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Serenity Pools

Serenity Pools is a relaxing spa located centrally below sea level in the town of Coral Harbour.
There is a small entry tower accessible at sea level, inside which is a wooden elevator platform which ascends and descends by flooding or draining the chamber below. Around 100ft below the waterline, the ocean is held back by the structure of the Serenity Pools facility, where clients can let their cares wash away - sometimes quite literally
The facility is is built around some volcanic steam vents, which are artificially funneled towards hot springs, steam rooms and saunas, and larger heated swimming pools. Some areas of heated bedrock are left bare to allow for relaxed reclining, and hotter areas are used for hot stone massages.
There is an access pool which connects to the outside ocean, allowing for seafaring races such as tritons and merfolk to access Serenity Pools directly, with the warm internal envionment allowing merfolk to dry off quickly and take on their bipedal form.
In addition to the open communal areas, rooms can be booked for personal massages, or hot springs for groups wishing for some privacy.

The spa's signature treatment is the Tidal Tranquility Massage:
  • The Setting: The Submerged Grotto
  • Guests are given potions of waterbreathing if required, and led to a secluded grotto, its walls adorned with luminescent coral and gently swaying kelp, casting a soft glow on the massage table.
    As they lie down, they can feel the gentle sway of the currents—a natural lullaby that eases tension.
  • The Therapists: Merfolk Healers
  • Trained merfolk therapists glide gracefully through the water, their iridescent scales catching the light. Their touch is both firm and fluid, as if guided by the ocean itself.
    Each therapist has a unique gift: one specializes in pressure points, another in energy flow, and yet another in releasing emotional knots.
  • The Massage Techniques: Elemental Harmony
  • Coral Kneading: The therapists use smooth coral fragments to knead muscles. The coral’s texture stimulates circulation and leaves a faint trace of ocean minerals on the skin.
    Seaweed Drift: Long strands of silky seaweed are wrapped around limbs, creating a cocoon of warmth. The seaweed releases its natural oils, infusing the skin with nutrients.
    Pearl Point Release: Tiny, luminescent pearls are placed along meridian lines. When pressure is applied, they release a subtle energy that balances body and mind.
  • The Soundtrack: Underwater Melodies
  • Hidden echo stone emit gentle melodies—soft whale songs, distant seashell chimes, and the rhythmic pulse of the tides.
    Guests often drift into a half-dream state, where worries dissolve like salt in the sea.
  • The Finale: Oceanic Breathwork
  • The therapists guide guests in synchronized breaths. Inhale—the rise of the tide. Exhale—the retreat of the waves.
    With each breath, stress dissipates, and a sense of oneness with the ocean prevails.
  • Post-Treatment Ritual: The Coral Blessing
  • As guests emerge from the grotto, they’re anointed with a fragrant blend of crushed coral and sea salt. It’s said to bring luck and healing.
    They sip on a cup of warm kelp tea, absorbing the ocean’s wisdom.

    And so, after the Tidal Tranquility Massage, guests emerge—weightless, serene, and attuned to the rhythm of the deep. Whether they’re adventurers seeking respite or sea elves reconnecting with their aquatic heritage, this signature treatment leaves an indelible mark—a memory etched in the sands of time.

  • Public access areas: 1sp
  • Ansara pedicure: 1sp
  • Private hot spring/sauna/steam room: 2sp/hour
  • Private massage/hot stones: 5sp (1 hour)
  • Tidal Tranquility Massage: 2gp (2 hours)
  • Founding Date
    Hospitality, Spa
    Parent Location
    Characters in Location
    Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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