The Alyssian Empire

Known as the land of light, Alyssia is the most technologically advanced country on The Shattered Isles. Alyssia also boasts having the largest army, the biggest population, and the most stable economy ever known to exist in the history of the islands. For these reasons, Alyssia felt the world could be so much better if they controlled it. And so, they began waging war. The Alyssian Empire rules The Shattered Isles. Even before directly conquering the isles, Alyssia had an iron grip on trade and transport between the islands.


The Alyssian Empire is ruled by Emperor Revus Dawn . The emperor personally selects nobles from his court to rule over conquered countries in his stead, known as Overseers.


Alyssia operates on a dedication and merit system. The more one puts into the empire, the more they get out. This has created a culture of hardworking, almost obsessive, individuals. The most successful of people are often just as, if not more, powerful than most nobles. It is not uncommon for merchants to make more money than the nobles, allowing them to influence the law in their favor.


The enforced religion of Alyssia is prophetism, or the Faith of the Prophets. Worshiping any gods or deities not specified by the prophets is punishable by death, although most offenders spend years in labor camps before their execution. Outside of the Alyssian Islands, the law allows for some minor worship of other gods, so long as you pay a "heretic tax" to the church.

Agriculture & Industry

Alyssia thrives off its technologically advanced industries. Necessities are produced in abundance, and laborers are paid well enough to afford them. Through industrialization, Alyssia can quickly manufacture almost anything. Anything from magical items to technology to home comfort items are produced on mass.


The Alyssian Empire prides itself on its access to education. There are many schools throughout the empire funded by the government. Each Alyssian born citizen is entitled to 6 years of basic education at these public schools, and there are many options for even higher education. Companies receive large tax exemptions for providing their employees with access to private schools, and serving 2 years in the army grants soldiers with 6 years of higher education at any school they choose.

Through diligence, transcendence. Through service, peace.

Founding Date
110 A.O.U
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Notable Members

Conquered State

Alyssia rules over Oussia


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