The Tunnelers Society


  • Leader is elected by democratic vote and is responsible for delegating tasks for representatives, setting up meetings, and deciding where to spend their money.
  • Representatives delegate with employers to lay down terms, as well as recruit Diggers and Fists. Trained to be diplomatic as their job requires, yet they are often underestimated. 
  • Diggers, well, dig the tunnels. Often the most perilous but highest paying job of the bunch, which attracts many applicants. More complicated than it gets credit for as they're responsible for mapping out the tunnels as well as digging them, though securing the outsight is outsourced to the Moonlighters most times.
  • Fists are the hired guards of the caravans that travel through the tunnels. Named so after the Harefolk who protected their lot with their fists in the olden days, though in the present this job is often outsourced to mercenaries. As they expand the cost is getting dire for the society, but the Wilting Roses refuse to change their ways.


Made up of roughneck working folk, many whom have nowhere else to go. Those who've joined either have been raised to value the union or are newcomers with the gumption to try and change the status quo. Many are losing hope however, as the possibility of a strike is slim, but many hope for it. This is one of the groups most inclined to see the ills of colonial expansion, as many detest the situation, especially those who've been ripped away from their previous safer lifestyles of agriculture.

Public Agenda

The Tunnelers promise a continued effort to support their fellow workers in securing higher wages, safe working conditions, and a hope for the future.


A small base of operations, mining equipment, simple weapons and armor, and many people.


Established shortly after the Hares' general treaty was signed, welcoming their territories into the empire. Drathia was intent on utilizing the Hare workers tunneling ability, so one of the stipulations of this agreement was that a union be established and maintained, ensuring that while the tunnelers would work for Imperial interest: Though the society would receive funds to operate and the power to delegate pay, work times, and conditions with those that would employ them. For a time it was a good deal, however that changed when many discovered the value of exporting Lunathrosian goods. Demand increased, the Wilting Rose family acquired control of most tunnels and trade, and finally as agriculture was phased out many Hare were pushed to tunneling. The society simply couldn't keep up, and finds itself unable to improve the situation as so much now depends on their output. Some blame the fact that they have had only one leader throughout their history for it's troubles, especially as she's gotten softer as time went on.
Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Tunnelers Guild, Tunnel Snakes
Related Species


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