt the purified.


The Silver Flame is a practical religion with short, purposeful rites and prayers. A purified farmer doesn't associate a good harvest with the blessings of the flame and doesn't involve prayer in ordinary and mundane activities. Simply acting virtuously and embodying the ideals of the church is devotion enough. However, a faithful purified may pray for strength or guidance in a time of hardship or in the face of temptation to do evil.   Rites are similarly practical, oriented around purification and preventing the spread of unnatural evil. Both friend and foe are purified after death by the burning of an alchemical substance known as silverburn, which is also used in other rites. Purification rituals are also used for the sick and for those ordained into the ministry. Since the start of the church's rise in power, the church has also performed purification rituals on behalf of the empire.
Founding Date
Year 0
Religious, Organised Religion
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The Purified
Leader Title
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