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Session 9: "Insight Check!"

General Summary

As he drifted through a Mellowtide-induced state of blissful sleep, Tedric's mind begin to fill with images from his past; a lush, vibrant green forest, and a bright blue sky - a sharp contrast to the Iridescence-filled deep purple of the Shattered Realms. He lay, bound at the wrists and ankles, unable to move, as a figure approached from the nearby flora; a young woman, pale grey skinned, silver haired, with piercing red eyes and a smile which held nothing but malice, creasing the heart-shaped birth mark below her left eye. A second figure lumbered in the distance with an unnatural gait, but wouldn't come into focus.
“I think you’ll do just fine," she hissed. "But first, we’re going to need to coax out the beast within...”

Waking and making his way to the deck, Tedric spoke to Flynn, being caught up on the encounter with the Honkdra, the dead dwarf in the river, and Captain Stormwind's unexpected retirement. He made his way to the new captain - Erebus - who was just finishing a conversation with Azanes, in which she requested a continuation of an arrangement she had with Captain Stormwind that they would not take any jobs in and around the Zephyr Enclave. She wouldn't elaborate on her reason, other than to say that she was known in those parts and that her presence may compromise the ship.

Erebus and Tedric spoke for a while, during which Tedric was offered the role as head of security on board the Endeavour. He didn't turn down the role, but instead suggested it was put to the rest of the crew to decide on.

Meanwhile, Sparrow returned from her visit to the Skyfarer's Guildhall, having received a frantic Sending from Flynn about the ship sinking. Arriving back on a skycab piloted by the firbolg Sanlan Willowsmile, she was able to reassure him that the ship was fine, and Flynn told her about his new abilities to message anyone from a distance, and to converse with the dead.

To Sparrow's horror, he also told her that he'd been speaking to Marin about her love life, going into great detail about her former "boyfriend" Agga, which prompted a flustered semi-conversation with the new lightweaver up in the crow's nest.

Following Erebus' discussion with Tedric, Sparrow went to speak to the new captain. He offered her the role of first mate, which she wouldn't accept until there was transparency between them. Erebus finally confided that he had been sent by her uncle, Captain Leon Varindra, to watch over her, prompting Sparrow to storm out, taking on her wildshape and flying away.
Landing in the streets of the town a few hundred yards away, Sparrow lashed out at a nearby lobster pot, drawing the attention of a heavyset dwarven woman - one of the local town guard. Despite Sparrow paying for the damaged, the guard took the name of her ship, and informed her their crew would be under close watch during their stay.

Worried about Sparrow, Flynn took off after her and allowed her to vent her frustrated feelings. At the end of the tirade, a handsome pair of tritons approached, handing over a flyer for the local Serenity Pools spa, and suggesting a day of relaxation.
Sparrow stayed put while Flynn returned to the ship, on the assumption he was just going to fetch Tedric to join them, however upon arrival he ended up rounding up almost the entire crew, while specifically excluding Marin due to an awkward misunderstanding. Erebus assigned him to the position of morale officer on the crew, and he used his new role to guilt the captain into joining them at the spa.

The quartermaster, Jerome, remained behind to do a thorough inventory check, and Azanes and Rohesia had both disappeared earlier in the day, but the rest of the crew made their way to rendezvous with Sparrow, with Erebus overruling Flynn and inviting Marin to join them.

While waiting, Sparrow was approached by an elderly gnome and forcefully handed a flyer for a local talent show at the Dark Horse Theatre on the 20th of Aerilis. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew picked up a copy of the local newspaper, The Harbour Gazette, and also found themselves all holding flyers with nothing on them but an image of a black cat.

The group reunited, and began heading through the streets to the location of Serenity Pools. En route, they passed by a closed down, boarded up, old shop, with a weatherworn and decayed sign barely legible: The Beehive. It seemed to trigger something in Erebus, who stopped to sneak into the premises. Inside, the contents of the old tailors were moth-eaten and mildewy, with a strong musty smell throughout the air. The shop front was much the same, with a large, dark, reddish-brown patch in front of the main counter. Erebus took a quiet, solemn moment, before catching back up with the rest of the crew.

Arriving at Serenity Pools via a short boat trip and a sub-aquatic elevator, the party met with the proprietor - Ennua Coralheart - who talked them through the range of services they had on offer. Putting down a hefty amount of gold, Sparrow paid for the spa's signature Tidal Tranquility Massage for each of the crew, private steam rooms, saunas and hot springs for the entire afternoon, with enough gold leftover for ansara pedicures for anyone who wanted.

As Sparrow paired up with Marin, Tedric paired up with Flynn, and Fellen went solo for their pricey treatments, Erebus spent some time alone in his own private hot spring, running into Azanes and Rohesia along the way, who had clearly been at the spa for a while and looked thoroughly relaxed.
As the rest of the crew returned from their massages, Tedric took some time with Sparrow, confiding in her about his origin, and imprinting on her as a source of trust when in his balverine form.

As their time in the spa concluded, Sparrow accepted Erebus' offer of the first mate role, and the group made their way back to the Endeavour far more relaxed than they had started the day.
Returning to the ship, they were approached by an automaton delivering the post from the Guildhall - a gold-inlaid, unmarked letter for Azanes, a letter from Skyhaven for Fellen, a letter with an unknown seal for Jerome, two letters for Flynn - one unsealed and tied with twine, one with the seal of the Skyknights - a letter each for Erebus and Tedric sealed with the Skyfarer's Guild crest, and a small parcel for Sparrow marked with her family's seal.

As Sparrow offered around the contents of her parcel - ginger cookies from her grandmother - the crew settled back into the ship as the evening wore on to night, some in new roles, others just on business as usual, and ready to face whatever lay ahead with some newfound trust...
Report Date
06 Sep 2024
Primary Location
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