The Twin Moon Conspirators


The head of the Church is called the Listener, appointed through diligent study and worship. They delegate deities to those below them: People such as dedicated priests, knights and rogues of the church, sages, and more.


Similar to the main church, though they diverge in many ways. Focus is on family, though they believe family is to be chosen and valued by choice. Strength in numbers goes beyond the Hare, believing that extending themselves further to other communities is more valuable than keeping to oneself. Fear is less expressed and emphasized, it is believed to be a limiting factor to be overcome by the tools of humanoid ingenuity.

Public Agenda

They are somewhat quiet, with those against them believing they seek to undermine Luna's authority, and thus the authority of the Church. Believers emphasize that they simply want to spread their truth, showing the ways they can evolve beyond the ways of old and advancing their society. Members of this sect are more vocally against the empire than most, and one of the few modern organizations to be outwardly pro Lycanthropy.


Many have believed in the Twin Moons, though they only became their own civilization somewhat recently, when insinuations of Selune's involvement were regarded as heresy. Rumors circulate that the sect is sympathetic to Lycans, even recruiting them before the war, causing many to regard them with suspicion. They began their own operations and preach their word to the best of their abilities, though authorities are quick to squash their notions.

Mythology & Lore

Twin Moon believers preach that Luna was blessed by The Moonweaver, who guided her to safety in her early days. She was gifted with sentience and divine magic, leading her flock and bringing the Hare into their own and protected them for a time. Eventually the Moonweaver came calling, and beckoned her to the higher planes to take her place as a diety, which she accepted.

Divine Origins

Quite similar to the beliefs of the main church, though they diverged even more during the last century, transitioning towards more secretive dealings and practices. Much of their teaching is in opposition to that of the empire and of the main church body, and they developed ways to rely these and operate underneath the public eye. Were once accepted and simply served amongst the main body of the church, but were declared heretical shortly after the arrival of Drathian colonists, for reasons of "Spreading heresy and promoting dangerous ideals."

Cosmological Views

They believe the Preginitor Gods were always fully formed, who shaped the world and it's people in their image.

Tenets of Faith

  • Knowledge is key, and knowledge is power. One should always remain observant, eyes and ears open, ready to learn from the land and the people around them to remain the best one can be. To stagnate is to die. Curiosity is to be welcomed, encouraged, and indulged. No question is a stupid one.
  • The Hare are a species with enemies at all sides: This is a fact that must be acknowledged and always approached with a level of clarity, though one is not to dwell on fear.
  • Seize your own destiny and pursue your own passions. 
  • Walk unbridled and untethered, forging new memories and experiences.
  • Let the shadows protect you from the burning light of fanaticism and the absolute darkness of despair.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerical magics of Luna, Sehanine's, and Scion's domains, as well as a lucky few blessed with Lunar Sorcery under certain conditions. Certain Fey mutations are also believed to be granted by their Gods.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Sews discord by undermining the prominent teachings, which has contributed to unrest in Moonbright. Worshippers are not public and congregate secretly, supposedly even carrying out direct actions against the state.
Founding Date
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Twin Moon Believers, Sehanine's Stars.
Predecessor Organization
Related Species


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