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Thalos Stormwind

The seasoned captain of the Twilight Endeavour, Thalos Stormwind is a weathered Skycaptain who has navigated the Shattered Realms for decades. His salt-and-pepper beard frames a face etched with tales of countless voyages.
Captain Thalos's face bears the lines of sun, wind, and storms. His eyes, a stormy gray, hold both wisdom and weariness.
Standing tall, he commands respect. His broad shoulders hint at years of lifting rigging and battling gales.
  His long leather duster billows as he strides across the deck. It's adorned with brass buttons and patches from past expeditions. The brim of his tricorn hat shields his eyes from the sun and rain. Its feather, once vibrant blue, has faded to gray.
  Captain Thalos brooks no nonsense. His voice carries over the howling winds, and his orders are swift and decisive.
Beneath the gruff exterior lies a heart softened by memories—the loss of crewmates, the thrill of discovery, and the weight of responsibility.
  Thalos knows every creak of the Twilight Endeavour, every whisper of its fins. He's a living library of skyship lore.
The Stormwind legacy weighs on him. Thalos seeks a worthy successor—the crew who will inherit the ship's destiny.
  Thalos shares a bond with Lyrastra, a Lunar Dragon who has grown fond of his stories and the adventures of the Twilight Endeavour. She rarely strays far from the ship, and often perches on the stern of the ship in the evenings to converse with the Captain.
  Captain Thalos Stormwind stands at the crossroads—the tempests of his past behind him, the uncharted skies ahead. His retirement looms, and he longs for the fate of the Twilight Endeavour to rest in capable hands.

Mental characteristics


Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
9th of Sundara, 3090 AS
Year of Birth
3090 AS 88 Years old
Dark blue
Long, messy, grey.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep ocean blue
Aligned Organization

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