The Little Gems of Lunathros


All the clans are led by the Clan Head, identified by their distinct and personalized hats. They delegate duties in their villages, who's major actions are decided by vote. From there it goes down by age, with the oldest and most skilled member of a different trade or discipline leading those below them. Everyone does their part and ensures the continuation of the clan. Villages that aren't led by their clan leader often organize meetings with their neighboring villages to discuss matters of importance.


The culture of the Gems is one of deep tradition which most cling to ardently. "Work hard, play hard" is embodied heavily, with every member of the clan expected to do their part. One is required to pick a trade or profession that suits them, where they are then instructed by an elder of that profession. This helps the Gems to be primarily self sufficient, which is widely seen as for the best. In times past the Gems have suffered, so it is often impressed upon them that they keep a low head in times of strife, for endangering oneself is to endanger the clan. Despite this the Gems are not an antisocial people, but quite the opposite, as they prize loyalty quite heavily, leading many to chafe against the idea that they should stand aside from greater conflicts.   The Gems value fun and creativity, seeking to implement it into every aspect of their work. The Gems inventions of clockwork gadgetry and enchanted items often rival Fey several times older than they, and they always seek to push the envelope further.   Good humor (especially pranks) is highly valued, with many seeing this jubilance as a valued trait. The world is a vast and beautiful place, and one must seek to know all it's parts, to drink deeper of the life it holds. Emotionality, in turn, is something that's valued and expressed with little hesitation. This can lead to high tempers and hurt feelings, but it also results in the Gems being a very open and introspective people. Gems laugh and grieve both openly and loudly. They seem to observe a continuum between the emotions as well, and are glad when sadness turns to joy (often proclaiming it cause for celebration). Their grief typically passes quickly, and funerals observances are known to turn from wailing to joking in a matter of hours. Gems are open in displays of affection and love, hugging and cuddling often, and without self-consciousness.     While very accepting and good-natured, there are a few things that push a Gems buttons pretty easily. Laziness, or shirking one's duty, can be cause for expulsion in chronic cases. While gems are able drinkers, getting drunk and causing havoc is also very frowned upon when outside of particular holidays and celebrations -- gems have no pity for the hung-over.   Most gems make use of leather and natural tones in their clothing, using a pallette of browns, whites, yellows, greens, blues, and grays. Those who wish to make a statement with their clothing might dress in exotic colors such as red, purple, and orange. Enchanted clothing can commonly be found in their communities with motifs indicative of their creators.   The typical male gem outfit is opaque tights or close-fitting breeches, decorated with patterns or stripes, dyed or sewn together in contrasting colors. Shirts are likewise tailored for a close fit, and are of light, breathable fabric. A tooled leather vest or doublet is worn over this, which is typically left brown. Gems favor a side for fastening their doubets, and have high, asymmetrical collars. Formal doublets might be made of velvet, silk, or gold cloth, and are reserved for formal occasions. Slashed sleeves might be worn by those at the height of fashion, or entertainers. Boots are knee-high, typically matching the doublet. Square-toed boots are typically for work, while pointed boots are used for more formal occasions.   For females, the structure is largely the same. Some shirts are worn cropped, exposing the midriff, and when there are sleeves, they tend to be either blousy and light, or form-fitting and quite long, extending past the hand. Instead of a doublet, women wear a kirtle (which conists of a close-fitting bodice ending just beneath the bust, an open skirt that sweeps back with a hem at mid-thigh to mid-calf). The kirtle is typically made of suede, lambskin, or doeskin when it is leather. Their footwear is similar to the mens', though they also wear slippers.   Thought the Gems arrived to Lunathros with strict gender ideals in mind they were discarded in time, especially as female gems pushed back against unfair treatment in their clans. As such much clothing and behavior is regarded as unisex and all genders and sexes are overall treated fairly, discounting older extremists.   Gnomes are energetic musicians, having invented a range of complex and boisterous instruments, though outsiders can be thrown off by their "all or nothing" approach to vocals, which they view as an honest expression of the soul.   Gems are respectful of tradition, but not bound by it. The tradition of gems is one of truth-seeking, rebellion, innovation, and artistry, so often the most traditional thing a gem can do is to cleverly defy the edicts of tradition. Though recent events test this value, time will only tell the outcome.   Gems prefer to adorn with jewelry rather than embroidery, and will sew precious stones into their clothes. There is some embroidery, typically around the neck, shoulders, and wrists, that depict natural elements such as vines, flowers, and other living things, especially those dear to a particular clan. The jewerly is exquisite and detailed, with advanced techniques such as filligree used to highlight the precious stones. Rare gems are often fought over, but many gems use semiprecious stones such as cabochon, set into silver, gold, copper, and leather. Most Gems of a particular clan wear a stone corresponding to their clan, both for fashion and identification. Most gems will have a precious stone they carry around with them, and communities will have some particularly splendid examples, each with their own story and legend. Gem spellcasters employ gems in much of what they do.   Illusions are a staple part of gem life, used in every-day actions, from telling stories and whispering messages to pulling pranks and even simply to make life a little easier, to larger scales like disguises for espionage and illusions to cloak entire towns. Magic is common in Gem communities where it's uses both as a defense and a cultural expression are exercised with gusto, though there are many laws in place to prevent misuse of the craft.   Reluctant to fight, gems prefer to do so on their own terms when they must. They don't outfit standing armies, nor do they have a central authority able to call one up should they see a need. Their communities are rarely guarded by more than a handful of militia members. They choose to avoid combat, even when the cause seems just, and reserve their military for defensive purposes. Gem culture views warfare and death as nothing more than a tremendous waste, a thing of destruction where there can be no glory, as that only comes from creation and exploration.   They prefer to keep as clean as possible and can be quite fastidious with their grooming. Men and women will sometimes grow beards, which are carefully trimmed or shaved away.   A coveted method of artistry is tattooing. While popular before their arrival to Lunathros, they discovered methods of crushing gems and harvesting   The Gems primarily speak a variant of the Gnomeish language alongside Lunathrosian Elvish and Sylvan.   Gems love names, and most have half a dozen or so. A gem' parents, clan elder, and other family members each give the gem a name, and various nicknames from just about everyone else might or might not stick over time. Gem names are typically variants on the names of ancestors or distant relatives, though some are purely new inventions. When dealing with outsiders and others who are “stuffy” about names, a gem tends to use no more than three names: a personal name, a clan name, and a nickname, choosing the one in each category that’s the most fun to say. This also serves as a survival tactic, as a Fey learning ones true name is a great danger.   They prioritize education, with arcane matters being much more commonly studied than most cultures.


Most homes are built into the ground: Well disguised doors carved into the slopes of gentle hills and sides of rocky cliffs, which grants them great defense. Soldiers trained on a menagerie of mounts and deceptive magics guard their strongholds. Equipment is often of significant magic or technological power depending on the village.


The Gems are one of the many populations displaced by the Sundering, yet one of the few to find themselves in Lunathros. They carried with them their divergent traditions and what little physical possessions they could carry. Life was hard in the beginning, with magic barely coming back into focus. Homes were built slowly and steadily, and the bright spark that lived in their hearts slowly came to light once more, though ever dulled by the rampant dangers of the wilds. Collusion with their elven neighbors helped them to thrive in their early years, and soon the Gems had become a flourishing people.   Uhhh imma put more here later probably or at least on the timeline.


The Gems lay claim to the Rolling Hills and the highlands of Lunathros, having been pushed out of their homes in the other territories such as Windrun Plain. They came to these lands ages ago and began their new way of life, and their druids and warriors among them have done much to protect them while ensuring that their neighbors are able to habitate without issue.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Band
Gems, Smallfolk, Moongems
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
  • The Village in the Hills, one of the oldest Gem settlements and home to the Zircone Clan.
  • The Village on the Coast, the largest settlement in the hills and home of Clan Lazuli.
  • The Village on the Peaks, a settlement situated high in the mountains, responsible for tending to and training various animal mounts.
  • The Village in the Ruins, a settlement built into the mountain where Stone Giant ruins lay in rubble. 
  • The Eldathyn temple in the Pines is tended to by many members of the Gem clans and considered shared territory with the Grove Children.
  • Uhhhhh more later.
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