The Angle of The Flame Illumination Hiam

The Angle of The Flame (a.k.a. Lumi)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite thin and frail looking, this and the scars almost lending her the visage of a cracked porcelain doll.

Body Features

Her body is covered in glowing silver burn scars, ranging in size, pattern, and placement. Prominent ones can be seen around her hands and up her arms, as well as up her neck.

Facial Features

The scar on her neck creeps up over her chin and stops by her cheekbone. One rests on the side of her forehead as well.

Special abilities

A combination of Arcane and Divine spellcasting as well as the abilities of a Scourge Aasimar. As the Vessel Lumi has the potential to become incredibly powerful, beyond that of others of similar ability, though it will take her many years to reach her full power.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears magic disguises when out. When "on the job" she often wears various flowing, silver dresses adorned with black jewelry and golden accents. Always wears a holy symbol around her neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being the chosen vessel of The Silver Flame, Lumi has been sheltered all her life, sneaking in fun with her only friends in the palace between lessons and public appearances. She lives under immense pressure, having to live up to the example of the previous vessel, who died much sooner than expected. She's a bright soul, trying her hardest to do the right thing in a troubling time, though what that is becomes more and more uclear. She met with the party and promised to help if she could, proposing that an unseen fiend may be to blame for what's happened.


Utterly unexplored.


Educated by the most prolific scholars' and priests in Drathia, giving her a wealth of knowledge steeped in her dogma.


Works and trains as the Vessel under her church, for now restricted to healing visitors and making public appearances, alongside advising the church with signs from her dreams.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Began using her magic at a remarkably young age, healing people whenever she's able, especially as other worshippers mysteriously lose their ability to access the power of The Flame.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Is incredibly distressed by the news of the Lycans true nature and the events of the past. Feels foolish and blames herself for not being able to listen to her Angle.

Morality & Philosophy

Ardently believes in the values of The Silver Flame, believing it her responsibility to dispense justice whenever she can. Her faith is shaken, but she remains steadfast in her adherence to her holy code.


Unholy necromancy, enchantment magic, and other such "unseemly" things, as dictated by the Flame.

Personality Characteristics


To save her people from the whatever ill intent the conspiracy has planned for them. To right the wrongs of her empire and her faith's past.


Contacts & Relations

  • Grew up alongside Vabral, they were and are incredibly close. She seems very protective of him, and urges the party to keep him safe.
  • Assumingly feels similarly concerning Stephan, though she speaks little of him.
  • Regards the party with suppressed warmth, thankful for their help yet wary of them at the same time.
  • Can communicate with an Angle of the Silver Flame, who gives her guidance in the form of dreams, interpreting the Flame's holy will. Her Angle has been silent for months.

Family Ties

Social Aptitude

Incredibly social, with incredibly manners forged in many meetings with worshippers and important figures over her short life.


Tends to trace her scars when nervous, otherwise keeping shock still.


Gentle in tone, yet she speaks with the clarity and confidence of one used to public apperances.


Vabral Zuhelia

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards The Angle of The Flame Illumination Hiam



The Angle of The Flame Illumination Hiam

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards Vabral Zuhelia




The two met soon after Lumi was born, and spent a lot of time together as they lived in the same area. Lumi would often visit the palace and see him in her offtime or between lessons, and along with Stephan they had many happy memories. She lost contact with him after he left the palace.

Shared Secrets

Knowledge of the conspiracy and the Scapegoat's activities.

Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy, though her ability to access it is limited.

Young and working hard to uphold her mantle as the Vessel, the inheritor of the Silver Flame's holy power. Worried for the state of her people and their actions, Illumination serves as the voice of an age, a reflection of centuries worth of devoted souls.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Status
Healing and advising in Moonbright
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Vessel, The Angle of The Flame, The Keeper of The Flame
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Chosen by The Silver Flame
Current Residence
Moonbright's Temple of The Flame
Beautiful wide oval eyes, colored with a dull silver, which glows with use of her magic
A bright silver, long and wavy with curled bangs resting on her forehead
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A faintly shining pale white, speckled with light freckles and glowing silver scars
The Silver Flame
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Celestial, Giant.


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