Faith of the Prophets

The Faith of the Prophets is a religion practiced by the Alyssians, which is based on the belief in the Harbingers and Old gods. According to the mythology and lore of the religion, the Harbingers appeared before the first prophet, Michael, and revealed that the old gods were dead and the new gods, such as the outsider gods and ascended tribunal, were interlopers and not to be trusted. As more prophets were visited by the Harbingers, they helped guide Alyssia to its current state, leading to the belief that the Alyssians are the chosen people of the gods.   The religion's tenets of faith require complete obedience to the Alyssian Empire. Sloth is considered the greatest of sins, and the belief is that good things come to those who work diligently. The highest priest of the religion is always the current emperor, resulting in significant political influence and intrigue.   The religion is not monotheistic, as it involves the worship of multiple deities, including the Old gods. However, the Harbingers play a significant role in the religion and are seen as the messengers of the gods. The religion also places a strong emphasis on the importance of prophecy and the belief that the gods communicate with their followers through these prophets.   The religion's influence can be seen in many aspects of Alyssian society, from government to daily life. The empire's laws and policies are often influenced by the religion's teachings, and many individuals strive to live their lives in accordance with its principles. Despite its importance, the religion is not without its critics and detractors, who often view it as a tool of the ruling class to maintain their power and control over the population.   Overall, the Faith of the Prophets remains a central aspect of Alyssian culture and identity, shaping their beliefs and way of life for generations.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology of Prophetism is full of stories about the Harbingers and the Old Gods, as well as the prophets who served them. It is said that the Harbingers possess the ability to shape reality itself, and that they once used this power to create entire worlds. The Old Gods, on the other hand, were believed to have been the guardians of the world, responsible for maintaining balance and harmony in all things.   As for the prophets, they were revered as the messengers of the Harbingers and the Old Gods. It is said that they possessed incredible wisdom and insight, and that they were able to perform miraculous feats through their connection to the divine. Many of the most famous stories in Prophetism involve the deeds of these prophets, such as the great prophetess Lysandra, who is said to have raised an army of the dead to defend her people from an invading force.

Tenets of Faith

The faith of the Prophets has a set of tenets that guide the beliefs and practices of its followers. Central to these tenets is the belief in the divine guidance of the Harbingers and the Old Gods, and the idea that Alyssia is the chosen land of the gods. The tenets of faith are as follows:   1.  Obedience to the Empire: The followers of Prophetism are required to obey the commands of the Alyssian Empire and its leaders. The emperor is the highest authority in the religion and is believed to have a divine mandate to rule. This obedience is seen as essential to maintain order and prosperity in the land.   2.  Diligence and Hard Work: Laziness is seen as the greatest of sins in Prophetism. The followers of this faith believe that hard work and diligence are essential to achieve success in life. They also believe that good things come to those who work hard and are deserving of it.   3.  Reverence for the Harbingers and Old Gods: The Harbingers and Old Gods are revered in Prophetism as divine entities who guide and protect the Alyssian people. They are believed to have revealed themselves to the prophets of the religion and given them divine wisdom and knowledge.   4.  Personal Responsibility: The followers of Prophetism believe that every individual is responsible for their own actions and decisions. They believe that personal accountability is necessary for self-improvement and growth.   5.  Charity and Kindness: Prophetism encourages its followers to be charitable and kind to others. They believe that it is essential to help those in need and that this is a way to honor the teachings of the Harbingers and Old Gods.


The priesthood in the Faith of the Prophets is a hierarchical structure, with the emperor at its head, serving as the highest priest. Below the emperor are a number of other priests who oversee various aspects of the religion, from leading local congregations to managing religious rituals and ceremonies. Priests are chosen based on their devotion to the faith and their demonstrated ability to lead and inspire others. Once chosen, they undergo rigorous training to prepare them for their roles in the religion. This includes learning the history and mythology of the faith, as well as the rituals and practices that are central to its worship.   Priests in the Faith of the Prophets are held to a high standard of conduct, and are expected to live lives of humility and service. They are also expected to be skilled in the arts of diplomacy and negotiation, as they often serve as mediators in disputes between members of the faith or between the faith and other groups.   The priesthood plays an important role in the daily lives of the faithful, providing guidance, support, and spiritual leadership. They also oversee the various religious festivals and ceremonies that are central to the faith, and work to ensure that the teachings of the faith are passed down to future generations.
Alternative Names
Permeated Organizations


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