Tifaceli Isodira Jogglebink

Tifaceil Isodria Jogglebink (a.k.a. Mama Bear)

Physical Description

Body Features

Thick and muscular limbs, a wide chest covered in a glowing tattoo, and sharp black claws on her large paws.

Facial Features

A wide face covered in thick and overly curled fur. She has a short snout and small, brown eyes. Her ears are a tad pointed.

Identifying Characteristics

She wears a glowing magical tattoo styled after Eldath's symbol, which covers much of her chest.

Special abilities

Immense strength, keen perception, martial training, and the magical abilities granted to her by her oath.

Apparel & Accessories

She ties flowers into the braids of her fur. Additionally she wears a leather belt with a variety of pouches for storage.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

A woman but in a nonbinary bear kind of way.


Presumed to have been given a standard village living education, along with the rigorous study required to become a priestess. That said, she's oddly stated she cannot read.


Once worked as a guard for her village before being called to action by Eldath, where she took up a more diplomatic and supportive role.

Mental Trauma

Undoubtedly the war has scarred her, though she speaks little of it.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes that pain and violence are natural forces in this world, ones which cannot be avoided. You can't use violence to stop pain, for it only changes the one to receive it. Herself and all Eldathyns are to take this pain on for themselves, as their faith serves to ease their pain and allow them to move forward.


Unnecessary violence, bigotry, and any sort of imperial allegiance.

Personality Characteristics


To liberate Lunathros, rebuilding her faith and protecting her people.


Her fur is dirty and unkempt. Seemingly she doesn't care much for her hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

Works among her fellow Eldathyns and the remaining lycanthrope clans, giving her a wider net of knowledge then the relatively isolated party.

Religious Views

Pays tribute to many Gods, particularly those of the First Circle. Eldath is her patron, who she follows to the letter.

Social Aptitude

Quite charismatic and forward, bringing an electric charm wherever she goes. If she's tired she hides it well, as she handles her duties with grace. While she's not one for particular etiquette it often doesn't matter, at least not to those close to them.


Speaks loudly and energetically with a surprisingly high voice. She often includes little puns or nuggets of wisdom where applicable and attempts to charm those she speaks to.


Dorros Jogglebink


Towards Tifaceli Isodira Jogglebink

Tifaceli Isodira Jogglebink


Towards Dorros Jogglebink

The warm and welcoming Werebear warden of Eldath, who was revealed by Scrying to be Taxes' mother. It's unknown why she would avoid her family, as she disappeared after being presumed dead after the war decades ago.

Current Location
The Tall Pines
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Status
Protecting the Grove and attempting to rebuild Eldath's following
Current Residence
Pinewater Temple
Nonbinary Woman
Dark brown, small and round
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A washed out light brown, typically adorned with bright flowers and tied in braids
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Pain is like rain. It comes down, up, and then back down again. You can't get rid of it. We put ourselves in the way of it and we get hurt. It's not our place to cause any more, but to stand in the storm. Ready to take the pain for ourselves and help people move on. People like us, that's our job. That's why we have to be strong."
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Gnomeish, Sylvan
Character Prototype
Inspirations: Toriel

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