Wander Woods


Winding paths through a dense woods both beautiful and terrifying in it's splendor, with fey magics seeping through every corner. The trees stretch into the sky with glistening green leaves, varying in shade and form, with thick dangerous vines wrapping around their trunks and stretching into the grass. Glistening springs lie in wait off the rare beaten path, oft hidden in dark shadow.


A typical wood though infused with a high amount of fey magics. Animals and plants here behave as normal though just as often display strange magical abilities and effects that can both help and harm, though some simply just be. The spirits have been upset as of late, lashing out at disruptores or simply at random.

Ecosystem Cycles

Mushrooms flourish and grow during the colder months, working opposite on the other side of the veil.

Localized Phenomena

Multicolored rain and thunder that bring forth elemental creatures, deep glistening fog that seems to carry humanoid shapes, and a deep humidity that seems to stick to the skin.

Fauna & Flora

Mushrooms of various magical effects, sentient plants, fey beasts, and more.

Natural Resources

The usual alongside a large quantity of magic mushrooms and more odd effects.
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