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The Dawnscythe

The Dawnscythe is a vessel of the Skyfarer's Guild, owned and captained by Leon Varindra.

Crew: Snapping Twig
  • Captain: Leon Varindra
  • First Mate: Navarith Zivan
  • Lightweaver: Orion R'shar
  • Quartermaster: Isolde Darkmane
  • Helm: Coro Jassahn
  • Bosun: Snapping Twig
  • Cook: Kenna Eskadar
  • Doctor: Nori Highfrost
  • Deck Hands: Agga
  • Notable mentions: Keylenna V'ayne (arcane guard), Nimbus (ship's cat), Emon (former bosun, deceased), Svetlana Drazkoi (temporary drillmaster, departed).
  • Power Generation

    The Dawnscythe is a combination of traditional skyship design, with a touch of enchantment from the Arcanum. It is sail powered, relying on the natural buoyancy of it's Aerowood construction to keep it aloft as it navigates the wind currents. Courtest of the Arcanum's mages, it is fitted with Stasis Anchors, which allow it to hold its position in the sky during periods of calm winds, or when making port.


    The Dawnscythe is propelled by wind sails.

    Weapons & Armament

    The Dawnscythe is well armed, with prow and stern mounted ballistae, and arcane cannons port and starboard.


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