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Session 4: High Fields, Low Tides, Part 3

General Summary

As the Twilight Endeavour began its journey to the Stormrift Valley, the crew prepared themselves for the long voyage ahead. With Erebus' gifts for the crew being gratefully received (with varying levels of awareness of the gifter), the last of the half-bottle of Aether Brandy was shared in a group drink to mark the start of the journey.
Spending some time with Azanes, Sparrow was disappointed to learn that she had no knowledge of Captain Stormwind's fellow Water Genasi guest. She did, however, learn that the quartermaster, Jerome, had a personal history with pirates, and that she'd be concerned for his wellbeing if they were to encounter any. Submitting to her own curiosity about the Captain's guest, Azanes told Sparrow she was making a large amount of healing tincture at Stormwind's request, and that Sparrow could take it to his cabin when it was ready.
Over the next few days, the voyage went smoothly, with a rare albino Galefin Puffin being sighted in the skies - an omen of good fortune for the crew. During this time Captain Stormwind was seen rarely, emerging from his cabin only to make course corrections before returning inside. After querying the plan of action to retrieve Amber Highfield's Pathfinder, Stormwind turned to his companion for her suggestion, to which she suggested making port at the salvage settlement of Aecor's Lull, and proceeding from there by sea.

With the doctor's tinctures finished, Sparrow took them to the Captain's cabin, seeing a disturbing scene within: a large bloodstain in the centre of the cabin floor, and the young Genasi wrapped in a bloodstained blanket. Slipping her way into the cabin, Sparrow insistently pressed the Captain on the matter, but was unable to get any details on the cause of the woman's injuries. Oddly, she seemed more embarassed by the situation than anything else.

Concerned about the situation, Sparrow managed to talk Erebus into sneaking into the Captain's cabin at nightfall. The infiltration was met with mixed success, with Erebus going undetected by either occupant, but being unable to find evidence of the young woman's purpose for being there. After accidentally waking both of them, he did pick up her first name of "Marin", and found a series of razor-thin, tendril-like silvery scars spread across her back, joined by new wounds currently healing with Azanes' tincture.

Leaving the cabin, Erebus was confronted by the Lunar Dragon Lyrastra, who had seen him enter the cabin. Erebus attempted to justify his reasons, but the dragon seemed unconvinced, and flew from the ship with no clear indication of her intentions.

The next morning, Erebus' plan to admit his actions to the Captain were put on hold, as the Endeavour encountered a misty debris field. Proceeding slowly, the crew found themselves amongst the wreckage of a skyship named The Lady Genevieve. Scrutiny of the hull fragments showed that it had been destroyed (or at least heavily damaged) by a ship with arcane armaments, and Azanes' assessment of a dead crew member indicated that the wreckage had been adrift for roughly 2 days. A wooden trunk was pulled aboard, the contents indicating at least one family was on board at the time.

As the crew exercised more caution, the voice of a survivor called out for help from within the fog. Taking on her Beastform, Sparrow ventured into the fog, finding the body of a young man, gouting blood and having died only moments before. Looting a colourful rock and a handful of coins from the body, she returned to the Endeavour to report her findings.

As Sparrow returned, the shriek of a large raptor pierced the skies, as the monstrous form of an Ember Roc bore down on the crew of the Endeavour in an attack dive...


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