Fulgur (f uh l - g uh r)

The Storm Father

"Beware the storm father's thunder, for the storm is unpredictable. His lightning seeks no target, his winds are without malice. The storm is not punishment nor retribution, it is merely a storm. It has no sense of the destruction it brings." -Exploring the Gods, Volume 6
Second son of The God Mother and patron deity of the Orcs  . Fulgur commands the storms and nurtures the land. He is a deity of power, destruction, and rebirth.


Fulgur is usually depicted as either an elderly human, or a raging storm. He is said to live in a duality between serene calm, and devastating destruction. His symbol is a 7 branched tree with two bolts of lightning on either side.  

Divine Roles

Unlike the other gods, Fulgur has no eternal role to play; aside from protecting his own people. Instead, Fulgur lives in between eternal meditation, and destructive rampages. His storms are powerful, yet his calm rejuvenates nature. He represents the chaos and harmony that coexist in the world.  


Being a chaotic god of both destruction and nature, the worship of Fulgur is fairly unique. His followers do not pray to him for intervention or protection. They seek to find enlightenment through a balance of hardships and order. It is common for followers of Fulgur to throw themselves out into powerful storms and meditate, searching for peace amongst the chaos. Despite being a god of chaos, and far from a guardian deity, the Orcs all seem to have taken to the role of a guardian in some shape. The orcs do not attribute this instinctive protective nature to their god, but to an ancient order he gave to the first orcs he created. It is unknown what was originally meant to be guarded, but this will has never left the orc people.


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