
Created by the harbinger Virago during the creation of The Shattered Isles. The arawelo people are a very community centric race that focuses on keeping themselves safe from danger. They practice with weapons and martial skills, few having any understanding of magic. They believe that the world around them will provide what they need. Any mages that do come from the arawelo people are usually males, using magic to augment the body or to interact with nature. The appearance of a typical Arawelo is mostly androgynous, men and women sharing tanned skin and darker hair and eye colors. At the age of adulthood, every arawelo gets a tattoo of an animal that the family believes represents them on their wrist.  


Ability Score Modifier: Arawelo gain a +4 racial bonus to either Str or Dex, and a -2 to Wis
Size: Arawelo are medium creatures
Base Speed: Arawelo have 40ft movement speed
Languages: Arawelo begin play speaking arawelon and common
Defenses: Arawelo gain a +1 racial bonus to both CMD and CMB
Senses: Arawelo have darkvision 60ft
Weapon Familiarity: Arawelo are proficient with spears and javelins
  Alternative Racial Traits   Ability Score Modifier: Some arawelo are closer to nature and more in touch with magic. These arawelo gain a +4 racial bonus to Wis and a -2 to either Str or Dex. This replaces the arawelo ability score modifier
Defenses: Some arawelo focus more on defensive body modifications than combat maneuvers. These arawelo gain +1 natural armor. This ability replaces the +1 to both CMD and CMB


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