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Tides of Steel

Act 1: Whispers of the Deep
The players learn of a series of secretive meetings between emissaries of the Coral Kingdoms and The Iron Bastion.
Rumors suggest that Empress Siobhan Alastai is seeking a powerful alliance, but the nature of this pact remains shrouded in mystery.
Act 2: The Iron Proposal
The players intercept a confidential message revealing Siobhan's intent to propose marriage to the ruler of The Iron Bastion, Varik Stormforge, to forge a formidable alliance.
Siobhan's consort, Aimon, is unaware of her plans, and the players must decide whether to inform him or use this knowledge to their advantage.
Act 3: The Sundered Court
As the players delve deeper, they discover that the alliance is not just political but also involves an ancient artifact located within The Iron Bastion that could control the seas.
Siobhan seeks to use this artifact to expand the Coral Kingdoms' influence, potentially upsetting the balance of power in the Shattered Realms.
Act 4: The Pact of Two Realms
The players attend a grand ball in The Iron Bastion where the marriage proposal is to be made. They must navigate a web of political intrigue, espionage, and potential sabotage from opposing factions.
A rival power seeks to prevent the alliance, and the players must thwart their efforts while deciding where their loyalties lie.
Act 5: The Heart of the Ocean
The truth behind Siobhan's motivations is revealed: she believes the artifact can heal the Sundering, reuniting the fragmented lands.
The players face a moral dilemma: support the union that could heal their world but grant immense power to Siobhan, or oppose it and risk continued division among the realms.
The players' actions determine the outcome of the alliance. Their choices could lead to a new era of unity or plunge the Shattered Realms into further chaos.
The fate of Siobhan, Aimon, and the rulers of both the Coral Kingdoms and The Iron Bastion rests in their hands.
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