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Coral Harbour

Coral Harbour is a large, low altitude settlement on the Frostward edge of The Sunken Collective. While on the edge of the great nation, its proximity to the Iron Bastion, Frostgarden, and Whispering Expanse make it a pivotal trading hub for the Collective, and it is perpetually busy with both sky and seafaring traffic.


As a Sunken Collective settlement, a significant portion of the town's residences are of Sea Elf and Water Genasi descent. There is also a noticeable Half-Orc Presence; a legacy of Lady Durash and her influence over the town.
In addition to these, the nature of Coral Harbour as a trading outpost attracts settlers from across the realms, and the populace is a melting pot of cultures as a result.


Coral Harbour has been governed by the Durash family for several centuries, ever since the conclusion of The Iron Winter. The current matriarch, Thuma Durash, is considered a fair and respected leader.
The laws of Coral Harbour are maintained by the Tidewatch, currently under the captaincy of Jhuldus Mogarath. He reports directly to the Governess.


The town is defended by the people of the Tidewatch, and protected by the protection agreement made between Governess Durash and the Marrow Reavers.


The town is mostly lacking in districts by deliberate design, with the exception of the Temple District - with many Skyfarer crews worshipping multiple deities, the temples to the different faiths have been built together for ease of access.
The remainder of the town has its various businesses scattered evenly. As both sea and skyfaring vessels are clustered at the docks on the Frostward edge of town, it is decreed that shops and services be spread out to prevent overcrowding. This has proven a great success, allowing both visitors and residences to move freely without clogging up the transportation network.

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