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Invordia Sa'er

The unique and alluring half-tiefling, half-aasimar Invordia Sa'er is the proprietor of The Devil's Nest tavern in Cinderfall. Leaning havily into her unusual mixed heritage, Invordia ensures that her patrons feel a sense of both luxury and danger in her establishment.
Invordia was born from an extraordinary union between an aasimar of Solara and an tiefling of the Nocturnal Abyss. Her mother, a celestial being of great beauty and kindness, fell in love with her father, a cunning and charismatic tiefling. Their love was forbidden by both their worlds, but they defied the odds to be together. Invordia’s birth was seen as a miracle by some and an abomination by others, leading to a life of constant struggle and prejudice.
Growing up, Invordia faced discrimination from both celestial and infernal communities. Her unique appearance and mixed heritage made her an outcast, but also endowed her with a blend of strength, resilience, and magical abilities. Her mother taught her the ways of celestial magic, while her father imparted the knowledge of infernal cunning and survival skills.
As she grew older, Invordia’s powers began to manifest more strongly. She discovered she had the ability to heal with a touch, a gift from her celestial lineage, and the power to manipulate fire, a trait from her infernal heritage. These abilities made her both feared and revered, and she learned to navigate the delicate balance between light and dark within herself.
Seeking a place where she could belong, Invordia travelled to Emberhold, a nation known for its fiery landscapes and diverse inhabitants. Here, she found a community that valued strength and resilience, and she began to carve out a place for herself. Her unique abilities and striking appearance quickly gained her a reputation, and she decided to open a tavern that would reflect her dual heritage.
She established The Devil’s Nest as a haven for those who, like her, straddled the line between different worlds. The tavern became a place where adventurers, outcasts, and curious souls could gather, drawn by the promise of luxury and the thrill of danger. Invordia’s leadership and charisma made her a beloved figure among her patrons, and her tavern flourished.
Now, Invordia Sa’er is a respected and influential figure in Emberhold. She uses her tavern not only as a business but as a means to gather information and influence events in the region. Her mixed heritage gives her a unique perspective, allowing her to mediate conflicts and forge alliances between different factions. Despite her success, she remains vigilant, always aware of the prejudice and danger that still lurk in the shadows.
Invordia’s story is one of resilience, strength, and the constant struggle to find balance between opposing forces. Her journey from outcast to respected tavern owner is a testament to her determination and the power of embracing one’s true self.

Mental characteristics




Kaelith Voss


Towards Invordia Sa'er


Invordia Sa'er


Towards Kaelith Voss


Milly Roseroot


Towards Invordia Sa'er


Invordia Sa'er


Towards Milly Roseroot



Milly Roseroot, a young halfling woman with a heart full of dreams and a spirit eager for adventure, found herself far from home in the fiery nation of Emberhold. The bustling streets and the intense heat were overwhelming for someone who had spent most of her life in the tranquil, green hills of her homeland. As night fell, Milly's nerves got the better of her, and she desperately sought a place to rest.
Local townsfolk, noticing her unease, directed her to The Devil's Nest, a notorious tavern known for its exotic allure and dangerous reputation. They snickered amongst themselves, thinking it a cruel joke to send the timid halfling to such a place.
With trepidation, Milly approached the dark, volcanic stone building. The intricate carvings of infernal and celestial symbols on the walls seemed to glow ominously in the light of the blue-flamed torches. Gathering her courage, she pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside.
The interior was a stark contrast to the harsh exterior. Warm, golden light bathed the room, and the air was filled with the sounds of laughter, music, and clinking glasses. Yet, Milly couldn't shake her fear. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of the patrons—tieflings, faeries disguised as infernal imps and celestial angels, and other exotic beings.
Suddenly, a shadow passed over her, and she looked up to see the winged form of Inveldah Sa'er descending gracefully from above. Invordia's presence was both commanding and comforting, her dark horns and black-feathered wings adding to her striking appearance. She landed softly in front of Milly, her golden eyes filled with warmth and curiosity.
"Welcome to The Devil's Nest," Invordia said, her voice soothing. "You look like you could use a friend."
Milly, shaking with fear, could only nod. Invordia took her hand gently and led her to a cozy table near the fireplace. She ordered a glass of Infernal Ambrosia for Milly, assuring her it was on the house.
As the evening progressed, Invordia remained by Milly's side, despite the many patrons vying for her attention. She asked Milly about her home, her family, and her journey so far. Milly found herself opening up, sharing stories of her peaceful village and her dreams of becoming a great adventurer.
Invordia listened intently, her presence calming Milly's nerves. The young halfling began to feel a sense of belonging she hadn't felt since leaving home. The warmth of the tavern, the kindness of its proprietor, and the exotic ambiance all combined to create a magical experience.
When the night drew to a close, Invordia arranged for Milly to stay in one of the private rooms. She sent Anspiria, a beautiful tiefling barmaid, to accompany Milly and ensure she felt safe and comfortable.
As Milly lay in the luxurious bed, she reflected on the kindness she had received. She might not know what the future held for her as an adventurer, but she knew she would never forget her first night at The Devil's Nest or the compassion of Invordia Sa'er.
In the days to come, Milly would draw strength from this experience, knowing that even in the most unexpected places, she could find allies and friends. And who knows? Perhaps one day, she would return to The Devil's Nest, not as a frightened newcomer, but as a seasoned adventurer with tales of her own to share.

When Invordia saw Milly Roseroot re-enter The Devil's Nest after so many years, her reaction was a mix of surprise, pride, and genuine happiness. The once timid halfling had transformed into a confident and seasoned adventurer, and it was clear that her experiences had shaped her into a formidable individual.
Invordia's golden eyes sparkled with recognition as she approached Milly, her wings folding gracefully behind her. "Milly Roseroot, is that really you?" she exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across her face.
Milly nodded, her own smile reflecting the joy of being back in a place that had once been a sanctuary for her. "It's me, Invordia. I've come a long way since that first night."
Inveldah embraced Milly, her pride evident. "I always knew you had it in you. Welcome back to The Devil's Nest. You look like you've got some incredible stories to tell."
As they sat down to catch up, Invordia listened intently to Milly's tales of adventure, her heart swelling with pride at the halfling's growth. She was especially pleased to see the bond between Milly and Anspiria rekindled, a testament to the lasting impact of the kindness and connections formed within the walls of her tavern.
Invordia's reaction was not just that of a tavern owner welcoming back a patron, but of a mentor and friend seeing the fruits of her support and encouragement. The Devil's Nest had always been a place of refuge and transformation, and Milly's return was a beautiful reminder of the magic that could happen within its walls.

Current Location
Date of Birth
8th of Aerilis, 3150 AS
Year of Birth
3150 AS 28 Years old
Current Residence
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light red, black wings
Ruled Locations

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