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The Iron Bastion

A militaristic nation built upon a massive island of stone and metal. Its people are renowned for their discipline and prowess in battle, and they value strength above all.
Geopolitical, Country
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Non-aggression Pact

The Iron Bastion Treaty: A defense pact with the Iron Bastion, providing them with naval and air support in exchange for military-grade metals and weaponry to bolster the Collective's merchant fleet.


The Iron Bastion respects The Emberhold for their skills with fire and forging. This respect is not reciprocated however, although The Emberhold does not harbour hostility towards the Bastion.

Non-aggression Pact

The Frostgarden, much like The Iron Bastion, is a nation of hardy individuals who value physical strength. There is a mutual respect reflected in a non-aggression pact, although both sides acknowledge that their goals to be the mightiest nation will inevitably bring them both into conflict one day.


While the smaller nations are distrusting of The Iron Bastion, the Bastion has little interest in these lands, considering them unworthy of their attention.

Fragile Peace

The Iron Bastion and The Arcanum draw their power from very different source - the former from raw military might, and the latter from mastery of the arcane. As such, they are distrustful of one another, but have respect for each others' power.

Fragile Peace

Aerolithica and The Iron Bastion have little amicability between them. Aerolithica distrusts The Iron Bastion for their military might and open desire for subjugaction, while the Bastion dislikes Aerolithica for their technological prowess, seeing them as the only major obstacle to world conquest.

Fragile Peace

The Iron Bastion is virtually the polar opposite of The Verdant Isles in almost all aspects of their culture, and the nations' close proximity has done nothing except highlight this complete contrast. The Iron Bastion sees The Verdant Isles as a potential wealth of natural resources wasted by savages, while The Verdant Isles see the Bastion as desecrators and a threat to the natural world. Even including the bristling hostilities between The Iron Bastion and Aerolithica, there are no two nations within The Shattered Realms who hate eachother more feverently.


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