Vecna Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Vecna (vek-nuh)

The Maimed Lord, The Lich-King, The Whispered One

Veccna, deity of secrets and necromancy, was once a mortal wizard who became a lich and then ascended to godhood. He usually appears as a lich who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight during his bid to gain power and become a powerful god.

Seldom is the name of Vecna spoken except in a hushed voice. Vecna was, in his time, one of the mightiest of all wizards. Through dark magic and conquest, he forged a terrible empire and became the ruler of the Empire of Vaszkysa. But for all his power, Vecna couldn't escape his own mortality. He began to fear death and take steps to prevent his end from ever coming about.

Orcus, the demon prince of undeath, taught Vecna a ritual that would allow him to live on as a lich. Beyond death, he became the greatest of all liches. Even though his body gradually withered and decayed, Vecna continued to expand his evil dominion. So formidable and hideous was his temper that his subjects feared to speak his name. He was the Whispered One, the Maimed God, the Undying King, and the Lord of the Rotted Tower.

While he was an earthly, yet very powerful and immortal lich (he was once the god-emperor of Vaszkysa), he sought to ascend to godhood and become as powerful as Primus by draining the long inert essence of several of the Nameless Ones. Had his plan succeeded he would have unknowingly wiped out all of the Natural World (much to the delight of his demonic allies.) He did manage to destroy and absorb the essences of two gods of The Twelve: Mystra and Ketsimus to attain godhood. Vecna was met with defeat in a battle with Saint Cuthbert, where he lost his left hand and eye. He is now a lesser deity, the god of secrets, treachery, and necromancy. He was imprsoned on the plane of Stygia by Primus and rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Death


The Eye and Hand of Vecna-The Hand of Vecna is a withered, blackened, mummified human hand. It is usually described as a left hand, with long, claw-like nails. It is cold to the touch. The Eye of Vecna is a preserved human eye, variously encountered as a bloodshot human eye, or a hard, shrivelled red or black clump. When placed in an empty human eye socket, it becomes a golden eye with a slit pupil like that of a cat, and glows red or green in the darkness.

In his final battle with the gods of The Twelve, Vecna lost his hand and eye to the canonized once mortal, Saint Cuthbert. These now mummified body parts are said to possess a part of the evil, divine essence that is Vecna-former arch-lich, now minor god. His cultists seek the artifacts in an effort to gain more power to better rule through fear, and to better aid their dark god.

The left hand and eye of Vecna's original "mortal" lich form, which have never been replaced in his later more powerful incarnations, are now high-valued and very dangerous magical artifacts. To use the powers of the Hand of Vecna or the Eye of Vecna one is required to cut off one's own corresponding body part and affix Vecna's in its place. The new bearer of the Eye or Hand (or both) will gain access to powerful spell-like abilities, but the items will slowly corrupt them, turning them evil over time.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Secrets, The Book Of Vile Darkness

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Vecna's priests bear no holy symbol in public, as the hand and eye of Vecna are the only true symbols to this god's power.

Tenets of Faith

According to Vecna, there exists a secret that can bring suffering to any being, no matter how powerful that being is. In the middle of every heart hides a seed of darkness kept hidden from all but the self. Finding that secret evil and exploiting it is the key to undoing one’s enemies. Strength and power, says Vecna, come from knowing and controlling what others do not. He also admonishes his followers never to reveal all that they know.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vecna seeks to destroy Orcus, the demon prince of the undead, and usurp his layer of the Abyss gaining control and dominion over all undead-paritcularly the intelligent undead such as liches and vampires, who have not already pledged their loyalty to him. Then Vecna hopes to destroy Revanna and supplant her as the god of death, gathering all the souls of the newly deceased and taking them to his realm on Stygia, thus denying Primus and the other gods the souls of their faithful worshippers.   Once his army of undead and souls of the dead are comeplete, Vecna plots his escape from Stygia and the destruction of the other gods so that he may supplant them all and take the cosmos for himself. He uses his priests and cultists on the Natural World to enact his plans, getting him closer to the realization of his plans. Conspiracy after conspiracy are laid out, and his followers attempt to succeed. If they don't at first, it is fine for Vecna has all eternity.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Neutral Evils
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Whispered One, The Maimed God, The Lich-King
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Secrets, Necromancy, Subterfuge
Neutral Evil

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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