Celinadians Ethnicity in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Celinadians, as they call themselves, are a fair skinned people with hair colors ranging from the darkest blacks to the lightest blondes. Their eye colors are typically brown and blue, but green eyes are not unheard of among them. Celinadians generally hail from the kingdom of Galador, and they consider themselves the true descendants of the Celinadian Empire. Celinadians inhabit the Kingdom of Galador. Galador rose from the ashes of Celinad, after the empire was razed by a horde of shadow demons that had arisen from the Emporer's Rift, now known as Daemon's Cleft.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alhandra, Chandara, Danir, Fanshen, Lelenia, Monpela, Ranamana, Sheva, Tish, Valanthe

Masculine names

Artimus, Bigby, Cedric, Ednrin, Gorin, Jermiah, Magnus, Ranzadar, Seebor, Vilman, Tansden, Zachian

Family names

Surnames are passed down from father to child. Common folk will have a title or suffix denoting what town, city, or village they might be from. Such as Borin Delmar of Trell. Surname Examples: Blackmoor, Callister, Dyvers, Highfolk, LeBlaque, Liadon, Longreach, Nyrond, Onnwall, Rellastra, Tusmit


Major language groups and dialects

Trade/Imperial(also known as Imperial) is the widely known and accepted language. It is a common language that is spoken between all the human kingdoms and lands of the different species of the Silver Shores.

Common Etiquette rules

When addressing men, a polite title is that of Sir. For women, it is Madam. Sir is also used as the title for knights and other offiicial positions that exist within the government of the Kingdom of Galador. Nobles are always referred to by their title, or "lord/lady" is also acceptable. These titles in ascending order are: Lord Regent/Lady Regent, Duke/Duchess, Count/Countess (also referred to as Earl of...), Baron/Baroness. Some examples:
Lord Magnus LeBlaque, Duke of Trell
. In this case, Duke Magnus LeBlaque would also be acceptible.
Count Ferninand DeBalick, Earl of Strongwall
Here Count is the noble title, while Earl is his position of nobility. When appearing before a person of higher station or "better" a bowing at the waist while standing is the appropriate approach, except for when appearing before the Lord Regent, kneeling down on one knee with eyes lowered is the expected approach. Also referred to as "bending the knee."


Beauty Ideals

Beaauty standards for both men and women were slightly different by class and social status, as it was easier for nobility and the wealthy to afford fine clothes and luxury beauty and skin products. There were some common standards and expectations:
  • Fair Complexion: Pale skin was highly prized and associated with nobility and wealth. Women often went to great lengths to maintain a pale complexion, using various methods such as using lead-based makeup or avoiding the sun.
  • Slender Figures: A slender and delicate figure was considered beautiful. However, this ideal could vary based on the era and cultural influences.
  • Long Hair: Long hair, often blonde or light-colored, was considered attractive. Noble and wealthy women would sometimes use wigs or hairpieces to achieve this look.
  • High Forehead: A high hairline or a prominent forehead was considered elegant and desirable.

  • Muscular Physique: Men were expected to have a strong and muscular build, symbolizing strength and prowess, especially for knights and warriors.
  • Facial Hair: A well-groomed beard or mustache was often associated with masculinity and maturity. However, styles could vary, with some locales favoring clean-shaven faces.
  • Tall Stature: Being tall was often considered attractive for men, as it was associated with authority and power.
  • Clear Skin: Similar to women, clear and fair skin was also desirable for men, although not as emphasized as it was for women.

Major organizations

  • The Knights of the Cudgel are an order of knights dedicated to upholding the codes and edicts of the god of law and justice, Saint Cuthbert.
  • The church of The Twelveis the official church.
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