The Shattered Isles

The Shattered Isles refer to a collection of floating islands that have been divided into four distinct kingdoms, inhabited by the survivors of the first world and their descendants. As a result of their elevation, the residents of the Shattered Isles are safeguarded from the monsters and demons that roam the surface.


Geographically, the Shattered Isles are composed of numerous floating islands, each with its unique topography. From afar, they appear as a constellation of small islands, but upon closer inspection, one can see that the islands vary widely in size and shape, with some resembling jagged rocks while others are round or oval-shaped.   The nine continents of the Shattered Isles are clusters of closely placed islands that operate as one large landmass. Each continent has its distinct features, with some characterized by towering mountains and deep valleys, while others have rolling hills and expansive plains. The northernmost islands are frigid and icy, with snow-capped peaks and frozen tundras. In contrast, the southern islands are warm and humid, covered in dense jungles and tropical rainforests.   The western region of the Isles is often arid and barren, with islands of rocky crags, deserts, and savannahs. The eastern region, on the other hand, is more temperate, with a pleasant climate and a mix of forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Despite their differences, each island of the Shattered Isles holds its own unique beauty and charm.

Localized Phenomena

Because the islands are not anchored to the ground, they have limited access to freshwater sources such as lakes and rivers. This scarcity of freshwater has led the residents of the Isles to rely on the Apertures - devices created by the gods that channel fresh water from the surface to the Isles. These Apertures are often guarded by powerful magic and are essential to the survival of the people of the Shattered Isles.


The history of the Shattered Isles is marked by numerous conflicts and wars that have shaped the destiny of the different kingdoms. One of the most significant events in recent history was the rise of the Alyssian Empire, a powerful nation that rose to prominence several centuries ago. The Alyssian Empire was founded by Emperor Alyssia, a charismatic and cunning leader who united the various tribes and kingdoms under his banner. With a formidable army and a network of spies and assassins, the Alyssian Empire quickly conquered many of the neighboring lands, including the powerful Ironhurst Kingdom.   Although the Alyssian Empire was known for its ruthless tactics, the conquest of Ironhurst was surprisingly peaceful. The dwarves of Ironhurst were valued for their craftsmanship, and the Emperor wished to kill as few of them as possible. Instead, the Alyssian Empire offered the dwarves protection in exchange for their loyalty and service.   In more recent times, the Alyssian Empire turned its attention to the Oussian Kingdom, a small but proud nation known for its skilled warriors. The Oussian Kingdom had long maintained a policy of neutrality and diplomacy, but they were no match for the Alyssian Empire's overwhelming military might.   The war with Oussia was also brief, but not without tragedy. When the king and queen of Oussia were murdered, the kingdom lost hope and quickly surrendered to the Alyssian Empire. Although the Oussian people were not suppressed in any way, the loss of their rulers and their pride as a warrior nation left a deep wound that has yet to heal.
Island, Floating
Included Locations


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