Virago (Vi-rah-goh)

Harbinger of War

Virago: The Harbinger of War

"Fester in fear, all ye who would do us harm. For the goddess of war and battle hath blessed us with her protection. Let her spear strike you down. Let her wrath destroy you. And let her presence warn away all other dangers. These are the blessings of Virago."
  • Exploring the Gods, volume 3: The Harbingers
  •   Virago is one of the four Harbingers, powerful and revered deities known throughout the land. She is the first daughter of the All Mother and the goddess of war, leading armies into battle and inspiring soldiers to fight bravely. Her weapon of choice is a spear or javelin, which she wields with unparalleled skill.   Despite her martial prowess, Virago is not a goddess of violence. Rather, she is a goddess of duty and honor, and her followers believe that war is a necessary means of preserving peace and prosperity. They view Virago as a protector of the weak and downtrodden, and as a symbol of courage and resilience in times of conflict.   Virago is often depicted as a beautiful, armored warrior with long, flowing hair. Her armor is adorned with symbols of war and her spear is said to be imbued with magical powers. She is revered by soldiers and military leaders alike, and her worship is particularly popular among the arawelo people.  


    Virago is often depicted as a fierce and powerful figure, with her spear or javelin held confidently in her hand. Her muscular form exudes strength and determination, and her piercing gaze conveys a sense of unwavering focus. Her symbol, a spear pointed downwards above a sun, is often seen in artwork and iconography associated with her. Above the spear, four moons are depicted in the air, adding to the sense of awe and power that surrounds the goddess. The imagery of the spear and sun suggest a connection to warfare and combat, further emphasizing Virago's role as the harbinger of war. Overall, her depictions are striking and awe-inspiring, capturing the essence of her nature as a powerful and fearsome goddess.        

    Divine Roles

    Virago's divine roles are multifaceted and extend beyond her position as a war goddess. She is also revered as a goddess of martial prowess, embodying the art of battle and the skill of warriors. However, unlike some of her counterparts, Virago does not glorify bloodshed and death. Instead, she views violence as a last resort, to be used only when necessary to defend oneself or others. Her focus on honor and respect extends beyond the battlefield and into everyday life, where she is also regarded as a goddess of family bonds and loyalty.

    In addition to her martial and familial roles, Virago is also associated with sport and competition. She believes in the power of physical and mental challenges to push individuals to reach their full potential. Through trials of strength, agility, and intellect, she teaches mortals the value of perseverance and determination. This aspect of her personality also makes her popular among athletes and competitors who seek her blessing before important games or events.

    Influence and Worship

    Virago's worship is prevalent among warriors and athletes, as well as those who seek to honor familial bonds and maintain honor in their lives. In some cultures, she is also associated with agriculture and the harvest, as the success in these endeavors also require martial prowess and dedication.   Temples and shrines dedicated to Virago often feature depictions of her wielding her spear or javelin, and may include arenas or training grounds for physical competitions and martial training. Offerings may include weapons, armor, or other items related to war and combat, as well as offerings of crops or livestock.   In some cultures, Virago is also celebrated through athletic competitions and games, which may include mock battles or displays of martial skill. These events are often held in her honor, with the winners receiving recognition and prizes.

    Champion of Victory


    Defeat of the The Veannin

    During the Age of Catastrophe, the world was in turmoil. The Veannin, an ancient race of powerful beings, threatened the very existence of mortals. They sought to destroy the mortal plane to regain their lost power. It was during this time that Virago, along with her fellow Harbingers, stepped forward to defend the mortals.   Virago was at the forefront of the war, leading the charge against the Veannin armies. Her spear struck down countless foes, and her martial prowess was unmatched. In the final battle, she faced off against the leader of the Veannin, Aztekkit. A fierce battle ensued, with neither side gaining the upper hand.   In the end, it was Virago who emerged victorious. With a single stroke of her spear, she struck down Aztekkit, shattering his body and breaking the Veannin's hold on the mortal realm. Her victory was celebrated by mortals across the land, who recognized her as a champion of their cause.   In the years since the war, Virago has been worshipped as a hero and a protector. Her defeat of the Veannin has become a legend, a symbol of hope for those who face impossible odds. Her symbol is emblazoned on banners and shields across the land, a testament to her divine power and her role as a defender of the mortals.
    The All Consuming Trelginoth
    Before the end of the war with the Veannin, Virago led the Harbingers through many battles against them. One of the most notable battles was against Trelginoth, the Veannin lord of Consumption. His very presence was an affront to the natural order, as he consumed everything in his path, leaving behind only barren wastelands. Virago and the Harbingers tracked him down to his own plane, where they faced off against his hordes of twisted minions.   In the heat of battle, Virago charged forward with her spear in hand, determined to end the Veannin's reign of terror. The fight was brutal and long, with both sides taking heavy losses. But in the end, it was Virago's martial prowess that proved to be the deciding factor. With a single, powerful thrust, she plunged her spear deep into Trelginoth's heart, ending his life and breaking his hold over his twisted minions.   As the Veannin lord's corpse fell to the ground, Virago made a bold move. She ordered his starving subjects to feast upon his remains, a symbolic gesture that demonstrated her power and her disdain for the Veannin and their twisted ways. The victory over Trelginoth and his minions further cemented Virago's reputation as a warrior goddess and a champion of the mortals.  
    Trisalith, the Subjugator
    Virago and her Harbinger siblings fought against many Veannin lords in their quest to defend the mortal realm. One such battle was against Trisalith, the Veannin lord of Subjugation. Virago led the charge against Trisalith and her army, determined to stop their plans of domination and control. The battle was long and brutal, but Virago's leadership inspired her fellow Harbingers to fight with unyielding determination. As the tide of battle turned in their favor, Virago delivered the final blow to Trisalith.   But as she stood over the defeated Veannin, Virago was struck by a vision. She saw memories of Trisalith's life, of how she had been tortured and forced to join Aztekkit's army. Despite her role as a Veannin lord, Virago felt compassion for Trisalith and ordered her body be properly buried and treated with respect.   This act of mercy and honor showed Virago's true nature as a goddess of family bonds and honor. She did not revel in bloodshed and violence, but rather saw the humanity in all beings, even her enemies. This moment became another legend of Virago's triumphs, a testament to her divine compassion and her role as a protector of all mortals
    Tenants of Faith
    As a goddess of war, martial prowess, competition, family bonds, and honor, worshippers of Virago often hold the following tenets:   Strive for excellence in all endeavors: Virago values the pursuit of excellence, whether it be in combat, sports, or other forms of competition.   Respect family bonds and honor: Virago believes in the importance of family and honoring one's commitments and obligations to them.   Use violence only when necessary: While Virago is a goddess of war, she does not condone violence for its own sake. She believes in using force only when necessary to protect oneself and others.   Be courageous and resolute: Virago values courage and steadfastness in the face of adversity.   Show respect for the fallen: As a warrior goddess, Virago believes in showing respect for those who have fallen in battle.   Celebrate victory, but do not revel in bloodshed: While Virago believes in celebrating victories and achievements, she does not encourage the celebration of bloodshed or violence.   Train and prepare for battle: Virago values the importance of training and preparation in order to be ready for any situation.   Hold yourself and others accountable for your actions: Virago believes in personal responsibility and accountability, and encourages her followers to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions.


    Lawful Neutral  


    The Great Spearhead
    The War Leader
    Champion of the Mortals
    The First Daughter
    The Lady of War


    Familial Bonds    




    The God Mother - Mother
    Eblis - Sister
    Osric - Brother
    Fulgur - Brother    


    The Veannin
    Prophetism states the The Ascended Gods are enemies of the Harbingers.    


    The Harbingers have an uneasy peace treaty with Ctogginon and, at times, Cinder.  
    Other Relations
    Virago is the creator and patron goddess of the arawelo people.


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